Anupama starlife update Saturday 24 February 2024

Anupama 24 February 2024: Anuj tells Pakhi that he has heard everything whatever she said, now she shall listen to him. He says she will not decide who will work in the project of his company and who will not work, and asks her to move and says he is getting late.

Pakhi asks why you are making my husband as your enemy. Romil says your husband is bad, fraud, evil and wife beater. Pakhi asks Anuj, what my husband has done? Anuj says I am sorry to say this, and says a person can’t be modern with modern clothes and education, and tells that the person shall be modern from mind. He says your mother is more modern than you, though she wears handloom saree, couldn’t speak English well.

And you being today’s girl, is more backward and says after getting slapped from your husband, don’t act as an vulnerable woman. He says you are embarrassing whole generation. Pakhi says my husband will go to office. Anuj says if I wanted then he will go to jail. He asks her to let Anu decide where she wants to send him. He asks her not to irritate him with her stupid family things and asks her to stop this drama, asks if you are coming with me or not.

He says due to your childish tantrum, I don’t have all day. Adhik tells Pakhi that she has to go to office, and says they all need time to believe that I have changed. Ankush asks Pakhi to come. Adhik tells Pakhi that he is sure that she will give good presentation and he is proud of her. Anuj leaves with Ankush. Adhik comes to his real self and throws the thing, and says how he is talking to me, if I am the Servant. Romil says you are the parasite and pro level cunning and abusive violent husband. Adhik says I will break your face. Romil says I am not your wife to say you I love you, if you beat me. Barkha says this guy is oversmart. Adhik says I will see Pakhi, but has to see him first. He picks the brief case.

Baa asks Kavya to stop crying and asks her to say what happened? Babu ji says if you will not tell us then whom you will say. Anupama asks Kavya to go to room. Kavya says this baby is not of Vanraj. Baa asks what you are saying, say slowly. Kavya says this baby is mine, but not of Vanraj. Anupama closes her eyes hearing this. Baa and others get shocked. Kavya says I am sorry. Vanraj asks Kavya to go inside and says Kavya enough. Anupama asks what will happen now, she couldn’t bear her guilt and that’s why said. Vanraj says but. Baa says you both know about it, but we didn’t know. She asks what do you mean by this baby is of Kavya and someone else? Kavya says this baby is of Anirudh and me. Everyone is shocked. Kavya cries. Babu ji is shocked. Anupama says babu ji.

Barkha asks Adhik what is he doing in Romil’s room. Adhik says I am cutting Romil’s ticket. Barkha asks if he is stealing money to frame Romil. Adhik says yes, and Anuj will throw him out, and even Anupama can’t say anything.

Baa recalls getting happy hearing Kavya’s pregnancy. She tells that this is betrayal, and says we have been celebrating since so many days, but we came to know that everything is a betrayal. Babu ji says he is sad and wonders why Kanha ji gave him long life, and should have taken him. Baa asks Kavya why did she bring her sin pot here. Anupama asks Baa to leave Kavya and says she is pregnant. Baa cries and tells that their head will be lowered for 100 births, and tells that they had respect, but their bahu have blackened their respect. She says when a man does a sin, then only he has to bear the punishment alone, but when woman does sin, all the family has to bear the punishment.

Anupama tries to stop her. Baa pushes her. Vanraj says Baa. Baa asks them to be quiet and confronts them for hiding the truth from them. She says bahu has blackened her face, beta has hidden it and even you have hidden it. She tells Kavya that she feels ashamed for whatever she has done, and says when you was Anirudh’s wife, you betrayed him with vanraj and now you betrayed Vanraj with Anirudh. She says you are worse and they are more worse than you to hide it. Anupama says Kavya has done mistake, but atleast she has courage to say the truth.

She says if she had not said then if we would have known. Baa says we shall do her aarti and respect her, as we got satyavaan bahu. Anupama says your anger is justified, but listen to Kavya once. Baa says she don’t want to listen. Anupama asks her to get angry, but hear her. Baa asks her to be quiet and says you have backstabbed me, by hiding from me. She asks Vanraj, since when he has become great and hid this from her. Kavya says it is not their mistake, but mine. Baa asks her to be quiet, else she will take her life.

Anuj talks to someone and says don’t worry, money will be deposited, I gave this work to Bhai. Pakhi is typing on the laptop. Anuj calls the receptionist, and asks if Anu called or messaged. He says tell me if she messages. Pakhi says Mummy must have gone to Shah house, again some drama must have happened. Anuj says she is habitual to go there, and says you don’t worry, she will handle. Pakhi says if she will be involved in personal life, then how she will work. Anuj says I know how this thing will take, and says now you will talk about your personal life and husband.

He says this job is not samosa, which you have with your husband. He says you are disrespecting the chance in office and home, you have lost your self respect, it is your life, but this office is my sacred space, I will not let anyone disrespect it. He says it is better if you don’t take your mannerless husband infront of me in this sacred space and asks her to send the reports by evening.

Baa says I am surprised on my own shamelessness, how can I be alive after hearing this. Toshu says even I have not stoop so low.

Kinjal says please. Toshu says when a man does mistake, everyone gets chance to scold him, but when a woman does mistake, then everyone becomes quiet and asks others not to say this. Kinjal says matter is not about man and woman, and says it is that problem will not be solved if you shout. He asks why did you shout when Dimpy and I had done a mistake? Kinjal asks what do you mean? He says everyone thinks of peace, when woman does mistake, and Mummy says that don’t shout. He tells Anupama that whatever Papa had done with you, Kavya has done the same thing with Papa. He says if we had lectured you then, not to fight then how do you feel. Anupama says enough. Baa says if we had lectured you. Vanraj asks Kavya if she is happy now, you have given my old parents so much pain, by lowering your guilt. Kavya says there was burden on me. He says that burden was your punishment, which you have lowered it on them. Samar asks if you have accepted this baby, Papa. Baa shouts no. Babu ji asks why you didn’t tell us? He says you should have told us then or shouldn’t have told us now.

Dimpy says you call me bad, but now your grand son and bahu is having affair with someone, and asks if this is house or some bad movie’s character profile. Baa shouts asking her to be quiet. Kinjal takes water in glass to give to Baa. Vanraj asks Baa to drink water. Baa says she don’t want to have it and wants to die. Anupama says don’t say this. Baa says I have prayed to you all my life to God, but he gave me curse. Kavya says I accept that I have done a mistake. Baa says it is a sin, and says no woman will accept that her bahu will stoop low, and her son lowers infront of her. She asks her to leave from the house.

Anupama shields Kavya and says where she will go from here? she says Kavya is the bahu of the house and it is her house too. Baa says only grah lakshmi stays in the house and not her. She tries to drag Kavya out. Anupama tries to stop her. Baa says you are taking her side. Anupama says I am not taking her side, but is taking this baby’s side. She says her mistake is not justified. She asks when your son cheated on me, did you throw him out? She says your son’s mistake can be forgiven, but not of Kavya. She says Kavya is wrong like Mr. Shah was for me then? She asks if Kavya gets hurt or if something happens to baby then will you all forgive yourself?

Next Sunday update Anupama 


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