Twist of fate 8 March 2022: Pragya is going out. Shagun tries to stop her and asks her to go from back door. Pragya ignoes her suggestions and opens the main door. She finds Media standing and bombarding questions on her, asking what will be her action.
Pragya says you will know soon, as lie can’t withstand for long. The other reporter says gaurav is calling you as liar. Other reporter asks about her countless marriages happened in self defence. Pragya is shocked and says she is not answerable to anyone. The reporter says Gaurav thapar is right, you are aggressive and can do anything in anger. Pragya asks them to get out. Shagun tries to make them go out, along with the Lawyer. Lawyer closes the door and tells Pragya that she shall not talk to media like that. Sushma takes Pragya inside. The lawyer tells that she shall not be aggressive and whenever anyone questions her, she shall say no comments. Pragya says they were trying to make me angry, so that they get new story. He asks Pragya to take a big action. Sushma says your senior lawyer whom we have hired, suggested your name, as you are expert.
The lawyer says Media is multiplying the things told by Gaurav and is making the story, that Pragya got married for money and changes husbands for money. Pragya says I already heard this. She asks what we shall do? The lawyer says if you have to make media quiet and save your respect, then you shall bring the person back in your life, whom you had married for the first time, and shall say that your marriage never broke and you have to stay with your husband again to save your image.
The Lawyer advises Pragya to marry her first husband and stay with him again to save her reputation. Sushma asks have you lost it, if you are a lawyer or pandit for suggesting her marry her husband.
She says this case is of your senior lawyer and asks him to send him, asks if this is your legal advice. She says it seems you didn’t understand the case. The lawyer says this is the best option, to save the image and case, and says my work is to give the advice, take it as legal or expert advice, it is best. Sushma asks if this is the advice. The lawyer says this is India, and tells that the trial happens in society before the court, and society gives everyone at the same sight.
He says Gaurav has attacked your image and respect and wants your image to be ruined and society thinks you wrong. She says the case will be lost before it goes to court, and then if you call my senior or CM, you can’t win the case. He goes. Sushma asks Pragya not to go to the office today and take some rest. She takes her with her.
Abhi waits for Pragya. He hears Nihaal talking to other employees about Pragya and says if she wanted someone then would have called handsome hunk being rich woman, what was the need to molest Gaurav. Abhi hears him and asks what are you saying against Pragya Maam. Nihaal says you are her bodyguard and you didn’t know. He says Gaurav sir told in the press conference to the Media that Pragya Madam had molested him. Abhi asks what nonsense and grabs his collar.
Nihaal asks if he will show attitude on everyone being her bodyguard, and says he is not making any news, telling what he saw in news. He says if you had seen the news then you would have told the same. He says Pragya Madam hasn’t come to the office, as if she comes then she has to hear people taunts. He says we were just talking about it. Abhi says you are badmouthing against her, due to her job, your house runs. He asks if he will joke against his family members too. He says your boss is someone’s daughter and more importantly she is a woman and shall be respected. He asks them to go to their cabins. Nihaal says sorry and goes.
Pragya thinks of Abhi. Abhi calls Pragya. She looks at her mobile and recalls how he had beaten Gaurav to protect her. She recalls Sushma’s words and doesn’t pick the call. He thinks Pragya is not picking my call and thinks she must be very hurt.
Shagun comes to Pragya and says someone has come to meet you. Pragya asks her to ask Sushma to meet the person. Shagun says Sushma went to meet Gaurav. Pragya says ok, I will meet her. Aaliya comes to Gaurav’s house and says I came to tell you, why you shall give us money. Gaurav looks tensed. Aaliya asks if he is scared from within. He says come in and tells that he is not scared of her, and tells that he will give her money once he arranges the money, and asks her to keep Tanu away from him, as she talks as if she has bought me. She tells that she has made a big plan and is asking for money to execute her plan. He asks what is the plan? Aaliya says she will tell when he gives her money. She turns and sees Gaurav’s father. Mr Mahesh Thappar. She asks Gaurav if he is h is son. Gaurav asks why are you shocked? Mahesh asks her to forget whatever happened? Aaliya says my life and business were ruined because of you. Mahesh says I understand how the past years were for you.
Gaurav says you said that Pragya has ruined you. Aaliya says Pragya is responsible for mental fall, but due to your Papa, we have lost our business. She says the singer who had filed case on us, your father had bribed the composer and we got many complaints on our company due to your father. She says not only this, your Papa has bribed our employees too. Mahesh Thappar says it is business, I couldn’t see my downfall and that’s why became the reason of you real downfall. Aaliya asks why our company? Mahesh says your company was on top and we wanted to come on top.
This is the matter of 2 years back, when our company performance was not good in India, as you was the reason and that’s why I made that rock singer filed fake case on your company, gave him money, it was my need to ruin your company, so that I can show my company performance good.
Pragya comes downstairs and sees someone standing in dark. Tanu turns and comes in front of Pragya. Pragya recalls Tanu’s taunts. She thinks if she has come to laugh on me then she will go crying from here. Aaliya comes back home and asks Mitali if she saw Tanu? Mitali says this is a small house, even needle is found and you are not finding Tanu. She says there is peace here, which means she is not here, she went wearing her favorite saree. She asks I asked if you are going to become supermodel, she said that she will change her destiny. Aaliya thinks surely Tanu might go to get money from Gaurav and thinks she has a better idea to get money from him. Mitali asks her to cut the tomatoes to make dal. Aaliya says it is your work to make food.
Pragya says if you have come to laugh at me then it is your foolishness. Tanu asks why do you feel that I came to laugh on you. Pragya says your face is showing and says you might have seen the news and that’s why came to laugh. She says this is real Pragya, who can be worried, but not scared. She asks her to leave. Tanu says I haven’t come here to laugh but to help you. Pragya says I know you really well. Tanu says if anyone knows me other than Abhi and Aaliya, then it is you. We have a good relationship as an enemy. She says I have watched the news on TV and came to know what are you going through. She says if the case goes to court, then you will be such questions in court. She says I brought an offer for you, and to save your respect and business, I can…Pragya asks her to get out. Tanu says I came to give your solution. Aaliya calls someone and asks if Tanu came to their house.
She then asks Mitali to go to mall and search her, if she again went to mall. Abhi asks what are they talking about? Mitali says Tanu is missing. Abhi asks her to search her where she could be there. Aaliya says she called Gaurav, but she is not there. She sends Mitali to search Tanu. Abhi recalls Gaurav and asks Aaliya how did you know Gaurav. Aaliya says I don’t know her. Abhi asks her not to try to lie.
Tanu tells Pragya that she knows that she is trapped in truth and a fake trap. She says you need someone’s help to get it out. Pragya says I will not hold your hand even if I am drowning. Tanu asks so what you will do, and says the more you use your hands and legs, you will drown more. She says you will get the shore that can save you. She says I am not asking you to hold my hand, but to hold someone else hand. She says I came to make my husband as yours. Pragya is shocked. Tanu says I came to make my husband yours, who was once your husband. She says don’t think that I am having sympathy for you, but it is not like that. She says I am doing this as nobody sympathizes with me and says I am selling my husband. She says he can become your husband if you can bid the right price for him. Sushma comes and overhears her.
Tanu says you will not refuse my chance, as this is your advantage. She says this is a male-dominated society that will not let you survive here, and says the world thinks that you want a husband just for time being. She says you have to change your marital status, says you have molested Gaurav as told by him, if you have your husband stand by you, then nobody will say anything. Pragya asks Tanu to leave and close the door. Tanu asks if has gone mad and says you can marry Abhi if I sell him.
Abhi asks Aaliya, how did she know Gaurav? He asks shall I ask Gaurav? Aaliya thinks of a story. She says the mistake is not mine, everyone of us was betrayed so that our music company had a downfall. Abhi says how do you know Gaurav. Aaliya says you have to hear everything to know. She says she got clues few days back, and when she followed it, she came to know that someone conspired to ruined our music company. She says previously I was not sure, who has ruined it, but now that person confessed that he bribed the singer, music composer and others to ruin us, everything was snatched from us to take us down. Abhi asks who was that person?
Aaliya telling Abhi it was all scam to snatch our everything, to bring us down. Abhi asks who was he? Aaliya recalls Mr. Thappar telling that he had ruined Aaliya’s brother company, and once the company closed, his career, reputation and everything ruined and he couldn’t raised up. He says our company became top and we became Sushma tandon partners, but if she had know what we do, then she would have break partnership with us.
He tells Aaliya that he has no enmity with them, but did that to have partnership with Sushma. He says today Sushma wanted to ruined us and our enemies are one today, and if we unite then the enemies will lost. Aaliya says I will get everything back from Pragya. Fb ends.
Aaliya says Pragya is the one who has ruined us and snatched our everything.
She says I have papers to prove this and says I think destiny is playing games with us. She says how did Marcus company came on the top and tells that Sushma and Pragya are the partners. She says you will not believe me, but you have to agree. She says even Pragya had to agree, she knew our company name and ruined us from far. Abhi says Pragya can’t do this. Aaliya says Pragya can do this and says you never believed her. Abhi says Pragya can’t do this, but you can, and always created misunderstandings from us. Aaliya asks him to search on internet, who has ruined us. She says I had talked to them and told that I will give them money, but Pragya bribed them and made our downfall. She says you have become her Servant and everyone is separated from us, and even Rhea. She goes on telling against Pragya.
Abhi leaves. Aaliya thinks Pragya doesn’t know that her partners are ruining us, just like she doesn’t know that I am ruining her.
Pragya says I know Aaliya and you better and thought you came to laugh at me, but you are making fun of your own marriage. She says since I know you, you wanted to snatch him, when you have snatched him, you wanted to sell him. She says you are not valuing your Kumkum and wanted to sell him to me. Tanu says you are talking big and talks about her bad condition after marriage, and says such talks are easier when you have money.
Pragya says I always values kumkum and respects it even now. Tanu says you will repent, if you refuse then your life will change. Pragya says you don’t show the way, but distracts me. She says I don’t trust you, don’t know what you want to do by selling him. Tanu says I will sell Abhi, if not you then to others, as Abhi himself doesn’t want such life. She says I thought you are understanding and will take a wise decision. Pragya says you have kumkum why you need money. Tanu says it is a small offer, why don’t you buy my husband. Pragya says I have faced so much and don’t need shortcut to come out of this. Tanu asks if this is your last decision. Pragya says first. Tanu says your decision will prove costly. Pragya says I don’t see profit and loss. Tanu goes. Sushma says you did right.
Pragya tells that she was thinking that Abhi is happy with Tanu, but here the scene is different. She says how she can think of selling him. Sushma says it is their personal issue.
Ranbir asks Prachi, why does the laptop battery is not ending and says I will break it. Prachi says 2 mins. Ranbir breaks his button. Prachi gets up and makes him wear his lucky jacket. She says she doesn’t have time to stitch the button now. Ranbir says whenever I thought to spend time with you, you comes to room and sleep. Prachi says she gets tired.
She asks him to go to office. He says I miss you and asks her to make many calls to him. He says I love you. Prachi says I love you too. Rhea sees Ranbir coming out of his room. She turns her face. Ranbir tries to clarify that he got confused seeing her saree, even you was wearing the same saree so I thought you are Prachi. Rhea says it was similar. Ranbir says you shall fight with Prachi as she didn’t tell that you has similar saree. He says Soni told me that Prachi is in kitchen. He says the mistake will never happen again and says sorry. Rhea nods her head. Ranbir goes from there. Rhea looks upset and thinks of his word that she shall fight with Prachi.
Prachi gets Diya’s call and she tells her that she didn’t call as she thought she is busy in her badminton practice. Diya says you are also busy with your husband and asks if she is fine in her sasural. Prachi says problem is in me as I do mistakes often. She says I feel that I can’t keep anyone happy. Diya asks her not to talk about the end and says it is in our hands to take out solution for many problems. Prachi says you bring happiness in everyone’s life. Diya says until everything is fine, there will be no end. Prachi asks how can you talk such positive things. Diya says by playing badminton and promotes her show. Soni calls Prachi. Prachi ends the call.
Teji brings tea and offers to Pallavi. Pallavi refuses. Teji gives tea to Dida. Prachi comes and asks did you call me? Dida asks her to drink tea. Teji says Pallavi haven’t called her to drink tea. Pallavi asks Prachi if she knows who are coming. Prachi says yes, she has done all the arrangements. Pallavi says I want to repeat few things. She then praises Rhea for saving her reputation infront of Rajeshwari ji. Pallavi tells Prachi that she shall not repeat her mistake. Dida says if you will remind her about her mistake then she will get afraid.
Pallavi says fear is necessary as it teaches discipline. She asks her to focus on today and today is big day than yesterday. She says Rhea…I have immense trust in you, so Soni will be with you and help you. She tells Prachi that she has no trust in her and that’s why Soni will help only Rhea. She says Rhea has the desire to learn, but you. She asks are you okay about that. Dida says Rhea doesn’t know cooking, so how Soni will help. Pallavi says Rhea has worn saree and also helped Rajeshwari ji. She tells that Rhea has the desire to learn, which Prachi doesn’t have. Dida says how can you say that. Teji says Ranbir wants Prachi all the time, made her as his wife, but doesn’t let her become their bahu. Pallavi tells Prachi that she shall handle Husband and all the house, and other relations. She says if you wanted to be good then prove that she is suitable to be a good bahu.
Next Wednesday update twist of fate