I do 7 March 2022: seeing a tensed Razia, badi bi asks if she is again upto something, and that she should leave this now. Just then, shirin interruprts them asking for nikhat’s jewellery, but before she can finish, a scream emanates from nikhat’s room, shocking them, and scaring razia.
Razia hears screams coming out from the girls room, and finds that a girl is surrounded by other ladies, while she’s screaming in pain about her face. She is shocked to find that zoya and nikhat are all right. she sifts through the ladies and is shorrified to find that its actually humaira’s whose face is spoilt due to the makeup. Humaira is distraughtly shouting clutching at her face in pain. razia asks how this happened.
Nikhat says that she applied makeup and she started screaming. all are tensed. shirin says that they shouldnt have used anyone else’s makeup.
Razia asks her to say clearly that she must have mixed something. Zoya is shocvked, while razia tries to put the blame on her, saying that she has always hated humaira. Zoya tries to protest her innocence, but razia puts the blame on her. Zoya asks why would she try to harm humaira. Razia says thats because she cant bear her living in this house in front of her eyes. Zoya is hurt, and says that if she feels like this, then she wont clarify. She is about to leave, but is stopped by Ayan, which surprises everyone including humaira.
He asks razia to show the proof first, and clarifies for zoya, that the person who tampered with it, wanted to hurt zoya. razia asks whats he means. Ayan says that he doesnt know, but knows this much, that zoya cant hurt anyone. Humaira hides gher face with a veil, from ayan, but is surprised to see him standing up for zoya. He lets go of zoya’s hand, and is tensed to see humaira’s condition, while zoya leaves.
In her room, zoya remembers what happened with humaira, and gets tanveer’s call. She picks up and says hello. Tanveer taunts her if her mood is bad, and that it would go worse if she hears what she has to say. she asks tanveer how dare she call her. tanveer says that she called her to remind that she should stop dreaming about the marriage happening, and her becoming asad’s thereafter. She says that when the nikah happens, only then she would be asad’s, and she should know that she wont be asad’s, as nikhat’s marriage wont hppen. zoya is shocked to hear this.
Scene 2:
Location: Imran’s residence
Farhan asks one of the relatievs, about the whereabouts of his family. He asks him to tell his family that he’s waiting outside in the car. Howevere, he takes the car, and before he realises, someone drives off instead of waiting. haseena is finally ready and getting ready to go. haseena asks nazma where is imran. Nazma says that he has gone for gifts. Haseena says that they take gifts and not give them. She asks her to tell him that he should come in another car. Just then, imran comes and informs them that the Baraat car isnt outside, and nor is farhan. all are surprised as to where is he. Farhan asks the driver to stop the car, but is rendered unconscious, by a needle stuck in his thigh. Nazma gets asad’s call, who asks about the Baraat. nazma tells about farhan missing. After she cancels, asad remembers tanveer’s warning, and wonders if she is behind this.
Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
All are tensed with haseena’s wailing about farhan missing. shirin tries to compose herself, while others try to find out about him. rashid asks where did he go alone today. nazma says that she thought that he might be here, but he isnt. Zoya hears this and is shocked. Zoya asks nazma what happened, while haseena is imagining worse things.
Nikhat comes in asking what happened, and finding haseena wailing, she asks what happened. haseena taunts nikhat, that due to her, farhan is missing, and rashid tries to compose her and asks her to sit down quietly. nikhat is shaken to the core. Haseena wonders who to blame, while shirin tries to make her understand.
Zoya thinks that she would have to tell ayan about tanveer’s warning, and save farhan. As she progresses, Haseena grabs zoya, and addressing as someone who brings bad luck, says that since she stepped foot in thisn house, everything has gone wrong. she reprimands and asks zoya where is her son, and where has she hidden him. zoya is boggled and shocked. Ayan and others try to free her from haseena’s grip.
Just then, the commotion is broken by Farhan’s voice, and all are surprised and stunned to see Farhan standing at the gate with asad. Zoya is shocked. Haseena goes to ask fdarhan where had he gone. Imran too asks the same. Farhan is tensed, while all wait for his answer.He finally manages to say that his car broke down. Asad is tensed too. Farhan thanks asad for reaching just in time.
Ayan thanks asad for this. asad says that he just did what he had to, and he didnt want any problem in nikhnat’s marriage. Zoya eyes asad, and is overwhelmed.(MITWA) Razia asks theem to begin with the ceremony now. all get busy, while farhan thanks asad,still boggled as to what happened, and who was tghe driver, and where was he taking him. asad asks him to forget and never mention this to anyone. the priest takes farhan from there, and towards the nikah area. While all others are busy socialising, Zoya asks asad, if he’s okay. He says that he is, and says that he would leave now.
Rashid calls him from behind, and he turns around to face his father. Rashid asks where is he going, as its his sister’s marriage today, and if he stays here, then her happiness would be doubled. Nikhat looks at them anxiously. Haseena comes taunting asad that he cant leave, as he has two relations in this house. As he begins to go, Haseena taunts zoya to ask her brother in law, Asad to stay back. Zoya and asad are both pained at this, and awkwardly face each other.
Part 1
Its night.. ! Nuzhat comes in Humeras room and says that Farhan is here! Humera says eyes are watering..and face is burning..cant come! Nuzhat asks Humera to try..! Humera get up and walks but almost trips on a chair..and Nuzhat helps her to sit..! She asks how will she go? Humera says not feeling well..cant come out..! She says just took meds.! Nuzhat says how to go alone? She planned so much.. for Nikhats wedding..! Humera says Nuzhat should go.. Nikhat gets nervous..and will need her..! She says am fine.. u go! Nuzhat leaves and Humera says all the luggage stuff of Nikhat ..put in the car .n then put the gifts..! Nuzhat nods and leaves! Humera says planned so much for Nikhats wedding but ..!
Ayan comes and watches her..! He closes in on Humera and blows air on her eyes..then sets her locks aside and they smile at each other..! Humera says he should not be here! Ayan says he should be there only! Humera says am fine.. all are busy with Nikhats wedding preps.. so he better go..! Ayan says will go.. but will also ensure Humeras wish to participate in Nikhats wedding is fulfilled..!
Nikhat-Farhans wedding is underway.. all are happy..! Zoya keeps glancing at Asad.. who looks away sadly..! Ayan describes to Humera all the happenings.. how a guest is busy eating..! Humera asks what is he saying. Ayan says… Haseeena and Chand are busy eyeing everyones jewelery..! Ayan says Rampur wali khala is sleeping ..!Humera smiles as well..! Ayan drools on her..!
Qazi asks Nikhat ..Kya ye Nikah…Qubool Hai? Nikhat says Qubool Hai… and Zoya heaves a sigh of relief..! All smile..! Qazi asks Farhaan and he too says Qubool Hai..! All smile ..! Zoya recollects Asads promise that in 7 days.. all will be like before..! AsYa smile at each other thru the veil .feeling relieved…! Both Farhan-Nikhat sign Nikah-nama! Ayan tells Humera that they have signed and all are happy ..! He is startled and screams out with pain when Humera touches his shoulder.. n asks her to lie down..! He says am here to give u live telecast..so no need to stress! Humera says u should go out ..and he says.. wont be happy without u.. my happiness is with u..! He rues that she is not happy coz of him! Ayan tells how All are giving gifts .. ! Badi Bi asks Zoya where is Ayan? Ayan says.. Dadi has given a big jewelery set to Zoya..! Humera asks Ayan to go downstairs to the wedding .. ! Nuzhat comes and tells him to come down n they rush..
Haseena says if not Ayan ..give it to Asad…!Zoya can give the gift to Nikhat with her JETH ..! Asad feels awkward ..!
Part 2
Haseena asks Asad to come forward and he does! AsYa look at each other longingly..! Zoya gives jewlery box to Asad and just as he holds it.. Ayan comes brushing past Asad and grabs the box from his hand and apologises to Zoya for being late..! Asad pulls his hand back..! Haseena smirks..! Ayan-Zoya go to give Nikhat the gift..! Nikhat looks at Asad..!
Later, Nikhat is welcomed home by Haseena n she says this is our garibkhana.. tad bit smaller than ur dads daulatkhana but its bedag…! She tells Nikhat that she has to ensure that this house remains blotfree in future too..! Haseena sends Najma to get Juice for them..! Haseena shows Imrans room ..! A guest says both ur daughter in laws are sisters.. n if they come together.. she will be left sleepless..! Haseena says to cut the crap as step sisters can never get along! Chand bi tells room is ready..! All lead Nikhat to the room and Farhaan fumes and Haseean signals to stay calm!
Asad is on his way out .. Shireen calls out to him and says told u many thins till now. .but if he werent there Nikhat wont have gotten married today..! She thanks him! He says did what i had to do.. acted like a brother..! He is about to leave n Badi Bi asks Nuzhat to bring a gift for Asad.. n she gives to Asad but he says cant take this..! Badi Bi says..its our blessing for our son..! He takes the gift..! All smile..! Asad thanks her .. n Badi Bi says.. God bless u..!
AsYa glance at each other..! BG – Saiyara..! Asad turns to leave n Zoya reaches out.. but he walks away n she cries..! Ayan watches as Asad closes the door of the house and AsYa look at each other thru the glass door…!
Part 3
Ayan calls out to Asad and they hug each other after congratulating about Nikhats wedding! Ayan says sorry couldnt talk inside but havent forgotten my promise.. will bring Zoya to u . tonite! Asad asks no one knows? Nikhat will be back then what? Ayan says.. Nikhat is married already.. will manage all .. n now Zoya should return to her home too..! Ayan says.. u and Zoya have borne so much .. ! Asad hugs Ayan.. he squirms. Asad asks the matter n Ayan says old injury! Asad says talked to lawyer..! Ayan says since Nikahnama has been signed.. it will be touf. .but till divorce happens.. Zoya will be at Asads place… will find out some way out soon! Ayan says tonite will bring ur amanat to u .. its a promise..! Ayan-Asad shake hands.. and hold hands..!
Next Tuesday update I do