I do update Wednesday 9 March 2022

I do update Wednesday 9 March 2022


I do 9 March 2022: Rashid arrives with his family, at the hospital. Humaira is distraught to see ayan’s condition, while her own face spotted with pimples and rashes from the bad makeup. shirin and rashid too are tensed.

Rashid tells about his family doctor, and asks for the best quality treatment for ayan, and they get a strectche and shift him to a better ward. zoya looks longingly at asad, who asks her to go with them. Badi bi asks zoya not to worry, and takes her behind the rest of the family. They both remember their promises made to each other, as they go seperate ways.

Asad clenches his fists to control himself, while zoya turns around, while being taken away by badi bi. Zoya is distraught and in tears, while they remember their intimate moments. zoya is called by badi bi, and she leavers, resignedly, while asad watches her go, standing in the hallway. He too turns around, and is barely able to control his tears.

Scene 2:
Location: Imran’s Residence
The next morning, nikhat wakes up with a heavy head. she finds farhan all dressed up, and awkwardly faces him, apologising for falling asleep in the night. He says that its okay and doesnt matter. She looks at the bed, and finds his pillow uncrumpled. He says that he slept on the sofa, so as not to disturb her, and asks her not to worry. He asks her to freshen up, while he gets tea. She is shocked and tries to go herself, but he insists. After he leaves, she is smiling till she sees his jacket that he wore last night.

She wonders why its all wet. she is tensed when nazma calls her. nazma senses this and asks if she’s pkay. Nazm,a says that she must be feeling nervous as its the first day after marriage, and soon everything would be okay, and tells her to ask for anything that she needs. After she leaves, farhan enters with tea, and asks her to drink it.

Nikhat asks farhan how the clothes got wet. He remembers his escapade last night and is speechless. she asks if he went out. He denies saying that he slept on the couch. Before she can ask further, he hastily leaves, citing that he’s getting late for office. She brushes her doubts aside. But then, she again notices shoes, that are wet too, and stuck on them is wet sand. She is boggled.

Dilshad asks why did zoya not return last night. Asad tells that she had to stay back due to ayan, and narrates what hapened last night, saying that she would have to stay there for some more time. he is visible tensed, while dilshad comforts him. Later, Nazma is tensed to hear on the phone, from dilshad, about what happened last night with ayan, and therefore zoya didnt return. dilshad asks her not to tell nikhat anything, and bother her, as ayan is better now, and soon zoya would come back to them too. Nazma too agrees. Dilshad then asks her if farhan went out yesterday. Nazma is surprised at this question and denies that he would have been with nikhat. Dilshad cancels the phone, after nazma says that she wishes zoya returns soon, as asad misses her badly. dilshad asks her to take care of herself. She remembers seeing farhan last night and is worried.

Scene 4:
Location: Asad’s and ayan’s residence
Nuzrat comes in and tells zoya that badi bi has sent a pic of them together to be kept in their room. Zoya is tensed, while she keeps it on the bedstand. While she is about to go, ayan wakes up, and hurriedly asks what happened, and how is she still here. She begins to take care of him, giving him water. ayan insists that she has to be with asad. She says that she would go when he’s fine. But ayan says that he has promised and he would himself take her there right now.

Seeing that he isnt budging, she says that she would definitely leave tomorrow morning, and go back to asad. This calms down ayan, and he again begins to relax. She gets asad’s call and is asked as to how is she and ayan too. She tells him about ayan’s insistence. She asks asad to talk sense to his younger brother first. Ayan tells asad, that he’s sorry that he couldnt fulfill his promise. Asad asks him to shut up as he knows that he tried his best. He asks him to get well soon first. Ayan makes him swear on himself, that he has to come and take zoya, the very next morning. Asad tells zoya that he would wait outside the main gate tomorrow morning. zoya is tensed hearing this, but finally after a along pause says yes. they cancel the phone, while ayan is frustrated with pain and despair too.

Later, Zoya checks ayan’s temp, while he’s asleep. Razia sees this from the door, and thinks that she had to leave yesterday but she still came back, and is nursing like a wife. She wonders that if she becomes a good wife, then what would happen to humaira. Razia asks zoya how’s ayan, and when she knows that he’s fine. She asks zoya to rest, but zoya insists that she would stay here only. Razia almost orders her to rest and take care of herself too, and that she can lie down in humaira’s room, as its empty right now. Zoya is surprised that humaira isnt here.

Razia says that had she been here, then she would have been taking care of humaira, but she has gone to the dargah to pray for him. Razia says that some people are there who pretend to take care and sit there only, but real people go to the lord to pray for their loved ones. Finally zoya leaves.

Scene 1:
Location: Imran’s Residence
After nikhat is done with her work, she thinks of going to nazma’s room to see if she needs any help. But she is surprised and disheartened to find that nazma is playing and having fun with imran. She is scared when haseena calls her from behind and taunts her for snooping in other’s business. Nazma and imran too come out, but are sent back insie, while haseena tells nikhat that they dont need any help.

As farhan comes back, nikhat asks if he needs food, but he says no. when she insists, he says that he ordered in the office only. He begins to change, and nikhat is surprised to see nail scratchings on Farhan’s back, and asks him about this. He remembers his night of adultery

Farhan makes up an excuse of falling in the office store. Nikhat offers to go for an ointment, but he asks her not to. He asks if she had food, and when she denies, he feigns surprise, She offers to go and get food, but he insists on getting it for her. Farhan prepares her tray of food, and again mixes the tablet in her water. He asks her to eat the foor. Nikhat is surprised to see so much food. Farhan asks her not to be tensed and relax, and offers her water. she drinks it, much to farhan’s happiness.


Scene 2:
Location: Ayan’s and asad’s residence
As zoya lies on the bed to sleep, she remembers asad’s call and their romantic moments together, and starts smiling.(MITWA) Meanwhile, asad too is waiting for the night to be over, so that he can go to get zoya with him. Zoya and asad both are thinking that tomorrow, finally they would be able to be with each other. Zoya decides to check on ayan once.


Razia locks zoya’s room from outside. As zoya begins to go outside, she finds the door locked and wonders who did this. Razia is happy thinking that when all would see that zoya wasnt taking care of ayan, then they wont consider her a good wife. Ayan wakes up breathless, and razia is shocked to see him like that, when he is incessantly coughing. She wonders what to do. She says that she cant take the blame for this. She gets an idea, and goes to open the door of zoya’s room, slightly. Inside, zoya is shockled to hear a lady’s voice screaming out for ayan. She tries to open the door. it opens easily, and she is boggled, and runs out. Razia smiles.


Shirin comes in along with others and tries to calm his down, asking why wasnt anyone there for him. Zoya comes in asking where was she, when she had promised that she would take care of him. Zoya says that she would get meds, but others say that meds wont work so fast. Shirin again angrily asks why did she leave, without telling anyone. Zoya is about to tell about razia, but she outwardly reprimands her that she hadnt asked her to doze off. zoya tells how her door was locked.

Razia tells that this must be an excuse and if thats so, then how did it open. Zoya is speechless. Shirin tells people that ayan isnt breathing. They are all shocked, as he starts turning blue. Badi bi asks if anyone knows whats to be done. zoya says that she does, but shirin asks her to step back. Badi bi asks shirin to calm dowen, and let zoya work. She begins to frantically rub his feet, along with other’s help, while giving him chest compressions, and finally ayan revives back with a cough. all are relieved, while zoya continues with the massage.

Meanwhile, asad comes outside the mansion, and waits for zoya to come out, while checking his watch. He messages zoya that he’s waiting for her outside. Zoya gets this and wonders what to do now. She stealthily walks out, while the doctor arrives to tend to ayan. Zoya decides to tell asad on the phone that it would take some time. As the doctor comes out, zoya asks if he’s okay. The doctor says that he is stable now. Razia says that zoya had almost killed ayan today, but the doctor saved him somehow. But the doctor says that he knows what zoya did from badi bi, and tells how that emergency treatmjent saved zoya.

Razia is flummoxed, and says that what she means, is that had she been sitting, then this wouldnt have happened. The doctor says that wouldnt have helped, as it was an allergic reaction, and such an emergency treatment was the life saviour, and that they should feel lucky to have a bahu like this. While all are tensed, razia is distraught at her plan having failed. Badi bi blesses zoya to be happy always. Asad nervously waits outside. shirin too takes her hand, and thanks her. Badi bi is happy. zoya is tensed.

The doctor says that he has given ayan sleep injection, and would attend for a nurse if they want, for fulltime care. Badi bi says that zoya would do the needful. The doctor says that ayan’s condition would take somemore time to recover, and a minimum of seven days. Badi bi says that their bahu would day and night be with ayan, and take care of him. Zoya is tensed. Razia is shocked that tomorrow mamujaan is returning, and zoya would be here only for seven more days. However, they are all surprised to find asad standing at their main entrance.

Next Thursday update I do 



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