Can you see me update Monday 21 March 2022

Can you see me update Monday 21 March 2022


Can you see me 21 March 2022: Suchi meets Mansi’s doctor Dr. Malhotra who shows her Mansi’s medical file and discusses about her mental condition. Suchi thanks him and walks out. She then prays Gopal that he knows everything and should show her a way. Nurse informs that Vinayak is out of coma. Such rushes to Vinayak’s room. Vinayak says his bad deeds took him into coma, he sees that baby/Pihu in dreams always and if feeling very guilt. He says Aarav is innocent and Mansi hired him to cut cylinder pipe. He says he will give statement to police that Aarav is trying to protect his sister.

Mansi slaps Subodh and says how can she betray her. Subodh cries that he did not know Mansi’s obsession will grow so much, she is the one who killed our Pihu. He repeats that Mansi killed Pihu. Anandita angrily picks knife and walks away thinking of killing Mansi.Pihu sees Gulgule insisting Suman to tell ghost stories till he sleeps and hopes her grandap’s ghost returns and does his work. Suman scolds him not to call ghost as it is bad for the person who sees ghost. She thinks she is ghost/bhoot, so if she meets mamma, will it be bad for mamma. Aarav comes to Suchi’s house and feels guilty that because of him and Subodh baby Pihu was killed.

Pihu stands and silently listens to him. Aarav apologizes Pihu to forgive him and keeps rose in front of her feet. Suman sees him and greets to come, says Such will take time to call, when are they marrying, Aarav leaves. Pihu asks Gopal why khadoos gave her rose. Gopal says so that she does not get sad. Suman says Aarav left his phone here. Pihu tells Gopal let us go and return Khadoos’ mobile. Gopal says they cannot go out today.Mansi gets a panic attack when she does no get her medicine. Aarav and Babli try to control her. Aarav says her medicine has finished, he will get it. He realizes he left his phone at Suchi’s house.

At Suchi’s house, Gulgule picks Aarav’s phone before Pihu picks it and plays game. Pihu shouts to give it back, pushes him and leaves with phone. He is confused who pushed him and took mobile. Pihu takes mobile to Gopal and says let us go and return it to khadoos. Gopal asks her to keep it phone back from where she took and says they cannot go out as today it will rain a lot. He says he will not speak to her if she insists. Pihu says she will not speak to him and leaves. Gopal thinks worst is going to happen to this child, hope he can change this child’s destiny, but he cannot.Suchi goes to police station and gives evidence that Mansi killed Pihu and not Aarav.

She takes police along to get Mansi arrested. Pihu walks on road to meet Aarav. Rain starts. She runs behind her mamma/Anandita seeing her. Gopal is seen with her. Anandita reaches Aarav’s house holding knife and calls Mansi to come out. Babli is with Mansi consoling her. She hears Anandita and comes out of room. Anandita shouts to call her daughter, she killed Pihu. Babli pleads to spare her daughter. Anandita sees Mansi in a room, walks in and closes door. She roughs up Mansi and asks why did she kill Pihu. Mentally unstable Mansi says she did not and calls Babli for help. Pihu reaches with Gopal and happily tries to hug mamma, but passes via her. Babli opens door knocking it. Anandita and Mansi’s fight continues.


Suchi comes with police and arrow and is shocked seeing Mansi stabbing Anandita during their tussle. Anandita collapses. Mansi says she did not do anything. Inspector says Mansi killed Pihu earlier and now stabbed Anandita, so he will arrest her. Babli pleads not to arrest her daughter, but police arrests her and takes he away. Babli scolds Aarav that Suchi got Mansi arrested, all because of him. Aarav fumes that Suchi tricked him and got Mansi arrested, he will not spare her for her tricks.


Suchi rushes Anandita to hospital. Doc takes Anandita to ICU. Pihu pleads mamma to wake up and talk to her. Suchi prays god to save Pihu’s mother. Subodh also rushes to hospital and asks who harmed his wife, what happened to her. Doc says she is stabbed and her condition is very critical, he asks for O negative blood. Suchi and Subodh text someone for blood. Subodh then sits on chair and cries all happened because of him, he will not forgive himself. Pihu says mamma is unwell, she is bleeding. Subodh cannot hear her. Suchi gets a reply from a donor. She happily tells Pihu that her mamma will be fine soon. Doctor transfuses Anandita and says her conditio is critical even now and her changes of revival are lame. Pihu prays Gopal to cure her mamma and peeps into Anandita’s room. Anandita’s soul leaves body.

Next: can you see me Tuesday update



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