Wedding planners 28 January 2022: The Episode starts with Priyanka saying Mohi said that she has no plans to return, I feel strange that she doesn’t talk about you, I think you should know it, where your daughter is going, sorry to waste your time, give this sanction letter and tickets to Mohi, thanks. She goes and says I have done my work, Neil. Neil calls Vishal. Vishal comes home. Neil says Shikha had an insurance policy, its matured, your daughter will be getting the money in her bank account, send me her bank details soon. Vishal drinks water. Nani says you didn’t do right by removing Preeti’s name from the drama, you had hurt her.
Vishal says I didn’t do anything wrong. She says you are having food on Mohi’s earning. He says Shikha did a favor on her, don’t tell me about her money, I can take care of my daughter well. She asks him to see her tears. He says I have no time for this small issue. She says think what will happen if Preeti knows this, you know that I can feel bad if you go against me, I have a big plan to make Mohi away from my daughter. Nani asks how can you think so. He says Shikha also wanted her daughter to stay well, she had an insurance for Preeti, Mohi will go away now. Neil sends 5 lakhs to Vishal’s account. Preeti goes to Neil and asks for help. He says you love your daughter much. She says I had been reborn when she was born, I want to plan something for her birthday. He says fine, I will see what I can do. Neil thinks sorry Priyanka, I can’t make Preeti away from her daughter. He calls and cancels the transfer to Vishal’s account.
He calls Preeti and says I m calling from travel agency, Vishal and his daughter is leaving for Bangalore, can you come and collect his tickets. She gets shocked. She comes home and asks where are you running, I can’t live without Preeti. He says I m her dad, you don’t act in front of me, you were snatching Preeti from me. She says you think anything. They argue. She says I will tell the truth to Preeti that you had removed her name from the play, she is much dear to me. Neil and Priyanka tell everything to Kushala. Kushala scolds them for playing this drama. She says KT loves Mohi a lot, Mohi loves her daughter much, don’t do this. Neil says I know, I have changed Priyanka’s plan, its wrong to snatch a child from a mum, you will understand this when you get a child.
Priyanka cries and says I had two miscarriages, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want a child, its not in my fate. She goes. Neil asks what shall I talk to her.Kushala says she isn’t bad hearted, when things aren’t of your choice in marriage, then you should give your best, everything gets fine. Nani asks Mohi where is she going. Preeti says I m going to meet Preeti at the school, I will convince her and get her love, shall I get pizza for her. Nani says yes, I will also have pizza. Kushala calls Preeti and asks her to come home, Kirti and Preeti have come ome, driver got them home. Preeti says fine. Kirti and Preeti have a fight. A goon comes and uses chloroform to faint the girls. He takes them in the car. Preeti comes there and gets shocked. She calls KT. She shouts KT Sir. Kushala asks what happened, KT has boarded the flight to London. Preeti says Kirti and Preeti got kidnapped. Kushala asks what.
She calls the commissioner. Police comes. Preeti says goons have kidnapped Kirti and Preeti. Inspector asks her not to take tension and go home. She says how can’t I worry, how can I sit in peace, Kirti and Preeti are kidnapped. Preeti coming to the temple. She cries and prays for the girls’ safety. Kirti asks the kidnapper to call her dad and ask for money. The man says I don’t want money, I got hurt when I was framed for fake kidnapping case, my children got upset with me, I decided to punish the police, I will do real crime, I got punished before. He laughs. Neil asks police to find out Kirti. Preeti comes home. She cries and recalls Shikha’s words. Abhi mujh mein ….plays…. She calls Vishal. He doesn’t ans wer. He is drinking at some club. Neil says they are little kids, find them out. Kushala talks to Preeti. Preeti says we shall find them, don’t worry. Neil shows the kidnapper’s message live on the news channel.
Kushala asks Preeti to check tv quickly. Preeti and Nani get shocked seeing the kidnapper with the girls. The kidnapper threatens to kill both the girls. He says only then, I will settle the scores with the police. Nani worries. Preeti says cam down, nothing will happen, have water. She sees Preeti on the screen. She clicks the pic and cries. She says that place is a peanut candy factory, where is it, she is kept there. She tracks the factory and temple area. She leaves. Nani calls Vishal. He answers. Nani cries and says come home fast, someone kidnapped Preeti, Mohi had gone to a factory. He gets shocked. He leaves. Nani prays for the girl. Vishal calls Preeti. She tells everything. He doesn’t hear anything.
Kushala cries seeing the kidnapper threatening. Neil says I will inform the police. Preeti is on the way. The girls try to fight the kidnapper. He stops them. He says I don’t like kids opposing elders.He burns a firetorch and goes towards them. Preeti comes in between and stops him. She fights the man. She scolds him for becoming the same person as the one who snatched his happiness. She says you should have proved your innocence than hurting innocent kids, this is your big mistake, your fight is with a mother now, you will lose, you can’t prove anything. He says I will prove it now, you can’t do anything, I will snatch everything from you. She says don’t come ahead. She hits on his head. She finds the door jammed. The girls hug her. The man says you all have to die. Preeti hides from him. She pacifies the girls and hugs them.
Next: wedding planners Saturday Update