Imlie starlife update Saturday 26 August 2023

Imlie starlife update Saturday 26 August 2023


Imlie 26 August 2023: Imlie’s watch loosens on hot air balooon’s leaking pipe and gas starts escaping agian. Atharva and Imlie panic. Rathores and Ranas get worried seeing balloon falling down. Sundar calls helpline number. Devika feels dizzy, and family makes her sit aside. Chini thinks her Arto will also die because of Imlie. Keya and Akash smirk. They all hold a net for balloon’s safety landing. Imlie says balloon is going in opposite direction. Atharva frees some weight bags from balloons, holds Imlie’s hand, and says everything is perfect now. Imlie hugs him tightly when balloon shakes. Atharva says when they came closer, even wind changed its direction. Balloon catches fire. Atharva tells Imlie they need to jump from the balloon right now and asks Imlie to jump first. Imlie says he should first. Atharva asks her not to argue much and jump down. Imlie holds his hand. They both slip and fall safely into net.

Arpita hugs Imlie and asks if she is fine. Imlie says yes and notices Chini among crowd. Sundar jokes that both sisters think themselves as birds, one is jumping from terrace and another from balloon. Rudra says let us go home now. Chini walks near her car and fumes that Imlie failed her plan and walking calmly home in style. She hurries in her car to reach home soon before family reaches. Imlie finds Keya’s card number 6 and thinks who changed her card number to 9, thinks it must be Chini recalling seeing her there. She asks Atharva to let her drive eand speeds car thinking she should reach some fast to catch Chini red-handedly if she is really the culprit. She is about to overtake Chini’s car when a truck stops in between.

Sundar notices Imlie overspeeding, calls her, and asks her to slow down and follow traffic rules. Imlie agrees and takes a short cut. Chini’s car breaks down and she panics thinking Imlie will catch her. She walks towards home praying god to make her reach home soon before Imlie. Atharva asks Imlie why is she speeding. Imlie says she is feeling hungry. Atharva offers her chips. Imlie says she needs rotis and feels sorry for lying ot him. She reaches home and seeing distance from terrace to floor thinks Chini also fell down from a distance like she did, then how did she suffer only minor injury. She thinks something is wrong which she needs to find out. Family reaches next. Shivani walks to them and asks how was the event. Keya says how will it be when Imlie is there. Imlie rushes towards Chini’s room. Shivani fails to stop her.

Imlie is surprised to Chini in her room. Chini recalls how she reached her room via window while Shivani stops Imlie. Imlie asks if she was at home itself. Chini says yes and says she feels happy for Imlie and Arto. Imlie thinks maybe Chini was at home itself, she is doubting her unnecessarily. She then notices soil on Chini’s foot and asks her. Chini thinks Imlie can’t stop spying and lies that she had gone to garden as she was feeling bored. Imlie leaves confused. Atharva brings food for Imlie and reminds how she turned his car into a rocket feeling hungry. Imlie thanks him and says she will have it. Atharva makes her sit and says she is more important than work, he means she is is good friend. Imlie enjoys food. Atharva goes to get water for her. Imlie thinks since they became friends, Atharva changed a lot; lets see if Chini has really changed or not.

After finishing food, she goes to garden to check and finds soil wet while soil on Chini’s foot was dry. She prays god for guidance. She finds store room door open and finds Chini’s earring on a mattress there. She realizes that Chini orchestrated her suicide attempt to trap Atharva again. She determines to expose Chini’s atrocious plans and safeguard Atharva from her.

Imlie thinks if Chini really did a suicide drama and played with family’s emotions, then she can do anything; she will question Chini. Anu over phone tells Chini that she finished her task and asks her to misuse Imlie’s emotional nature. Chini hopes Imlie’s fate doesn’t support her today. Imlie walks to Chini and says she wants to talk to her. Reporters forcefully gate crash. Rudra asks what do they want. Reports say they heard how his son and DIL Atharva and Imlie saved themselves from a hot air balloon accident. Imlie walks to them and asks what is happening. Reporters surround her and asks her to describe how they escaped a major accident and insist to tell them about her and Atharva’s love story. Imlie feels anxious and says she doesn’t want to talk about it. Atharva tries to protect Imlie. Reporters continue that their love story is an example for every youth and continue to question them. Chini grins.

Imlie at reporters and says she and Atharva are not married, Atharva doesn’t love her. Reporters change their tone and start humiliating Imlie questioning her character. They ask why is she staying under same roof with a man who is one one to her. Atharva gets angry and shouts that is enough, says looks like they are well informed about Imlie. He says they question woman’s character, but don’t question a man if he stays with a woman, etc. He asks Imlie not to bother about their words and loudly reveal their relationship. Imlie says her and Atharva’s relationship is pure and there is no fear in telling truth, they are friends. Atharva says best friends and they sacrifice life for friends and not feel humiliated. He orders them to get out. Rudra orders guards to kick them all out. Reporter yells that they are doing wrong and should stay under same roof if they are not related. Imlie stands crying. Chini grins and thinks Anu’s sent reporters played their role well, thanks to Imlie that she accepted that she is just friends with Atharva and cleared her way out.


After some time, Atharva feels sad recalling morning incident. Chini walks to him showing fake concern for Imlie and asks why don’t he and Imlie unite for their and family’s happiness. Atharva says how can they be happy when Imlie considers him just as a friend. Chini says when reporters can barge into home, they can humiliate Imlie anywhere and hopes Seerat maiya protects her. Keya tells Rudra that they have to accept that their prayers didn’t work and Imlie considers Atharva as just a friend. Rudra says friendship is a first step of love and they should give them some time. Shivani says Imlie and Atharva didn’t fall in love even after spending time together.


Imlie continues to cry. Arpita fumes on reporters and says she would trsahed them if they had stayed for long. Sundar says media just wants to increase their channel TRP. Arpita warns him to stop supporting media. Atharva knocks door and asks if he can come in. Arpita and Rupali leave. Sundar tells Atharva that they both have to take a decision now, either they have to get used to the people’s taunt or change accordingly. Atharva apologizes Imlie for whatever happened today and says its his mistake that he married her even when he didn’t love her, betrayed her for Chini, and forcefully didn’t let her go. Imlie says she herself stayed back. Imlie says she stayed here by her wish, he didn’t force her. He says he can’t see her tears and tries to wipe them. She stops him. He says wipes tears even then and blames him again for today’s incident. Imlie says she got courage to fight with the world because of him, so he shouldn’t blame himself. He says she is so good, how does she do all this. Imlie says even he is good, they should learn from their mistakes and try to correct them like Atharva does, but a few people don’t and should be taught a lesson. She asks him not to worry about her as she is fine and leaves smiling. He thinks whatever happened today will not happen again.

Chini and Keya start a drama in front of Shivani. Chini says she is feeling bad for Imlie as she had to face humiliation and will continue to face humiliation.
Keya says they didn’t fall in love even after family tried so much, they should make them realize they are not made for each other and move on. Chini looking at Shivani says someone elder should explain it to them. Shivani thinks she needs to talk to Rudra and Devika about it and walks towards them. She finds Atharva and says whatever he is doing is wrong and should take a decision. She tells Rudra and Devika that Atharva and Imlie didn’t fall in love even after family’s tries, so they should take a decision to stop a today-like situation. Imlie walks to Chini asks if she can borrow her earrings. Chini jokes if she also wants to look good. Imlie says she is not in a joking mood. Chini says she can take whatever she wants to. Imlie picks earring and asks where is its pair. Chini says it must be somewhere. Chini shows a pair and it was on a matresss where Chini had left it.



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