Happy Hearts 14 March 2022: The Episode starts with RV calling Happy and saying I got the bail, its Ranveer’s last ritual today, I thought to inform you. She says so sorry. He says everything changed in a second, do you trust me or have I lost that too, I wasn’t covering up Ranveer. She says I can’s suspect you, I will lose faith in myself if I lose faith in you. He thanks her. She asks him to take care of himself. Rocky comes and says you still believe RV, your misunderstanding didn’t end. She says to save us, RV killed his brother, what can be big proof of his honesty. He says you don’t know what I feel, you trust RV, not me.
She says RV has done this to save us. He says fine, he is honest, chat with him, be with him, what are you doing here. Happy goes. RV does Ranveer’s final rites and shouts. He cries and apologizes.Simmi asks Rocky how can he talk to Happy like this. He says I have a reason to be angry on her. She says I know that you love Happy, this is the truth, please tell this to Happy. RV says I love only two people in life, Ranveer and Happy, if I could kill Ranveer, then I can do anything to not let Happy go away, its my promise, I will marry her, I don’t care for anyone’s lives. Everyone feeds Rocky with love. Happy comes.
Sandhya says you didn’t eat anything since morning. Simmi asks Rocky to go to Happy. He makes excuse and goes away. Simmi thinks they won’t talk to each other.Smiley comes to apologize to Happy for always blaming her. Happy says now everything will get fine, I will always love you. She hugs Smiley. Smiley says Rocky is good at heart, he saved me. Happy sees Rocky and smiles. Sania sees the shocking news and says Rocky can’t go to Happy, he is mine, I want Rocky at any cost.
Rocky sees Chintu’s room and cries thinking of him. He recalls Happy. He goes to sleep. He doesn’t get sleep on the bed. He sleeps on the ground. Happy looks on and thinks you didn’t come out of all this. She goes to him and cries. Rocky wakes up and sees her leaving. Simmi says they are not confessing love to each other, I have to do something. RV sits sad holding Ranveer’s ashes. Anaya and Grover come. She asks RV not to think he is alone. He thanks her and asks her to leave him alone. Grover goes with Anaya. RV gets sad and calls Happy. She doesn’t answer. Sania comes home to meet Rocky. Happy stops her. Sania threatens to kill her. She shouts Rocky.
Biji says you cheated Rocky when he needed you. Sania pushes her. Rocky wakes up hearing the noise. Happy slaps Sania. She drags Sania out. Sania holds her neck to suffocate. Everyone tries to stop Sania. Rocky comes and pushes Sania. He asks Happy is she fine. Sania says she wants to come between us. He asks Happy to call police, he will think how she harms them, she will go to jail now. Bhatia comes and says forgive her, she has gone mad, I promise you I will leave this city with her. Rocky warns them. Sania gets angry. Happy says she has become dangerous, she can do anything. Rocky says she won’t do anything, I won’t let her harm anyone, I know she is very crazy and clever, I m not ignoring her actions like you are ignoring. He goes
Sania shouting I want Rocky. Bhatia says I have a plan, you will get Rocky. Simmi tries to bring Happy and Rocky together. She thinks there is no one at home today. She shouts your stitches are bleeding. Happy worriedly rushes to Rocky and takes him to the hospital. Someone looks on. Happy scolds Rocky. He asks her to be quiet now. Happy gets him treated and scolds him with love. Someone looks on. Rocky donates the money. The lady thanks him and says your donation will help the kids. Happy looks on and smiles. Rocky says I m donating all the black money. They play with the kids. Humdum mere….plays…
RV comes there to meet Happy. She apologizes. He says you lost faith in me, right Happy. She says no, its nothing like that. He lies to her and asks do you trust me. Rocky looks on and gets angry. He scolds her for calling her BF here. She says I didn’t call RV here. They argue. RV says I don’t want you to get into any trouble because of me. She goes.Rocky comes home. Simmi asks what happened. Rocky says Happy doesn’t value me, she is just believing RV. Happy comes and gives his medicines. Simmi says you can’t see how worried she was for you, you just know to get angry. She goes. Rocky goes to convince Happy. She goes away. Madhu comes to Rocky and asks are you fine. He says you are angry with me, I thought to have food made by your hands. She gets glad. Rocky comes to Happy’s room.
Sandhya asks him to have tea with her. He makes an excuse and goes. Rocky meets Simmi in a cafe. He says its impossible to talk to her. Simmi says we will plan a dinner date for you, you can just apologize to her. She teases him. He sees someone and then turns to see. She goes while talking to him. He asks her to discuss the plans. Simmi enters the lift and gets stuck. Someone pulls the lever. The people gather. Simmi shouts for help. Someone looks on. Rocky goes there and asks what happened. He says my sister is inside. He asks the men to call maintenance guys and help. The lady says sorry, we can’t help you. Rocky scolds them. He tries hard to open the lift. She shouts to him.
Madhu speaks against Happy. She says biji whenever I talk to Happy, I get upset, Kulwant takes her side, Rocky has a big heart, he will scold me. Biji asks her to make Kulwant and Rocky talk out their differences. Happy comes to help Rocky. They try to open the lift. They get Simmi out of the lift. Simmi cries. Rocky consoles her. Someone looks on. Rocky gets Simmi home. Everyone worries for her and does the aid. Simmi says I m fine now, I had gone to meet Minty.
Next: happy Hearts Tuesday Update