Guddan Zee world update Tuesday 7 February 2023

Guddan 7 February 2023: Guddan says please calm down. AJ says I can’t believe how you can be with her wrong side. How can you do all this. I can’t do anything because of you only. AJ leaves in anger. Guddan says in heart I have to end this entire Vikrant Saga.Guddan comes to her room. She says what are you doing? He gives puts an ice pack on her cheek. He says it must be hurting you. Guddan says aren’t you mad at me? He says so you agree it was big right? Guddan says you were very angry. AJ says how many times have I been mad, this year? Guddan says ten times a day. He says that’s a little a lot. Guddan says it took so much effort to make you adorable.

He says if I ever did anything wrong, did you agree? No right? Why did you take Alisha’s side? Tell me the truth. I know you understand the importance of respect in relationships. Is there someone blackmailing you? Guddan says I am a mother now. There are so many emotions now. I don’t have the answer to any questions. AJ says I will find out what’s going on. And Alisha will be punished for the sin she did. Guddan says no, please. AJ says I have to be a fair father and husband. Guddan says I am sorry. He says no.

Guddan comes to Alisha and says I am so mad at what you did today. At least understand her love for you. Are you ever a good human or daughter? You’re so wrong. I want this bangle back right now? Alisha is scared. Alisha ays this is mine I won’t. She gave it to me. AJ says give it to me. Alisha is scared that the bomb might blast. Alisha runs downstairs. Guddan says what are you doing? AJ says I will take your bangle back from her. Guddan says it’s my bangle. I can give it to anyone. It’s hers. AJ says what is happening? Why are you ignoring everything she is doing? You’re hiding something. Guddan says there’s no such thing. AJ says I will find out what has silenced you. I will find out. He leaves.

Scene 2
Alisha is crying. Guddan says everything is fine. Alisha says I would have died. Guddan says I won’t let anything happen to you. Guddan hugs her. Revati overhears. She tells everything to Perv. Perv says Guddan hugged Alisha? Alisha just slapped her. Revati says Alisha was crying. They love each other. There’s something that we don’t know. Saru says I know everything. She says see this selfie. She took her selfie and in the background, Vikrant carved his own chest. Revati says so Vikrant lied? Perv says so the slapping plan was his as well and that is why they’re crying?

Scene 3
Guddan brings in pooja stuff. Vikrant says Guddan, so scared that you’re arranging a havan? Don’t dare to act smart. You know I am a button away. Guddan says I understand things once don’t remind me over and over again. Guddan says this havan is to get rid of your curse. Vikrant says this house can never have peace. Guddan says when your hopes are good, you find peace. A devil like you can never understand significance of havan. Guddan says in heart you see how I start your ad days. Vikrant says you should do my pooja because I control your daughter’s life.

Vikrant collides with Perv. Perv says sorry. He says you dropped this coin. Vikrant says I don’t pick money that falls. Perv says this coin it shows three lions. Vikrant says so? He says there are four actually. The fourth is hidden. It can happen in real life too. The masterminds are hidden and someone else plays. Vikrant says are you high? He leaves. Perv says I am sure you’re behind all this. No one can stop me now.Saru says to Revati whatever Guddan does, there will never be peace in this house. Revati says let’s see what drama does she have to do. Pandit ji says to ask the new couple to come. AJ says I hope you won’t ask me to be part of this pooja.

Guddan says how can we do this pooja without you. He says as you planned it without me. Dadi says we can’t do all this after what Alisha did. I won’t be part of this. Guddan says how can we do it without you. Dadi says you didn’t say a word to Alisha. Guddan says please be part of this pooja for me. Dadi agrees. Vikrant says do you really think this pooja would bring peace in this house? Guddan says yes I am sure.Pandit ji asks Vikrant and Alisha to close the eyes and read the mantra with him. She steals the remote. Guddan asks Alisha to stay quite. She makes Vikrant and Alisha wear a handcuff.

He says what is this? Are you out of your mind? Open this handcuff. AJ says what is happening here? Guddan says Vikrant can tell you better. AJ says what is happening here? Guddan says to tell him Vikrant. Why are you so silent now? AJ says what did he go? Guddan says he isn’t your friend. He is a snake. Dadi says Vikrant always thought well for us. Alisha must have fooled you again. Guddan says it was all his game. He was the mastermind who was using Alisha. AJ says you’re blaming Vikrant again and every time Alisha was responsible. Guddan says he was blackmailing and fooling

her. He misused our trust and used Alisha. Laxmi says he saved Alisha every time. Alisha is playing with your mind. Guddan says from molestation till the slap, he was behind everything. Guddan says let me show everyone his truth. She tells them everything. AJ is shocked. Everyone is dazed. AJ says you knew all this? Why didn’t you tell me? Guddan says he trapped me. He fit a bomb in this bangle. He has the remote. Every time I try to tell everyone the truth he said he would blast the bomb.
AJ says I will kill you Vikrant. Vikrant says to stay away or I will blast the bomb. What were you saying Guddan? Let me show I can man up. Let’s blast your daughter. Alisha says I don’t want to die Guddan. He is crazy. Vikrant says yes let’s die together. AJ says please no. He counts 3.. 2.. 1.. He presses the button. Everyone is scared. Nothing happened. Vikrant laughs. AJ says Alisha are you okay? Guddan says that means there was no bomb? Vikrant says yes it was enough to scare you only.

AJ says how dare you to blackmail Alisha and Guddan. I will kill you. He pulls a gun on him. Vikrant says to kill me. You killed me years ago. You are lucky that your daughter is alive at least. You killed my Vaishali and my child. AJ says what? Bhabhi did suicide. Vikrant says you killed her. AJ says you never had a child. Vikrant says you killed my unborn child. Vikrant says you murdered both of them. Vikrant says let’s go a few years back. AJ says you’re making stories.

Vikrant says every sin has a reason. Let me show you your sin murderer. She wanted to give me a surprise but you took us. You were driving. We met an accident. AJ says no one was injured. Vikrant says my child died in that accident. Vaishali was pregnant. She was depressed and she took her life. Because of you my child and wife died. AJ is shocked. He drops the gun. AJ says you think I did this? It was an accident. You tortured Alisha for all that? Vikrant says no you know how a parent feels. Imagine how I lived all these years. Your daughter is here. My child and Vaishali died. You killed my family. You ruined my life. You gave me a mission to ruin your life. I will return these tears to your family. AJ says shut up. Vikrant says you can only shout. AJ says wrong. AJ says I won’t let anyone harm my family. Your revenge is wrong. Your intentions are wrong. I gave you this mission right, I will end it.

Vikrant picks the gun and grasps Alisha. AJ says Vikrant leave Alisha. Guddan says leave Alisha. Vikrant says don’t come near or I will shoot her. She shoots in the air. Everyone screams. He leaves Alisha. Alisha runs to Guddan. Guddan hugs her. Vikrant runs.

Scene 2
Saru says Vikrant didn’t do anything. He fled. Perv says Alisha is our of our hands too. Saru says she will also know Antra wasn’t killed by Guddan. She fell in her own trap. Revati says the entire game is out of our hands. Perv says we have to poison Alisha’s head. It will ruin our plan otherwise. Alisha comes in and says try maybe?

Next: Guddan Wednesday update


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