Imlie 3 December 2023: Imlie tells Atharva that he built a new world for himself, so now she has to learn to live by herself. She signs divorce papers and congratulates Atharva for his divorce. Everyone look shocked while Devika, Keya, and Akash rejoice. She walks away from there. Atharva thinks when he was going, Imlie wasn’t crying, but his heart is crying when she is going; she chose someone else over him, but he can’t forget her. Imlie recalls trying to stop Atharva from leaving the house and thinks he forget everything, she will not let Kairi separate from her family.
She breaks down sitting in a corner of her room and recalls their wedding and romantic moments together. A romantic song plays in the background.
After some time, Imlie notices Kairi searching something and asks what is she searching for.
Kairi says her room as there are many rooms in this house and she is confused. Imlie takes Kairi to her baby’s room and says this is her room from hereon. Kairi says this is princess mamma’s baby’s room. Imlie says if Kairi uses her baby’s toys, she will think their motto is fulfilled. Kairi happily plays with toys. Atharva walks in. Kairi excitedly shows her toys to him. Atharva and Imlie’s wedding photo falls down. Kairi picks it and says Imlie looks pretty in this sari, where is it now. Atharva says this pic is of long time ago when Kairi wasn’t even born. Kairi asks if they are friends from before. Imlie says they are not and are different. Kairi takes her pic from Atharva’s wallet, fixes between Atharva and Imlie’s pics, and says now she is between them and they all happily will leave in Rana house together.
Imlie gathers whole family and informs them that she is leaving Rana house. Atharva and Dhairya at once speak and argue. Dhairya then says Imlie can’t go from here as this house belongs to even her. Atharva says he doesn’t care wherever she goes as they are divorced now. Shivani asks him not to say that as Imlie was here with them since 5 years when Atharva wasn’t. Imlie says Atharva is right that she is here because of him and doesn’t have any right to stay here now. Devika says if she had taken a decision, then she should have informed it in the morning instead of creating a drama now. Imlie says Kairi would be awake in the morning and she didn’t want to hurt Kairi. Ginni and Manish request her to stay back. Divya asks them to get a cab for Imlie and asks Imlie to take care of herself. Shivani asks her not to say that and pleads Imlie not to go.
Keya walks to Chini’s room and congratulates her for achieving her target. Devika walks in and asks Chini to shift to Atharva’s room as Atharva has allowed her in his heart, etc. Once she leaves, Keya congratulates Chini again and says even after so many conspiracies and evil acts, she gained what she wanted. Chini says she has changed. Keya says she can act in front of everyone but not her old friends and suggests her to marry Atharva as soon as Imlie leaves or else she will repent. Chini walks to Imlie’s room with her bags and says Devika sent her to stay in this room. Imlie thanks her for taking care of Atharva and asks her to take care of each family member after she leaves, describing each one’s preference. Chini says she will follow her instructions diligently. Imlie hugs her and cries emotionally.
Dhairya walks in and tells Imlie that even he will leave the house with her. Imlie asks why would he go because of her. Dhairya says she fought with everyone for him and his mother and now she herself lost everything. Imlie hurts her hand by mistake. Dhairya gets concerned and nurses her wound. Atharva passes by and feels disheartened seeing that. He calls Chini and says he doesn’t want to delay in shifting back to his room and asks her to shift their bags soon.