Wedding planners 24 january 2022: The Episode starts with KT asking Preeti to throw money on the lender’s face. She asks how will I pay money. He says I will get a job for you, I work in a company Shaadi Mubarak, there is a vacancy, it will help you. She thanks him and says you help me always, I didn’t ask your name, what’s your name. He says Keertan, think its a new start for our friendship, your problems will be mine, my happiness will be yours. Preeti shakes hands and says I m Mohi. Ik tara….plays….
She gets ready for work. She asks the girl to let her go. She scolds the girl and asks her to focus on studies. The girl cries and asks her not to go. The girl wakes up from dream and cries. Preeti comes to her and hugs. Vishal looks on. Preeti says I m not going anywhere. The girl says it was a bad dream, never leave me, I can’t live without you. KT says once Preeti works here, I will use my magic on her, I want to bring her in my world, which she deserves. Neil nods. KT says I want to win Preeti again, I won’t let her go away.
Preeti asks the girl not to cry, she won’t go away. She makes the girl laugh and hugs her. She says just stay happy, you have to get ready for school. She says I have to go for job, Lord please help me, I want to manage my work and daughter. Vishal looks on. KT says I have to bring Preeti back in my life. He calls the staff. He says thanks for coming on my call, I have arranged a five star breakfast for you, you will get mid term bonus. They thank him. KT says don’t call me Sir or KT, I m Keertan for you, I m also a regular employee, treat me like that, I got my Preeti partner back, but unfortunately, she doesn’t identify me and you all, we can’t lose, we are filmi, we will do what happens in films, I will become my duplicate and convince my wife, I will win her heart, I want your help, there should be no mistake, treat me as an employee, not Sir. They agree.
KT says Priyanka will be the owner of the company. She says you can say KT is the owner. He says no, she is much upset with KT, I m a simple man Keertan for her. He asks them to get to work, well done. He says I will go now to drop Kirti to school. Preeti encourages the girl. She says one who works hard never loses. KT says don’t focus on hard work, you are my daughter, talent is in your blood. Kirti goes. He says I love you. Driver says I have to shift my house, I need some money. KT says it will be done. Preeti sees Kirti’s shoe lace open. She goes to help. Kirti throws the shoes and says I can do anything, KT told me. Preeti says he has spoilt his daughter as well. KT sees Preeti and sits in the driver’s seat. He follows Preeti.
Driver asks shall we make her sit in the car. KT says no, KT and Keertan are different now.He meets Preeti. She says you always meet me when I m in problem, I was finding Shaadi mubarak. He says I was also going there, come. He gets Preeti to the office. He signs the staff to welcome her. He says its a special day today, madam said everyone will get a welcome like this. Nandu calls him boss. KT asks him to focus on his work. He says office is beautiful, right. Priyanka says I m nervous, I have to take Preeti’s interview. Preeti says its a big office, I didn’t work in any marriage before. KT says don’t worry, I will talk to boss. Neil says she has come, go, best of luck. Priyanka gets emotional meeting Preeti.
Kirti gets selected for the princess role. She recalls KT asking her to give goodies to her friends. Kirti bribes the classmates. Little Preeti also comes to play the same role. KT gets worried seeing Preeti and his pic. Neil and KT cover up the pics. They remove it from the shelf. Teacher says I will decide who will play the princess. Kirti insults little Preeti and pushes her. She goes. Priyanka says I m recording the interview. Kushala and Sneha see Preeti on the video call and smile. KT looks on. Preeti says I have no experience, that’s why. KT recalls her hard work and success. Preeti telling Priyanka about the pink colour dye for the clothes. Priyanka says amazing, we want such talents, you have good experience. Preeti gets a call from school and disconnects. Priyanka says welcome to Shaadi mubarak, you got the job. Preeti thanks her. Priyanka says your salary will be 20000rs.
KT signs more. Priyanka says 30000, 40000, final. Preeti says so much. Priyanka says its all yours, its your hardwork, don’t leave the job. Preeti hugs her. Priyanka gets emotional. Preeti attends a call and goes.Little Preeti calls Vishal and asks for Preeti. He asks why are you crying, tell me, she isn’t at home. She says Kirti troubled me, ask Preeti to call me. He consoles her. Preeti talks to Vishal. He says school call was regarding Preeti’s details, I gave them the details. He ends call and says you have snatched my daughter, see how I get my daughter back, I will fill hatred in her heart for you. A man asks for KT. KT signs Shyam to make him leave. The man comes to KT. Preeti calls out Keertan and comes. Priyanka stops the man and says we will discuss this with the team. Preeti hugs KT and says sorry, I got a job, thanks.
He says congrats, you have to give us a treat. She says I will do a lot for the family. He asks what will you do for yourself. She says I m doing this for myself. He thinks you forgot everything, except your selflessness. He asks can I ask something. She says yes. He asks her about caring for Vishal’s daughter, why didn’t she marry Vishal, sorry for crossing limits. She asks what shall I answer, person’s identity is the strength, I don’t have it, how can I think of this. He says but you love that girl a lot. She says Preeti called me in her world, I had saved her mum during pregnancy, I didn’t know about my life, then Preeti was born, I was also born.The man comes back and calls him KT. KT says I will call you later. Preeti asks KT. He says I m his PA. She says you got me a job in KT’s company. He apologizes and says he isn’t a bad man. She scolds him. She comes home. She sees the girl upset. The girl says you are a bad mummy, I called you from school, Kirti pushed me, I cried a lot, you didn’t talk to me. Preeti says Vishal said he spoke to you. The girl says I hate you and goes. Vishal says let Preeti get busy, I m with you, drink the milk.
Preeti surprises the girl with the beautiful tent. The girl goes back to her. Preeti asks Vishal to talk to her. She asks why didn’t you give me Preeti’s message. KT finds Kirti upset and cheers her up. He says you will get the role, I will talk to the principal. He thinks of Preeti.Preeti scolds Vishal. He says I didn’t wish to disturb you when you went for the interview, you did a lot for us, I thought to handle the matter myself, sorry, I was trying to become a good responsible father. Preeti says you are right, I m sorry. Vishal says go to her, she needs you. KT calls Preeti and acts like losing a job. She calls back and asks what happened. He says KT fired me from the job, when you had quit, his ego is hurt, what will I do of my old uncle, how will I arrange money. Preeti says I m coming to meet you, send your address. He says okay. She gets angry on KT.
Wedding planners Tuesday Update