Twist of fate update Tuesday 11 January 2022

Twist of fate update Tuesday 11 January 2022


Twist of fate 11 January 2022:  Prachi throws the bouquet. Parth gets up and says Prachi. Prachi says don’t get up else everyone will know that you have admitted for the fake injury.

A fb is shown, Prachi recalls Parth planning to get admitted in his uncle hospital and files a strong case against Ranbir. Prachi comes there and asks him not to think of filing case against Ranbir, else she will file case against him for fake MMS. She asks him and his friends not to tell Ranbir that she stopped them. She asks his friend to call Ranbir and asks him to patch up with Parth, as he was in hospital. She asks him to call him there. Parth gets her doctor uncle’s call. Prachi asks him to get the bed ready, as they are coming for the fake treatment. She asks Parth to be positive even if she says all the negative things. She tells that she wants him to h ate her. fb ends.

Prachi goes behind Ranbir and sees him scolding staff member. She calls him. Ranbir doesn’t talk to her and leaves. Prachi thinks about her moments with him. Aryan worries for Ranbir knowing whatever happened in the college.

Tanu asks Aaliya how she can take rod from your hand. Aaliya scolds Pragya/Gayatri and tells that only her orders rule in the house. They ask why did she close the door? Pragya keeps coin in her teeth and asks them to feel ashamed of their behavior towards Abhi. Mitali and Tanu say you will teach us how to behave? Tanu asks her to get out. Mitali asks Pragya to go and says Tanu will handle the house and Abhi now. Pragya starts walking. Aaliya asks if Tanu will handle Bhai.

Pallavi worries that ranbir came home and started breaking things. She says he didn’t want to answer me. Ranbir comes there holding the box and apologizes to Pallavi for his behavior. He says he was upset as her heart attack drama came out. Rhea comes there. Ranbir asks Pallavi to do the arrangement of engagement and tells that he will engaged for his mummy’s happiness. Vikram about you? Ranbir says what Mummy wants. Vikram asks where are you going? Pallavi also asks. He says he is going to complete the impending things and will return back to them.

Pragya is outside Mehra Mansion and thinks I did right, but now they will not give me job even if I fold my hands. Prachi thinks of Ranbir and looks at the friendship band which he had gifted her. She thinks of their moments. Just then door is knocked. Prachi opens the door and finds Ranbir standing. Ranbir says I came to show you something and shows her first event pic, says he had kept it near his heart. He then shows her pic with him taken on Diwali day. He says he didn’t remember how many diyas they have burnt, but know when. He shows their holi pic. He shows their engagement colors and says you had become my fiancé then. He says his mom wanted him to make someone else wear the ring, but I was mad to rush to you.

He says you always wanted me to take you out of my mind, so I am throwing you out of my life and heart, and burns their pics and put it in the box. He says once all these things get burnt, I will get freed from you forever. He takes off the engagement ring and breaks his relation with her. He throws the ring in the burning fire. Thukrake mera pyaar mera inteqaam dekhe gi plays….He turns to go and then turns to her, tells that he is getting engaged to Rhea as she loves him. He asks her not to come, but if she wants to come then come with Parth. He turns to go and gets teary eyes, wears googles to hide his tears and sits in the car. Prachi sits on the door and cries. Shahana comes there and asks her to come inside. Rhea comes there and looks on.


Pragya thinking how to go back. Just then someone comes there and collides with designer Mandira. Mandira asks if she came to pick her. Pragya says no, my mother is coming to take me. Mandira thinks they like such clothes. Tanu asks Mitali to leave the tension. Mitali asks who will handle Abhi, you. They argue. Aaliya blames Tanu as Gayatri left. Tanu says she was not good. Mitali says we didn’t just want a maid, but want someone who can take care of Abhi.


Mandira comes there and asks whose engagement is this? She tells that your Servant is standing outside and tells that she will give her dress complimentary. Tanu tells that she will prove that Gayatri was not handling Abhi, but dress matters. She asks Mitali to take the stick and bring Abhi down. Aaliya asks what is going on in your mind. Tanu asks Mandy to come with her.

Prachi cries and tells Shahana that Ranbir was her first love and tells that when he broke their relation then her heart broke. She says why I couldn’t bear it, knowing that he is engaging to Rhea. She says I don’t know why I couldn’t bear to see this. Shahana says you had loved him much and asks her to tell the truth. Prachi refuses and asks Shahana not to tell. She says God is great, says he has control in his hand, what I will do by keeping him in my heart, when he is not in my destiny. Shahana says she will tell Maasi? Prachi asks her not to tell her and says she is already stressed about Papa. She recalls her convcersation with Pragya that Abhi needs her and that’s why she is going there as household help. Prachi says why are you doing this? Pragya says nobody can identify me, when I am in veil. She says Abhi needs a wife and not a Servant. Prachi worries. She tells that she has to fulfill promise made to him after marriage. She recalls everything.

Next Wednesday update twist of fate 



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