A love to die for update Wednesday 9 March 2022

A love to die for update Wednesday 9 March 2022


A love to die 9 March 2022: Sanju opens the door. Virat and tara are there. DEep says let me in. He is already in Netra;s house. Deep says this is Tara my fiance and virat is her brother. Deep says our family doctor gave some meds for Netra so I came here to deliver that. Netra’s mom says we are very happy to see you here. She says you came her for the same too? DEep says no they came here to pick me. She is my fiance. she is always worried for me. So she comes after me everywhere I go. Tara says yes. Deep says we will keep coming. They leave. Deep’s man leaves a toy car in Netra’s room. He says its done. Deep says bye netra.

Sawaitri says such big man came to our house.Deep hits Virat. Tara says he will die. Deep says I should have killed him long ago. Tara says don’t do this. Deep puts his mouth in the water. Tara says we went to see if you were there. Deep says don’t try to act smart with me. Stay away from Netra and her family. DEep leaves. Wasu looks at him. Tara says Virat open your eyes. He coughs and opens his eyes.Deep looks at Arohi’s dupatta. He says only one thing can take me to my destination. Netra recalls what deep said to her. Deep’s car is keeping an eye on Netra. Netra feels weird.Her clothes fall from closet.

She sees a cloth with blood. Deep and his man are dazed. He tells her wat is she doing.As masked man comes Arohi. He shows her a photo of Netra. Arohi is dazed. He says how do you knoe each other? Netra looks at the cloth and recalls injured arohi on her scooty.Arohi hits the man. He faints. Arohi tries to take key from him. She finds the key and says I am coming deep. Your game is over. She picks Netra’s photo and leaves. Deep is keeping an eye on Netra through his man’s car.Deep’s man sprays around Netra’s house. Netra is asleep. He says its done. No one will wake up tomorrow. Deep comes to Netra’s room. She is sleeping. Deep comes close to her on bed. He holds her hand. Deep’s man finds a dupatta with blood stains on it.

Deep says send it for tests. I wanna know if it arohi’s.Tara comes near deep with a sword. Deep recognizes and fights back. Tara says your hand is bleeding. I didn’t want to do this. You can’t see.. Deep says never dare saying that again. SHe says I am sorry. He says keep fighting. She says don’t blame me if you get injured. Deep shoves her on ground. His man comes and says the blood was Arohi’s. Deep says welcome her into my dark world. She has answers to my questions.Netra comes to deep’s house. Someone hits her head and she falls down. She faints.Netra’s house’s door rings. Her father opens. No one is there. He reads with blood written save your daughter… He falls down in shock. Someone calls him and says save your daughter from death if you can.


Netra is roped on a chair. She says who is it. Deep comes. Netra says who are you.. Why have you locked me here. What have I done? Let me go please. Someone throws water on her. Netra can’t sees his face. SHe says what have I done?Netra’s mom sees her dad fainted on the floor. She screams and gives him inhaler. He says see the pillar. SHe screams.Deep asks what happened on 28th February? She says I don’t know anything. Please let me go.


Netra wakes up and screams. wasu says relax. She says you all. Wasu says saw a bad dream? She says it felt like reality. someone was asking me questions. Deep says you fell and your head was bleeding. I think that’s why you are dreaming so. Deep holds her hand. She is scared.Netra’s dad is worried for her. Her mother asks him to calm down. Arohi runs on the roads. She falls on street. A car comes towards Arohi. She asks for help. She sees a goon who she saw in kidnapped days.

Netra comes home. her father asks why is she injured. She says I fell. They are so nice they gave me day off. She says papa I felt like I was roped but deep and his family said it could be a dream but it felt like reality. Ma gives her milk. She says I might have been dreaming. She says in heart it still feels like reality. The car hits arohi.

Next: a love to die for Thursday Update



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