Happy hearts 9 March 2022: The Episode starts with RV saying I can’t. Grover asks what happened to you. Anaya says I did all this to remind RV from where we are and what was our journey. RV says I know I m late to tell this to you, can I talk to you in private. She says they are friends and family, you can tell everything here, you told me that you love me, now tell me why are you refusing, there is nothing to explain, I will ask two questions, answer in yes or no. Rocky sees Sania and thinks to show his real side to her. He pulls her close and flirts. He says I didn’t know my Sania will turn into a hot woman in three years. She gets shocked and says Rocky…. Anaya asks do you want to marry me, answer me and then we can wrap up the party, I will leave. Happy tries to say. Anaya stops her. She asks RV is he refusing because of Happy. People talk of RV and Anaya’s ten year relation, which Happy broke.
RV says yes, you deserve the truth Anaya, I have never lied to you, I was committed, in the last three years, my feelings for you have changed, I m not feeling the same now. Everyone gets shocked.RV says I don’t know how this happened, it was bothering me always. Anaya asks him to say yes or no. RV says yes, I m in love with Happy. Happy gets shocked. Anaya gets away. He says I didn’t wish to hurt you. She says you broke me down, don’t touch me. Happy also leaves. Grover stumbles in shock.Sania says well played, my love but I knew you are Rocky, the day I saw those lenses in your bag, I knew it. She recalls. He says I have enough reasons to hate you, you falsely testified in court against me, you were going to get proof of my innocent, I was announced guilty. She says you didn’t leave any choice for me, this is love and war, everything is fair. He hugs her.
He says you know what my heart says, love was always there between us, when did the war start, its my fault, I got time to think when I was in jail, then I realized that I never understood your love, all this happened because of Happy, she is like a clamp, you tried to get me out, I should have held your hand, I was scared, when I was released, I wasn’t confident to face you, I thought you have moved on, who is Rocky now, I can’t imagine you with anyone else, I can’t tolerate it. She hugs him. She says you are not only my love, but my obsession, you will always be my love, I love you Rocky. He says we should celebrate on this note, cheers to us. Happy cries. RV comes to her and asks am I so bad, sorry for this. She says enough RV, you have already said a lot, I don’t want to hear anything, leave me alone for sometime, just leave. He says okay.
Rocky makes drinks. He says I also love you and want to be with you, but I have to serve the punishment, right, I wish you would have not destroyed the evidence, I could have been released and we could have stayed together, we would have seen Happy losing, there is no way, I have to go jail for seven years. Sania drinks. She says I have the entire evidence, I m not stupid to destroy important evidence. She hugs him.She says get ready to see the real criminal, you are serving punishment for his crime. She plays the video. Rocky looks on. He gets shocked seeing Ranveer. She says Ranveer, RV’s brother. Rocky thinks it means RV knew the truth. She says Ranveer assaulted Smiley, RV is worse than him. Rocky says it was clear to me, Ranveer had misbehaved with Smiley, how could I not realize it, Ranveer did the crime, RV framed me to save Ranveer, he accused me for this crime. Sania says I know, there are many mean people in the world. He thinks Sania and Bhatia were blackmailing RV and Grover for this.
Happy comes home. Kulwant says we know you would be shocked, we just want to tell you what we think of this, truth is truth, RV loves you, its true love. Happy gets shocked. Kulwant says just forget everything and think about it. Happy says it wasn’t right, RV broke up with Anaya, she loves him, she proposed him and RV said no, he said that he loves me. He says if he lies to Anaya, it would be wrong, it needs courage and honesty to speak the truth. She says I don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong, RV is wrong now, I care for him, I m his friend, maybe he misunderstood me. He says RV is a nice guy, you can’t get a better man than him, you marry him. She gets shocked.
Rocky thinks to meet Babbi right now, its imp to tell truth to Babbi and Simmi, this video can make me free. He calls Babbi and throws the phone when call doesn’t connect. Sania says chill, lets watch this again, Smiley….. nothing had happened, she messed up things, she looks like a behenji, she should have thanked him for giving her attention, Ranveer is a bit creepy, I agree, but I know such girls, attention seeker. Rocky shouts enough Sania, do you even realize it, stop it, that girl is shattered, she couldn’t forget that day, no girl deserves such cheap attention, you are also a girl, how can you say such a thing, don’t you have shame, you shot this, right, if you had any shame, you would have helped me in saving Smiley, a man is molesting a girl, you were recording this. She asks how dare you talk to me like that. He pushes her. She sees the phone. She pushes him away and runs with the phone. She puts the phone in microwave and switches it on. The phone blasts. He thinks that was the only evidence, now I m left with nothing. Sania scolding Rocky and burning the evidence. Kulwant asks Happy to move on in life by choosing RV as her life partner. Happy refuses to him. Madhu thinks its good if they think RV is good for Happy, she should get married and leave.
Sania says Rocky, you used me to get this evidence, you never loved me, you don’t want to prove innocence to get out of jail, you want to become good in Happy’s eyes, then go after Happy, she has sent you to jail, along with RV, maybe she knows everything, she used you and threw you in jail. He says Happy can never get mean like you. She says then go after her, you will be punished again for cheating me, your hopes and phone burnt again. She goes. Rocky gets his phone. Grover comes to Anaya. She cries and says don’t think I m rejected and now you will remove RV from your firm, is this that simple, I love RV, he said he doesn’t feel the same for me, he left me as he loves Happy.
Grover says no, I think its RV’s guilt, not his love. She asks what guilt. He recalls the past and thinks I can’t tell Anaya that Ranveer assaulted Smiley, RV didn’t tell the truth to Happy. Grover says whatever happened, RV has sympathy for Happy, I don’t know when this love turned into love, don’t worry, take care, I m with you. He goes. Anaya says you said guilt, not sympathy, I m a great lawyer, I will find out what’s this guilt, that’s a challenge. Simmi asks why did we find this before, its Ranveer. Rocky says yes, RV did this to save his brother. Rocky shows Ranveer’s pic on his phone, which he clicked while the video was playing. Babbi says we can’t use this pic as evidence. Rocky says I have to tell RV’s truth to Happy. RV comes to meet Happy.She says you may explain anything, but how can you do this. He asks what shall I answer, why am I in love with you. She says its wrong, you are just confused. He says lets just talk about truth, I love you a lot, we both can’t help it, I didn’t wish to hurt Anaya, I love you. I couldn’t ruin her life by marrying her, you tell me if you love someone else. She looks at him. He thinks please prove me wrong, don’t take the name which I m thinking. She closes eyes and thinks of Rocky. He asks do you see someone else’s face. She says no, I don’t see anyone’s face. He says I just wanted to hear this and tell you that I can wait for you always, I won’t give up and keep convincing you, I will make this work, I will give you much happiness, I promise.
She thinks of Kulwant’s words. RV says ever since I realized that I m in love with you, I have waited for this day. Rocky comes and gets shocked. He thinks RV is just acting. He goes. Happy goes to look around.Rocky thinks RV your game is over. Simmi stops Rocky and says listen to me. RV asks Happy to give her answer, he will wait if her reply is no. Happy stops RV. He says tell me, its me, I m your friend RV. She asks will I get anything I ask. He says yes, just try. She asks did you talk to Anaya, a relation of ten years can’t end in ten hours, did you think of her pain, talk to her and try to explain, you need to take the responsibility. She goes. Simmi says you can’t prove truth showing Ranveer’s pic, RV is a big lawyer, he will lie to Happy again, he had to save his brother and today the situation changed, he loves Happy and wants to marry her, he can do anything to convince her, you have to think of something. Rokcy says right, you just watch what I do now.
Next: happy Hearts Thursday Update