Lava says get out of the room. Drishti puts a hand on her forehead and sees her poisoning Rashit’s water. Drishti shoves her. She sees something Laava says I will bite them. Lava bites Rakshit from the back. Lava leaves. She says I did my work. I will tell Pisachini I did my work. Divya sees Lava going.
Drishti says I need water. divya locks Lava in a room. Lava says how dare she. she locked me in a room. Your sister won’t enjoy her honeymoon even if you lock me. I bit Rakshit already. He will think he is drunk and then he will die.
Rakshit and Drishti are in restroom. she pours water on him and says looks like we are having holi. Lava says Rakshit will die. Rakshit says come here. drishti says such beautiful water. Look at the color. Rakshit says water has no color. He says I don’t want anyone to see her here. Pisachini comes to the room looking for them. Rakshit jumps in the bathtub with Drishti and hides the water. Pisachini checks the restroom and leaves. Drishti comes out of water. rakshit pulls her hand. Rakshit comes close to Drishti. He holds her hand and cleans her face. Rakshit dances with her slowly. The song sab tera plays. Rakshit and Drishti fall in the water.
They both laugh. He says you know what is the most beautiful thing here? Your big pretty eyes and your lips. Rakshit’s body is green. Lava says he must be in my poison now. He will be yellow, he will faint and ie. Rakshit is suffocating. Drishti says what happened. Praise my teeth too. I like your biceps. Rakshit can’t breathe. Drishti is drunk. Drishti says Rakshit.. She says what happened. Why are you green.
She comes in senses. Drishti screams for help. Rakshit says save me. Drishti hugs him. Drishti says please don’t faint. Rakshit is fainting. Drishti cries. She k isses him. His poison gets better. Drishti kisses him everywhere. the green color goes away. Drishti says what is happening. She kisses his lips. The song hamsafar plays. Drishti cries. she says please open your eyes.
Lava laughs and says you will die Rakshit. Divya says to Shekhar I locked Lava here. They come in. Lava leaves the room as a lizard.
Drishti says please get up. Rakshit opens his eyes. Rakshti says thank you. He hugs her. Drishti says let’s go. He pulls her. drishti says no. She says don’t you feel what I do/ He says come out of water. rishti is cold. Rakshit covers her tower. He says wear it. She says I will wear your white shirt. rakshit says are you crazy. She takes off his shirt and wears it. Drishti dances in the room and sleeps on his chest.
Pisachini asks Lava did you bite Rakshit? She says yes. But he should have died. But i saw he isn’t dead. Pisachini says I am sure Drishti saved him. Lava says she got an eye when she touched me. Pisachin says now she knows you are a lizard? Pisachini says you’re so dumb. Pisachini says where is this Anjan.
Anjan comes to pisachini. She says I called you last night you didn’t come. He says because you didn’t tell me why you got Rakshit and lava married? She says I am the real boss. You don’t need to know anything. He says you will know who the real boss is.
Mahima says to Lava I have kept a pooja. You and Rakshti need to be there Lava. Lava says we will be.
Drishti wakes up in rest room and says what am I doing here. rakshit comes. He says don’t you remember anything that happened last night? Drishti says what did I do? Why are you not wearing a shirt? She says why am I wearing your shirt. Where is my pant. He says you didn’t ask for it. Drishti says how did all this happen. He says something tht shouldn’t have happened. I tried telling you to come to senses. We slept here in this rest room. I was with my wife you came drunk and.. She says I am your wife. that lava isn’t anything. Leave her. He says you find someone hot. She says there is no one. And I know you wont ever cheat on me. He says my shirt please.
Drishti comes out. Lava says do you have any shame? What are you doing in my room. Why are you wearing his shirt. He is my husband. Rakshit says give me my shirt. Drishti says he is my husband. He wont’ take your side. Drishti’s eyes sparkle and sees sees that Rakshit’s mask fell off. Dirshit says what if Pisachini sees his face. Drishit says rakshit you can’t go anywhere. Lava says I will tell ma about this woman. She says wear these shoes. Drishti says Rakshit please don’t go. Rakshit leaves.
Pisacini says things are going as I planned. ANjan comes to the jungle. He leaves shoe marks of the shoe Lava gave him. Drishthi says to Divya everyone will see Anjan’s face. I feel weird about Lava. Divya says yes there is something wrong. She is upto something.
Anjan coems to temple. She recalls giving those shoes to Lava and asking her to give them to Rakshit. Rakshit’s mask falls. Pisachini is floating. She sees his face. Pisachini says so he is behind all this. He knows everything. You fooled Pisachini. You will suffer and so will your girls.
Next Tuesday update Divya Drishti