Divya Drishti Starlife update Monday 5 February 2024

Divya Drishti Starlife update Monday 5 February 2024


Divya Drishti 5 February 2024: Rakshit’s dad says to doctor I don’t know about the poison but I don’t know why you want police here. Inspector comes and asks him you whole family is poisoned. How did this happen? Divya comes and says you need to let him rest. And no one’s life is in trouble.

Lava comes to Pisachin. She says I bit all of them. They are all in trouble. Pisacini says they’re all saved. rakshit left too. Lava says how. Pisachini says go and find who has the ratan. We can’t take any risk. Go and find out if drishti has it. And I will see Divya. One of them has the ratan.

Drishti gets fresh. Rakshit says do you need help? She says no. Rakshit says your buttons are tied wrong. He helps her fix them. Shergill calls Rakshit. He asks Drishti to take care. He leaves.
Inspector asks simran who gave everyone poison? SImran acts like she doesn’t have senses and Dviya moves his chair. He says what is happening. SImran says hwo would I know? She says I just told you all the details I knew. Nurses ask them to leave. She says there is so much noise here. They have to leave.

Scene 2
Drishti sis sleeping. Lava comes there. Divya and simran are in one room with all the family. simran sees Ojaswani, Divya sees Mahima and says thank God you’re fine. Divya sees Pisachini on the door. She asks Simran to stay here. simran is scared. Divya says don’t worry I am here for you.
Dirhsit comes downstairs. She screams who is it. Lava says this is me, your husband’s wife. Drishti runs. Lava says where would you go. You can’t even see. Lava goes after her.

Divya comes to Pisachini. Pisacini says you have the ratan right? Give it to me. Divya says I don’t have it. Piaschini says I will kill you. Divya says you can’t kill us because you want ratan. Pisachini says I will take it from you. She stops a nurse and cuts her hand. Divya says what did you do. Pisacini says come here. If you don’t give me ratna I will do the same to your family. Divya says I don’t have it.

Drishti is scared. She runs in the kitchen. Lava says I know you have ratna. You can’t hide from me. divya says to Pisachini we don’t have it. It went back to where it came from. Pisachini says don’t fool me. Either you have it or your sister. But if she had it raksht won’t have left her alone. Should I kill your sister there? She is leaving. divya says I have the ratan. Pisachini says don’t play games with me.

Dirshti falls in the kitchen. she says I will kill you. Lava says you can’t even see me. Drishti falls. Lava says you can’t run from me. Lizard can kill you with one bite. Drishti picks the knife.

Divya says to pisachini come with me, pisacini walks with her. She comes to store.
Lava says you wanna play a game with me? Kill me. Drishti throws a knife at her. She stabs lava in heart. Lava says how could you see it. How did you stab me. Drishti says when you made me fall, the ratan touched my eyes. I could see everything. Drishti says my fear is over I wont’ let anything happen to the ratna. Lava dies.

Rakshit comes to Shekhar and romi. They both get up with Rakshit’s powers. Simran says Pisachini took Divya to a store room. Diya says let me look for it. Pisacini says don’t play games with me. Divya throws a chemical on her. Pisachini throttles her and says how dare you. Shekhar comes and hits Pisachini. Drishti hits Pisachini with a rod. Divya says you can see? Pisachin falls downa nd says I won’t leave you. Drishti hugs divya. Divya says you can see? The guys lock Pisachini in a bag. Drishti says I had to kill lava. She tried killing me. dIvya says you killed Rakshit’s wife? Rakshit says stop jok ing. We have to go from here.


To distract everyone, Shekhar acts like he has an attack. They all try to sneak out with Pisacini in the bag. Simran and drishti distract the police. Romi comes there as doctor and asks the police to leave.

Scene 2
They bring Pisachini home. Divya says Drishti killed your wife Rakshit. Shekahr says yea you have one wife only. Rakshit says we have to do something with Pisacini before tomorrow.

They tell everyone that pisachini in the room. Mahima says where is lava? Rakshit says she was a lizard. She is dead. Drishti says we have prepared for a pooja where wee can end Pisachin. Ojaswani says I hope she doesn’t do anything in this house.
Pandit ji comes in. Mahima comes to drishti and says I am so sorry. You did so much for this family. Divya says yeah you can never have a DIL like her. She is y sister after all. Mahima says you will call me mom from now. Mahima hugs Drishti

Pandit ji says all preps are done? SHe will end after this pooja. Her game would be over. they start the pooja. Pisacini tries to come out of the bag. Rakshti and romi go upstairs to bring Pisacini. Mahiima says drishti will do the arti. Drishti does the arti.

Next Tuesday update Divya Drishti 



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