Happy Hearts update Saturday 26 February 2022

Happy Hearts update Saturday 26 February 2022


Happy Hearts 26 February 2022: Rocky telling Chintu that he is much hurt in his heart. Chintu does aid to his wound. Rocky says everyone named Chintu is a champion. RV asks why don’t you want to heal your wound. Happy says you treated it, I m able to take care of everyone since you are with me. He says I m not talking about external wound, you know this well. She says wounds you get from lies and deceit become incurable scars, its still okay, it maintains the balance in life, I have friends like you, I m completely trust you always. He recalls Ranveer’s video. He says we will go for brunch, you didn’t had breakfast.

She says I had it. He says I know you are stressed. She says you know me very well. He says yes because…. I m a lawyer, its my job to read and observe people. She says right.They leave.Chintu says I have no money, you are taking help from me. Rocky says you are my family, not any stranger. Rocky goes. He follows Bhatia and Sania. He sees them meeting some businessmen. Bhatia asks Sania to discuss the money matters with them. She asks him to relax. Happy says this menu needs to be changed. RV smiles and says don’t change this signature dish, Kairi chaat, shall I order this, I know its your fav. She sees some sisters celebrating and recalls Smiley.

She gets sad. She says its my and Smiley’s dish. Sania goes towards Rocky. She doesn’t see his face. He gets saved. She says that old man is calling again, he didn’t change, lets meet him and show him his place. Rocky thinks to find out. Happy sends the dish for Smiley. She says if Smiley knows you have sent it, she will be happy to eat it, you say time heals everything, but its not in my case.He says one who loves always forgives. He gets a call and rushes. He says I will meet you later. Rocky reaches the cafe and thinks whom did they come to meet. He sees RV and Grover coming to meet them. Grover says we can’t manage your black money, we don’t do illegal things. Bhatia says don’t remind us, if I show you my true colors then… RV says enough is enough.

Sania says leave my dad. Grover calms down RV. She drops the tea on Grover. Bhatia blackmails RV. RV and Grover get silent recalling Ranveer’s video. Sania warns them and leaves. Grover goes to clean his clothes in the washroom. The man delivers the food. Smiley takes it knowing RV has sent it. Happy looks on. Rocky helps Grover. Happy shows the files of expenses to Kulwant. He says I trust you, you are looking after all the work. She says even then, the hotel is yours. Kulwant asks Madhu to make list of things, Baisakhi is coming.Sandhya says we should feed poor kids on Baisakhi. He says its a good idea. Happy says we will celebrate Baisakhi in hotel this year. They have a talk. Rocky recalls Sania’s words. He says it means Sania and Bhatia are blackmailing RV and Grover, so Grover had given statement against me in court.He thinks to find out. Chintu comes. Rocky says I got a big clue, I will just come. He meets some men. The man says your attitude got doubled after coming from jail. The man shows the dynamite and says I can get more for you, I can give life for you, you had helped me without any condition to get my brother educated, I can do this for you. Chintu asks what treasure are you getting. Rocky says some people’s lives will change tomorrow, this step of my plan will take me close to my aim. Anaya calling RV and asking him about their relationship.

He says I m burdened with work, I heard your mock trial is tough. She says I have sent a mail for you. He says I have read it, I had thought to call you and discuss, shall we discuss. She says yes sure. Bhatia is in his success party. He asks the guests to enjoy well. Sania comes to him. They drink. Rocky takes Bhatia’s drink glass. He asks Chintu to keep the glass. He goes. Sania sees Rocky and follows him. Bhatia cracks jokes and laughs.Grover says we must stop managing Bhatia’s illegal business. RV says I know, we are doing this because of me. Grover says don’t blame yourself, its Sania and Bhatia’s mistake. RV says no, my one lie has ruined many lives, every day that matter haunts me, I know. I must pay for my lie, an innocent man is behind bars, think about it, what he must be going through. Rocky does his work. Sania goes to check. She doesn’t see him. Rocky hangs down the rope. She thinks where did he go, there is no washroom here. She hears some sound and stops. She gets a call and goes. He gets saved. RV says we had lied, we are paying a price today.

Happy comes and asks what price. RV gets shocked.Sania sees Rocky again and stops him. She asks why are you here today, what’s in your bag, answer me. He worries. Grover says I was telling him that we had to pay the bribe to get hotel permit, it wasn’t right. Happy says yes, its sad and very wrong, this new project will be beneficial for the hotel, thanks for support. RV thinks you don’t know how much I lied to you, don’t know how will you react, I have hidden a big truth. Rocky sprays on Sania’s face and disappears. He says I won’t get caught, you have a chocolate.Chintu asks what’s this magical chocolate. Rocky says you will know it. Happy invites RV and Grover for the Baisakhi event for orphan kids. Grover says of course, we will come. He goes. Happy says RV I was thinking, why don’t we invite the same orphanage kids, where you stayed, you are successful and famous now, when the kids meet you, they will learn that hard work, honesty and commitment can help you achieve a lot in life, I m so sorry RV, maybe I reminded you of a bad time. RV says why would I mind this, I can’t believe that you thought so much, how do you manage to surprise me, thanks. She asks why have you started being so formal with me. He says this friendship between us, don’t let it end, no matter what. She says promise. They smile.


Sania runs to Bhatia. She says that guy, dad… Bhatia asks what happened. Rocky counts down three, two, one. He walks away. Bhatia’s buildings blast and collapse. Everyone gets shocked. Rocky says this was just a warning, real storm will now come in their lives. Rocky asks Chintu to come, its time for next step of plan. Bhatia says everything is ruined, I m finished. Sania worries. Happy, Grover and RV get shocked seeing the news. People defame Bhatia’s cheap quality construction. Happy says the one who does bad with others has the same fate, Karma doesn’t spare anyone.

Media asks Bhatia to give a statement. The investors ask Bhatia for their money. Sania shouts on them. She says I have seen that man, we should track him down. Rocky says they left Bhatia’s house to me, very bad for Bhatia. He recalls Bhatia’s words. He says Sania you are indebted to me, its time to pay for it. He enters the house. He recalls that he has learnt how to avoid CCTV camera. He fixes a photo in front of the CCTV camera. Sania asks the guard to bring that man to him. Bhatia asks did you call the guards from home, you know how much money is there, manage here, I will go home and manage. Rocky recalls his plan of robbery. He opens the safe with ease. He gets Bhatia’s fingerprints from the glass. He doesn’t get any cash.He looks around and says where did Bhatia hide money. He hits the wall in anger. The wall breaks. Rocky smiles seeing so much cash. Bhatia comes home.

Next: Happy Hearts Sunday Update



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