I do 3 February 2022: Asad is hallucianting zoya sitting beside him, and they enjoying their food at the dining table. But when he extends a napkin to give to her, he realises she isnt there, and gets distraught again. He is completely in tears. He lies on the bed, upset and dishevelled. He hallucinates zoya lying next to her. Again is upset when he finds her gone. He wonders where is she.
Scene 2:
Location: In an orphanage
Zoya is all alone and desperate, and the caretakers too ask her to step out and see the outside world, and she doesnt know what tragedy she must have meted in her life. She asks her to get over it and start on a new life. But zoya is still in tears thinking about what happened to her. she too hallucinates asad standing watching her. (MITWA MOMENT)
Scene 3:
Location: in the hospital
The doctors tell her that everything is right with her baby, and soon the bump would begin to show, and this tenses her. She thinks that asad hasnt gotten over zoya still, and she is facing a monent, when she has to act real fast. As she’s paying at the counter, Tanveer says that she forgot to get the money, and decides to pay later. Tanveer says that asad’s rudeness has come along with her poverty. She finds Imran having come there with haseena. Imran gets a call from tanveer but ignores it. He sees the call again, and is disturbed, and puts the cell aside. The doctor comes and tries to tell her other precautions, but tanveer is upset that she didnt get a chance to talk to Imran.
Scene 4:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Ayan is frustrated when he hears from the police that they dont have any info about humaira, for a month now. badi bi comes and asks him to take it easy, as its already being done, whatever can be. Razia says that that person would be found who is lost, but not one, who herself intends to be lost. She again blames ayan for humaira’s condition today. badi bi asks if she is doubting ayan’s intentions as he’s trying all that he can. razia says that it pains to those who are hurt, and what if ayan was lost, then she would have understood.
Razia says that she is saying as if she feels she herself has gotten her daughter to disappear, and then composes herself for fear of having spoken too much.She composes herself and says that she never wanted that Ayan engages humaira. Ayan intervenes saying that she shouldnt make their lives more poisonous and troublesome as it is. As he leaves frustratedly, Badi bi says that she is worse than even the wickedest witch. Badi bi says that she needs to tell her if what she’s thinking is true. Razia gets uneasy and asks her what she means by that. She leaves in haste. Badi bi says that there’s some conspiracy in Humaira’s sudden disappearance and is determined to find it out.
Scene 5:
Location: Orphanage
mamujaan gives a huge donation to the orphanage, and is taken on a tour of the orphanage with the caretakers. They tell him abou the future plans, oblivious that his daughter is working there. As they both turn around to face each other, mamujaan is asked if he found his daughter. Mamu denies saying that its his life’s bigest irony, unaware that she is standing right behind her. He says that sometimes he feels that he would turn around and she would be facing him. He says that he hopes that he finds her soon. Zoya comes with the plate of tea and snacks, which is spilled over by a boy, who accidentally collides into her, making her spill tea over mamujaan, who is infuriated at the boy.
Mamujaan reprimands the boy for being ill mannered, as its true that people who dont have parents are always worse. As the child is about to run away, and mamujaan is about to hit him, his hand is stopped by zoya, whose face is veiled with the dupatta. mamu stops himself. When the caretakers ask what happened, mamu asks if they give money for being meted out to such rude behaviour by their staff. He tells the caretakers what happened. He is about to be furious, when Zoya says that noble people are those who do good work and not pass judgement. As she is about to walk off, mamu jaan stops her. He asks her if she knows nobility more than him. She says that she spends her entire life, trying to know more, and only God knows everything. As she walks off,
Location: Orphanage
Mamujaan reprimands the caretakers for people who are dressed up like that and speak so rudely with such people, and laments that he spent his time time here in vain. he leaves in a huff.
Scene 2:
Location: Haseena’s residence
As haseena is helped down the car by imran, he finds tanveer over the hedge. He asks her to inside, while he just comes. Tanveer says that she had to since he wasnt responding. He gives her some money and says to get lost. Tanveer says that she had asked for more. Imran says that her demands are too high. tanveer says that her demands are too low, as she hasnjt asked him to marry her. Imran says that she left him so that she could marry someone influential, and how is that faring out now. Tanveer says that she
would in due course of time, and till then he would have to take the trouble, as its his child after all. Imran says that he bears no relation with the child, and asks her not to place one. Tanveer says that soon the child would have his rightful name. tanveer says taht he should jsut continue doing what he is, and she would be okay with him. Haseena calls out for imarn and he leaves, while tanveer smirks.
Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Ayan overhears nikhat and nuzrat talking about the happy days, when humaira was with them and spend time together. She says that she cant believe whats changed, time or them. They see ayan and ask if he has any info. Ayan says no. He comes and sits and sees the photo album, with huamaira in those pictures. Ayan says that he wishes time reverts so that she can be pampered by him. Nikhat and nuzrat hug and console him.
Razia thinks that she’s going crazy for humairea, now that she isnt found after a month. Razia says that she had told all the info. Tanveer says that she had made all the arrangements, but the bus didnt come. Razia says that it went into an accident. razia says that she found out, that humaira wasnt on the bus, and if she wasnt, then where she went. Tanveer says that if she got down, its impossible to trace her now. razia says that before she could celebrate zoya’s going, this tragedy happened. Mamujaan comes in disturbed, and razia asks him what happened, while still on call. Mamujaan tells her about the incident.
Tanveer hears all this, through the phone. He leaves for the committee meeting. Tanveer asks if there’s any problem. Razia says that mamu either searches for the daughter, or keeps himself busy in work, so that he dopesnt remember her. Razia says that she sent humaira to teach ayan a lesson, and if she tells everyone, then they would all know the truth. She tells tanveer that she would call her, if need be. As razia turns around, she finds badi bi listening to all this. Razia is shocked. Badi bi reprimands her for doing this to make ayan feel guilty, and razia can do what she wants, and asks if she ever feels what ayan is going through. badi bi says that she has done what she wanted to, and now its her turn. As she leaves, she is stopped by razia. Badi bi asks her to get aside.
Razia forces her inside and stops the door. read full updates daily with pics only at desitvbox.com badi bi says that her secret would be out now, as that lady isnt a woman, who uses her daughter for her evil plans. Razia tries to strangle her. Badi bi says that she wont die, before unveiling her, and throws razia aside. razia says that who would she tell it to, as noone is in the house. Badi bi tells razia that she would tell everything to everyone today, and decides to place a call. But ass oon as she dials the number, Razia cuts off the telephone cord, and uses the same to strangle Badi bi, and reminds her of what she had doen to her, when she had sent her to assylum, but badi bi vehemently says that nothing can happen to her by Razia, and that she would tell everyone the truth.
Razia gets into a monstrous mode, and throws badi bi, against the wall, bashing her head against it. Badi bi falls unconscious. She feels for badi bi’s pulse, and finds is gone. She is shocked to find that Badi bi might be dead. Razia carries badi bi into a sack to get rid of her, once and for all, escaping everyone’s eyes. she thinks that she would puts her in the graveyard in the backyard and then noone shall notice. She decides to tell ayan that she has gone somewhere without telling anyone anything.
But suddenly badi bi’s hands fall out, and she sees her eyebrows twitching. Razia finds that she is paralysed. Razia puts her hands again into the sack, which were falling out limply. Just then, the horn and the headlights of the car coming, shocks her. She hides, leaving the sack there only. Razia shocked. mamujaan gets down, and instructs the driver somethings. He gets a call, while badi bi is lying there, without her attention. Razia is very tensed.
Scene 4:
Location: Asad’s residence and orphanage
While tanveer is roaming around eating Tamarind, her eyes fall on asad changing. she longs out for him. She thinks that after some days, she wont have to see him through hiding. Asad comes and sits on his study table, and switches on the laptop, and starts caressing zoya’s pic. She is irritated. (MITWA) Asad is surfing throrugh the pictures. Tanveer is irritated that zoya is still here, even though she is not. She wonders what if she actually returns.
Zoya does her prayers, and gets ready to sleep. Asad too is far from sleeping. Tanveer leaves in a huff. But then she turns around, and remembers mamujaan talking about a jeans clad girl in Madarsa, and hopes that it isnt zoya.
Scene 5:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia thinks that since badi bi is paralysed, she wont be able to tell anyone anything. She decides to lock her in the store room. As mamu is busy on the call, razia stealthily approaches badi bi and carries her away from there. She comes dangerously close to mamujaan, while he’s busy on call, but manages to place the sack, and her head inside. Mamu turns around, just in the nick of time. Razia is shocked to find him looking at her. The screen freezes on her face.
Next Friday update I do zee world