Illusion 16 January 2022: PK falls from cliff into river. Family rushes towards cliff shouting his name. Raghav with his police team reaches there. Dhruv informs him that dad fell off cliff, though Kabir tried to save him. Suman pleads to save PK. Raghav orders to call divers and search for PK. Jahnvi watches standing near a tree reminiscing difficulties she faced when PK killed her father and Chanda provoked mob against her father Dr. Ashok and made them trash Ashok brutally. Raghav with Kabir and Dhruv walks down near lake leaving Jay with Suman, Sonali, and Chanda. Jahnvi returns home and does tandav nritya/dance. Jay consoles Sonali. Suman says they all will pray god and not cry.
Raghav with Kabir and Dhruv reaches river bed and sees divers bringing out an unconscious man and telling he is alive, but they could not find PK. Raghav tells Kabir that PK may not be alive. They return back, and Raghav asks Kabir to take ladies back home, by now even press must have found out the new. Suman asks Kabir to call PK. Kabir says dad is no more. Suman panics and shouts.Amma watches news about PK’s death and calling Jahnvi asks if the news is true. Jahnvi says yes and she has arranged PK’s shok sabha/condolence meet. She calls servant and asks him to give an invitation card and sweets to PK’s family. At Raghav’s house, Urvashi informs PK’s family that Raghav got a transfer to Gwalior and they are leaving tomorrow morning. Servant delivers PK’s shok sabha invitation card and sweets. Dhruv panics and shouts he should have killed Jahnvi like dad said, now he will. Kabir stops him and asks him to let it go, they have to keep their calm for their family.
Dhruv continues panicking, but Kabir calms him down. Jahnvi organizes press conference and reveals that she is Dr. Ashok Sharma’s daughter Pooja Sharma and PK had made fake medicine and blamed her father wrongly, so PK could not handle truth for long and killed himself.Jahnvi/Pooja burns PK and his family’s effigies reminiscing how PK burnt her father and tried to burn her and Ishani. Kabir walks in. Jahnvi says he came on right time, she is doing ravan dahan/burning ravan. Kabir says she did what she felt right and took revenge, but his family did not oppose PK fearing him, she snatched even their house and should let them live a dignified life at least by returning something at least. Jahnvi throws coins on him and says PK bought all this property by betraying her dad, so all this belongs to her dad and her.
Kabir says this is his grandfather’s house, so it belongs to him and he will take it back from her at any cost. Jahnvi says his grandfather knew truth, but did it; his aunt Chanda hid truth and did drama; his mad mother also supported.PK, so they are all sinners and don’t deserve a penny; she would rather give it in charity to poor than them. Kabir shouts enough, she has gone evil like his dad and he will snatch back everything from her soon. Jahnvi challenges him to try his best.
Inspector informs Raghav that Pooja has filed a complaint that he supported PK Mittal in Dr. Ashok’s murder and protected PK till now, so he has been suspended till investigation completes. Kabir tries to interfere, but Raghav says it is waste to argue and walks along inspector. Inspector says even Urvashi should accompany and they have to vacate this house till investigation completes. Kabir with family walks on road. Dadaji asks to call their friends and seek help. Kabir says nobody wants to help them after hearing Jahnvi’s press conference.Jahnvi meets Ishani and requests her to return home. Ishani says she will not return as never respected her wishes after winning her battle. Jahnvi promises to do whatever she says. Ishani asks to bring Kabir back home. Jahnvi asks amma to explain Ishani it is impossible and Kabir is also a culprit.
Ishani says she will leave even amma’ house if Jahnvi forces her. Amma asks Jahnvi to go at this time, Jahnvi leaves helplessly.Kabir goes to a hotel to book a room. Sonali accompanies him. Receptionist stares are Sonali and asks Kabir if he needs room for an hour or whole night. Kabir trashes him shouting she is his sister. Dhruv and Jay stop him saying they got room in another hotel. Kabir makes Sonali slap receptionist and walks away. They hire a single room and whole family spends night in it playing radio. Yunhi katjayega…plays. Jahnvi’s cook plays same song on radio. Jahnvi scolds him.