Happy Hearts update Sunday 27 February 2022

Happy Hearts update Sunday 27 February 2022


Happy Hearts 27 February 2022: Rocky stealing the cash. Bhatia comes home. A vase falls. Rocky hears the sound. He looks out. He recalls his plan to stop someone from reaching him. Rocky sees Grover’s kerchief. He drops it in the room. Bhatia opens the door. Some spray falls in his eyes. Rocky takes the money bag and leaves from there. Bhatia gets shocked seeing the robbery. Rocky says everyone faces difficult times, I have become stronger, but you will become zero. Chintu gets shocked seeing so much money. He asks which bank has so much money.

Rocky smiles and thinks of Chintu. He says you are very lucky that you have someone to spoil your hairdo. Chintu hugs Rocky and says we are rich now, right. Rocky says yes, we will be rich now, money gets power. Sania and guards come home and get shocked seeing the cash robbed. She says dad, I promise, whoever did this will pay for it, have some water. Bhatia says he took everything. Rocky says game on…. He books a new car and hotel. Chintu gets food for Rocky. Rocky makes him sit and gives him food. Chintu smiles and eats the tasty food. Rocky says send them here, I have to interview them. RV and Happy come to the orphanage. He cherishes his old time. He tells how he used to make stories to Ranveer to cover up that they are orphans. He says Ranveer was very young when we lost our parents in a car accident, we just had each other’s support, when parents leave, entire life gets orphaned.

She says you and Ranveer are so close, I wish Smiley… so sorry, I got senti at the wrong time. He says you can share your pain any time, you needn’t apologize, love becomes a heartache. She says I m thankful that you are with me, Smiley trusts you a lot. RV thinks Smiley and you trust me, if you know that Ranveer was responsible for that incident, not Rocky, then…. The lady asks them to meet the kids if they are ready. Rocky takes the interviews of some old women. He finalizes a woman. RV says I used to stay here and successful people used to come and talk to us, we used to get inspired, I know you may miss your parents, I also used to miss, don’t let it affect you, you are each other’s friend and support. He encourages them. Happy looks on and smiles. He asks them to value the person who makes them feel special, the person who makes them smile, don’t let that joy go away from your life, joy is called Happy.

Happy smiles. RV says always lead an honest life. He feels bad and imagines the kids shouting liar…. The kids clap for him. The lady says these kids will come in Baisakhi function. Happy says there is so much to learn from you, your simplicity is the best, how are you so modest.Rocky meets someone. He says I want all the papers ready in three days. He pays the man. The man says you will get passport in a day. Rocky says get ready for a new life Chintu. Sania asks the guard to find the clue. He gets the kerchief and shows to Grover. The sauna service guys come. Rocky is one of them. Kulwant takes the guys with him. Sania comes there and asks where is Ranvijay/RV? Manager says he is with Happy. Kulwant cares for Rocky when he gets hurt. Rocky recalls his words.

Kulwant says I didn’t see you here before, show your face at least, do you have any ID. Rocky removes the mask. The other man shows ID. Kulwant says go that way. RV sees Happy and smiles. Khamoshiyaan….plays….. He doesn’t check his phone. RV donates the money. The lady thanks him. RV says I will drop you home Happy. Rocky goes in the sauna room. The man says I need to put the gas pipe here. Rocky asks are you sure, this won’t affect anyone’s lives. The man says no, it will affect as much as you want. They go out.

RV and Happy come to the hotel. Rocky sees them. RV thanks Happy for taking him to orphanage. Sania comes and hits their car. She madly attacks RV. Rocky hides and looks on. RV asks are you insane, we can sit and talk, enough, what’s your problem. Bhatia says what you and Grover have done, I shall never forgive you for this. RV asks what happened. Sania says don’t do a drama, you collapsed our buildings and stole our cash. Happy asks why will RV do this. Sania says I got this proof, its Grover’s kerchief, you are thieves, you just act honest, you wanted to stop working with us, you thought to destroy our buildings, we have your weakest link with us, shall I remind you, shall I expose you. RV thinks I can’t let Ranveer’s truth come out in front of Happy. Rocky thinks does she have any evidence related to my face.

Sania threatening to expose RV. RV asks Bhatia to explain Sania. Sania asks did you come on line, you are behaving with respect today. Happy asks why are you scared of her threats, RV what is she saying. Sania says my sweet and innocent, Happy puppy, you never know anything. Happy asks her to get out of here, this is her property. Sania says you mean our property, right, this property is ours, RV and Grover are our partners, RV that’s your fair, you didn’t tell Happy about us, she is shocked, how unethical. Happy says she is lying, right? RV says I will explain everything.Sania asks why does Lord do this with Happy, RV h as hidden a lot from her, he has lied to her. She says RV and Grover keep investing money in your hotel, its our black money, they are converting


it into white money. Happy says its a lie, right, yes or now, we didn’t use their money. RV says she is saying the truth but they aren’t our legal partners. Happy gets shocked and cries. Rocky looks on and thinks its good, you are falling in my trap. Happy goes. Bhatia beats up RV and says I m a short tempered man, you and Grover have created this problem, rectify it, I will give you one week time, sort this, else I will create a lot of problems in your lives. He asks Sania to come.RV goes to Happy and says trust me once. Happy says I trusted you as a friend, I could share anything and trust you, I respected you. She says I can’t tolerate the cheat, you never thought to tell this to me, you broke my trust, I had trusted you a lot, now I can never trust you, sorry. She goes. He asks her to please listen to him once. Rocky thinks what do Sania and Bhatia have, that they are blackmailing RV and Grover. He sees Happy there. She cries and tells Lord about her problems.

She says when I trust someone, I always get betrayed. Rocky thinks you didn’t trust me and trusted the wrong person.RV and Grover come there. She says I beg you, I don’t want to talk. Grover says you know us since three years, we are not such. She says that’s what I regret this. He says its not RV’s mistake, it happened because of us, Bhatia is connected in circuit, he is a powerful man, he added roadblocks in our business, but we had to do the business, we gave up and involved him in business, I knew that a principled man like RV won’t agree, so I didn’t tell him about this, when RV found out, he tried to end the partnership, he didn’t betray you, he wanted to save you from this, Bhatia and Sania couldn’t tolerate this, don’t break this trust, it was my fault, not of RV.


Grover and RV leave. Happy stops RV and apologizes. Rocky looks on. She says I forgot that you can’t do this, you did a lot for me, I should have not doubted on your intentions. RV says I feel bad when you are hurt, I can’t see you troubled. She says then promise me, we won’t lie to each other, we will always tell the truth, our friendship is based on truth and trust, we have to stay honest with each other, sorry, forgive me. RV gives her a kerchief. Rocky says wow Happy, you have given him the benefit of doubt so easily, when I begged you to listen to me, you cheated our friendship, trust, my foot.Its morning, Happy manages her work. She gets a call from Nancy. Nancy says all the guests are coughing, something is wrong, some people have fainted, help me, come fast. Happy gets shocked. She leaves. She comes to the hotel and sees the people unwell. She asks Nancy to call the hospitals to get the medical teams for treating the people. She says open the windows and doors to get fresh air. She gets worried. She calls RV and cries. Rocky sees the news of gas poisoning in the hotel. He says many people have fallen ill, I won’t be able to forgive myself. The man says nothing will happen to them, they will have dizziness and vomit, I guarantee you, no one will die. Rocky says I will go to hotel in morning and check. Happy gets questioned by the media. She gets speechless. She cries. Media says we want to know, who is responsible for this.RV comes and says no comments. He takes Happy with him. Rocky says Happy, you compelled me to do this, I wish you trusted me that time. The man says the defaulting room’s air is cleared, doctors are treating the people.Happy cries and goes. She says RV what has happened. RV says we have to keep patience, all the guests’ situations are under control, don’t worry, everything will be fine. She says Kulwant got sick while helping people. RV says take him to home. Kulwant says some people came to repair sauna, they were acting strange. RV says I will find out. Happy waits for RV’s call. Biji scolds her. Kulwant argues with her and asks her to not taunt Happy. He says Happy is running the family, she is paying for our expenses.RV investigates the matter. He says it means someone has done this. He recalls Bhatia. He says get me details of people who came to sauna room, show me all the CCTV footage now.

Next: happy Hearts Monday Update



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