Happy Hearts update Friday 25 February 2022

Happy Hearts update Friday 25 February 2022


Happy Hearts 25 February 2022: Ranveer apologizing to RV. RV scolds him and tells him that he has framed an innocent man because of him, by going against his principles. Anaya comes to them and asks is everything fine. RV says nothing, Ranveer is going back to US, so I was emotional. Anaya goes. RV says you are going back to US and then you will be on your own, don’t expect any help from me, finish your college, else you will be sent to Grover’s friend’s company, you will work where I say if you finish college. Ranveer nods. Rocky is taken by the police. He sees Happy. Jee karda….plays….Bappi says inspector, let Rocky meet his family once. Rocky says I don’t want to meet anyone, no one should come to meet me. Madhu comes running to meet him. She falls down and cries. Happy cries.

Three years later, Rocky is seen in the lockup. He sees Sania, Bhatia, and everyone’s pics on the wall. He gets angry on Happy and RV. The constable says its lunch time. Rocky goes to have food at the mess. A man jokes on him and says you have no courage to look at me. Rocky says return my thing. The man refuses and asks what will you do. The man throws water at him and asks him to look into his eyes. Rocky gets angry and beats him. He takes his thing and goes. The man stops him. They have a fight. The jail mates look on. The jailer comes and catches Rocky. He warns Rocky. He asks the staff to take them to the dark cells and lock them up.Inspector says do anything you want, I can’t give you more time, just I will come to visit you, I won’t tell anyone. Rocky says I want just 30 days time, I will be grateful. Inspector says you saved my daughter when she got kidnapped, I can’t believe you did such crime. Rocky says I was trying to save someone, and I landed in trouble.

Inspector says don’t get blinded in anger, you have to get proof to prove your innocence, this is your motive. Rocky says I know, they lied and proved me guilty. Inspector says remember my instructions well. He shows the exit way to Rocky. He says this pipe will take you to highway directly, you will have to find your way from there. Rocky leaves from the pipe. He escapes from the prison. He runs into the jungle and reaches the highway. A boy Chintu meets him and asks will you have tea, come with me. He takes Rocky to his stall and gives tea. Rocky smiles. Chintu gives him tea and asks him to come home, and take a bath. Rocky sees the hotel board.Rocky gets to his normal avatar. He comes home and sees his house. He recalls his family. He gets sad. Someone meets him and says I will inform you tomorrow. He gives a packet and goes. Madhu counts days. Rocky looks on from far. He hears her missing him and cries. She feels like hearing his voice and goes. He puts something inside the window and goes. Happy is seen managing the hotel business. Madhu calls someone to help them get rid of cockroaches. Happy takes the juice drink for Smiley and Guggi. Guggi says Smiley doesn’t talk to you, even then you keep trying. Happy says I will always keep trying, Smiley is my sister, I will convince her until she forgives me.

Rocky coming home in disguise. Biji asks the men to spray medicine for pest control. He recalls dropping the cockroaches in kitchen at night. Sandhya stops him and gives his belonging. The man asks Rocky not to do anything that they get caught. Rocky goes out and sees his family. Biji and Madhu have a talk. Madhu sees Rocky and goes to him. He acts busy in work and avoids her. She says come out when your work is done, I have made tea. He touches her feet by an excuse. She goes. Kulwant comes. Rocky looks on. Kulwant asks where is Happy. Biji and Madhu don’t answer him about Happy. Kulwant gets angry. Sandhya comes and says Happy left without having food, she is so busy in her work. Kulwant asks how did she go. Rocky sees Smiley and Guggi. Smiley refuses to attend the

event. She says I won’t come, there will be boys, I won’t be comfortable. Guggi says it will be good change for you. Sandhya asks Smiley to do what she wants.
Rocky says I can’t see all this, I m leaving. He jumps off the window. Happy washes her face and gets ready. She goes to the hotel to manage the work. Sandhya asks Kulwant to have food on time. Kulwant says Happy is working for this family, Biji and Madhu aren’t bothered for this, they should behave well with her, for how long will they behave this way, they have tormented her so much, I have been watching this since three years. She says Madhu and Biji have made Smiley a part of their family, they care for her happiness and comfort, despite the differences between us, they have let us stay here. He says its not a big deal, its their responsibility, I wanted to protect you and your children, so that you stay away from troubles and live in peace, I could give protection, but not happiness, I want to see Happy truly happy once.


Happy instructs the staff members and new interns. Rocky comes to the hotel. He gets amazed seeing the lavish hotel. He sees Happy leaving. He goes to Happy. He stops seeing RV coming. RV comes to Happy. Rocky passes by. RV says there is a bad news, I m joking Happy, you lecture everyone to smile, how can you be sad, our hotel got the permit. She hugs him happily. Rocky looks on. RV says congrats. Happy says its impossible that you fail to do something, thanks, you have turned every wrong of our life into right. RV says I need your signs for the formalities. She says I will handle the matter and come. She goes. Rocky follows her. Rocky saves her from getting hurt. They fall down. His hand gets hurt by the glass piece. RV comes to Happy and asks are you fine.

She says its okay, he needs my first, he needs first aid, I felt as I know him and met him before. Rocky leaves. She asks did you see him RV. RV says no, I couldn’t see his face, I was only looking at you. Happy says he needs help. He says its okay, you also need first aid. Rocky says I went to home and hotel, its time for the next step. He whistles. Madhu says this is Rocky’s whistle. She stops the auto and sees him. He turns away. He takes an auto and leaves. She shouts Rocky. She doesn’t see him and gets sad. He looks on sad. RV takes care of Happy. Happy says I m worried for Sardar ji, he got much hurt. He says you can see everyone’s pain, except your pain.

Next: happy Hearts Saturday Update



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