Happy hearts update Tuesday 8 March 2022

Happy hearts update Tuesday 8 March 2022


Happy Hearts 8 March 2022: The Episode starts with Rocky throwing juice on Happy’s face. RV catches him to scold. Happy screams in pain. Rocky runs away and looks for senses. RV takes care of Happy. He asks are you feeling all right now. She says yes, Shaan has thrown a glass of juice at me. RV says I won’t leave him. Rocky searches for lens. Rocky worries. He wears his lens. RV catches him and says you have dug your own grave today, your time is over. He hits Rocky. Rocky bleeds. RV says you should be dealt with this way. RV scolds Rocky. Happy comes there and sees them. Rocky recalls RV and Happy. He gets angry and fights RV. His guards come and point gun at RV.

He says nobody will interfere, its my fight, back off. They fight. Happy gets shocked seeing them hurting each other so much. She calls out Rocky. Rocky stops. RV hits a glass on Rocky’s head. Rocky falls down. RV goes to Happy. Rocky’s guards take him. Happy takes RV with her. He says I would have killed him, he stopped when he heard you calling him Rocky. She does the aid. He says we got a chance to prove that he is Rocky, he misbehaved with you, I will not leave him. She asks how long will you protect you, who are you, a lawyer or some goon, you are getting into fights instead talks, I didn’t expect this from you. She arranges a doctor for Shaan. RV says I m trying to expose him and you are calling a doctor for him, what’s wrong.

Happy says he is a guest of the hotel, its a protocol, please relax. He says I can’t relax, I get angry when you get hurt, how do I explain this to you, I m connected to you and can’t see you in pain, I will beat him again if he hurts you, he has to go through me first, I will kill him before he reaches you, you may bear pain, I can’t bear your pain. Rocky recalls Happy and thinks what did I do, I made a big mistake. Happy says this wasn’t supposed to happen. RV asks why. She says we have to think ahead of him, I asked you to stop, you didn’t stop. He asks why are you defending him. She says I m responsible for this, I have thrown water at him first. Happy comes to meet Rocky. He refuses to meet her. He asks guards to stop her and not let anyone disturb him. He thinks I m not Rocky, but Shaan for everyone. Happy gets a call from Chintu.

She asks what happened. Chintu says Shaan is very ill, they said doctor is gone, I don’t understand about medicines. Happy worries and leaves the food. She goes to see Rocky. Chintu asks will he be fine, he asked all of them to leave, I called you as no one is answering. She says don’t worry, I called the doctor. She sits caring for Rocky. He says its impossible that you don’t come to meet me, stay near me, don’t leave me. She says I m here Rocky. Doctor comes and checks him. Marjaniya…..plays…. Happy takes care of Rocky. He rests in her lap. RV thinks of Happy and sits sad. Rocky says you are very beautiful. Happy says you need rest. He says no, I need you, you can understand the goodness in me, why did you judge me wrong. She asks when did I judge you wrong, what’s bothering you, tell me. Rocky says you have misunderstood me, you hurt me. She recalls Rocky. She says you are Rocky, aren’t you? Chintu looks on. Rocky saying I m Ro…. Sania comes and stops Happy. They both have an argument. Rocky takes Happy’s name in sleep. Anaya surprises RV. He thinks how should I tell her, what all happened here.

She asks what happened to you. Sania asks Happy to leave, so much happened during the day. She insults Happy to trap Chintu and get this hotel. She says you took Rocky away from me, you then made RV dance on your tunes, you need Shaan as well, you are an opportunist, a gold digger, if you don’t see Shaan, I will not leave you.Rocky says the truth is…..I m…. Sania asks Happy to get out. Anaya asks RV what did he want to tell her. RV says I have to tell you something. She says I have to tell you first, thanks for trusting me, its nearly 3 years and you didn’t give up on me. He says actually I… She says I always see our pic and talk to it, I m sure you have same feelings, I m committed to you, tell me, am I an idiot? Did you ever want to break up with me, who knows, you might want to, so I have come back so that I can assure you that I m yours and you are mine, I love you and you love me, hug me RV. He hugs her. She says time will pass soon.


Anaya comes to hotel and meets Happy. Happy hugs her and asks when did you come, its a pleasant surprise. Anaya says I thought to give a surprise to RV, I guess he doesn’t like surprises. Happy says no, he would be very happy, he stays busy in the hotel management. Anaya says I need a small favor from you, will you help me. Happy agrees. RV comes to meet Happy. She checks her work. Rocky thanks her for taking care of him. Sh says you were telling me something and Sania came in between. He says you are jealous. He says I had high fever, maybe I said something random. She says you wanted to tell me something, you were asking me to stay back, it felt like we have known each other in the past. She asks him to tell the matter. He does shayari. He says you could have spent time with RV instead coming to take care of me. He goes.

Anaya surprises RV with their pics. She reminds him their past. She says we were friends and then we confessed our love, I like every detail of you, you used to watch cartoons and behave like kids, you used to cry secretly watching romantic movies. He smiles. She says I can’t live without you. She gets down on her knees and proposes him for marriage. He gets shocked. Jailer calls Rocky and says I got my transfer orders, it means someone has done this. Rocky says RV would have done this. Jailer says things won’t be in my control, you collect evidence fast, just one week is left. Rocky says I need time. Jailer says no, its not possible, I wish you good luck. Rocky says I have saved the ace card for the big day.

Next: Happy hearts Wednesday Update



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