Destined by fate starlife update 2 January 2024


Destined by fate 2 January 2024: Yash asks Kanha why did he stop. Kanha says his mind doesn’t him to go. Yash says Sayuri is not here, they should find her before Vikrant takes her far away. Kanha leaves. Saroj refuses to hold Mithu and leaves for temple. Dhanraj apologizes Indu for Saroj’s behavior and says Saroj is confused and doesn’t know what to do. Sayuri continues to murmur Kanha. Vikrant gets angry and tries to inject her a sedative.

Destined by fate 1 January 2024

She snatches injection and injects it into Vikrant’s neck. Vikrant falls down holding his neck. Sayuri with great strength frees herself and gets out of dark room. Vikrant thinks he will not let Sayuri escape. Sayuri ties to call from landline, but finds wire disconnected. She thinks she will reach Kanha at any cost.

Kanha with Yash continues to search for Sayuri and collapses due to weakness. Nakul holds him on time and says he will not let anything happen to him. Sayuri reaches main gate somehow and finds it locked. She loses her voice due to neck injury. She then finds a cycler repairing his cycle in front of gate and throws her bangles towards him to gain his attention. Cycler looks around and finds no one.

Vikrant pulls her down and recalls how he saved himself with an antidote and says he loves her immensely and will not let her escape from him.Rashmi thinks if Sayuri returns home, she will be ignored and hence she doesn’t want Sayuri to return. Saroj gets worried for Kanha and prays god to send him home. Nakul brings Kanha home. Saroj recalls Kanha bringing Chiru’s dead body similarly years ago and asks what happened to Kanha. Nakul says is worried for Sayuri and collapsed.


He reveals that Yash is searching for Sayuri with police. Kanha murmurs Sayuri. Vikrant ties Sayuri back to a chair. Sayuri pleads him to let her go as she doesn’t love him. Vikrant gets angry and warns her to stop her drama, he will not let her go. He shuts her mouth.Kanha wakes up and insists to go in search of Sayuri. Saroj tries to stop him. Dhanraj says let him go as he will not stop until he brings Sayuri back home. Nakul says his Laxman will also go with him. Mithu cries. Kanha holds her. Police brings Faiba and Kuku there and informs Kanha that they caught her while she was trying to escape,


they surely will try to find Vikrant’s location via her. Kanha requests Faiba to reveal Vikrant’s location as he has gone mad and will harm Sayuri. Faiba recalls Vikrant’s misbehavior and agrees to reveal whatever she knows, Vikrant doesn’t reveal anything, but she will take them to 1-2 places where Vikrant can be. Kanha notices Kuku in police van and brings him out. Dhanraj asks who is this girl. Kanha says she is his friend, Vikrant’s daughter, Sayuri took care of her since a year and considers her as her daughter, he and Sayuri will adopt her if everything goes well. She introduces his Kuku to his family as her new family. Vikrant drives Sayuri to a different location. Sayuri prays god to send Kanha soon.

Next: destined by fate Wednesday


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