Twist of fate 17 February 2022: Tanu returns home. Aaliya asks where did you go and asks whose purse is this? Tanu says you are jealous of me and tells that it is hers. Aaliya says it is original and asks from where did you bring it? Tanu says I have stolen it and then tells that she is lying. Aaliya says I know it is original and asks her. Tanu says it is duplicate. Abhi comes there and asks Aaliya if Tanu can bought original here. He says everyone is poor here and calls Dadi. He asks Tanu if stealing is good and says one day Police will come and arrest you. Pragya comes to the chawl in her car. Police also comes there in the jeep. Inspector tells Pragya that the thief stays in this chawl. Siddharth tells beeji that he is going to Bangalore. Dadi says they will take care of Vikram. Pallavi comes there and gives file to Siddharth and politely scolds him. beeji asks Ranbir if he missed her. Ranbir says he remembered her daily. Beeji goes and hides to hear them talking. Pallavi says it is good that you came to meet your dad, he really meant that he missed you a lot. Ranbir says even I missed everyone. Pallavi asks if he is still staying in the same chawl and says if you had married Rhea, then would have stayed in this luxurious home. Ranbir says he stays in a good colony and not chawl. Pallavi says I have seen if it is colony or chawl. Ranbir asks then why didn’t you come inside. Pallavi says you are forgetting that I don’t want to have any relation with the girl, with whom you want to have the relation. Ranbir says you broke relation with me.
She asks him to take care of his dad, but leave Prachi.. She says you can become the son of this house, can take the cars, stay in house etc but not as someone’s husband. Ranbir says I am still your son, you didn’t understand. She says it seems you don’t like her. Pallavi says Rhea was my first choice and I never accepted Prachi as my bahu. She says only you can come here and not you. Ranbir says what do you think that you will give me greed about cars, home etc, and I will agree. He says I don’t want anything, I just came to see Papa. Pallavi asks what do you like among the house, cars, company, business etc. Ranbir says he wants a simple life and loving wife. He tells that they have their share of happiness or sorrows, one thing is there that they are together always. He says you don’t seem to be happy.
The people of the chawl look at Pragya. Sushma calls Pragya and asks where are you? Pragya says she came to the thief’s house to ask her why she stole my purse. She says she doubts Thappar. She says I will talk to you later and ends the call. She gets inside Abhi’s house with Police and gets shocked.
Dadi ask Abhi what happened? Abhi says Tanu has stolen this purse. Tanu asks what are you, a drunkard. She says I have bought this purse. Abhi gets Sumit’s call and tells him that his wife bought a purse, with which he can buy a shop. He says he will go out. Pragya is on call and hears Tanu telling that she will get mad here.
She ends the call and gets inside the house. She sees Abhi and Dadi’s pic there. Mitali, Tanu, Aaliya and Dadi look at Pragya. Mitali asks where is Abhi? Aaliya says he ran out of the window. Inspector tells Pragya that Tanu has stolen her purse. Tanu thinks if she is alive. Pragya looks on Tanu and Aaliya and recalls their words. Inspector asks constable to arrest Tanu. Tanu asks why? Inspector says you have stolen Pragya Arora’s purse. Tai jisays you didn’t come to meet us. Inspector asks what are you saying? He asks Tanu to return the purse. Tanu says it is hers. Inspector says you have stolen her purse and says they watched it on CCTV. Tanu says she took it as it was kept there. Pragya says you have stolen my purse, which has property papers including Mehra Mansion papers, which I bought today.
Pallavi goes inside to get something. Beeji says Pallavi has made herself a stone. Ranbir asks her to smile and says I love you. Beeji says I love you too. He goes to meet Vikram. Pallavi brings medicines and gives to Beeji. She asks where did he go? Beeji says to Vikram. Sushma is talking to Pragya on call when a speedy car is about to hit her, when Abhi saves her. Sushma thanks him. Abhi says I don’t want thanks and asks him to be with her daughter next time when she comes on the road. He insists to talk to her daughter. Sushma calls Pragya and says she is busy.
Abhi asks her to take care and says I will not meet you always. Dadi tells Pragya that her eyes was yearning to see her and today she is very happy. Pragya gets emotiona, wears googles to hide her emotions. Lady constable snatches purse from Tanu’s hand and gives it to her. Tanu tells that she is not Pragya and tells that she was a small teacher and can’t afford this purse. She says Pragya died 2 year ago. Pragya asks if you are shocked seeing me and tells that it is your old habit to steal someone’s purse and husband. She says I am surprised how this happened and looks at the house.
She says you have lost what you wanted. She tells Inspector that she has filed the FIR. Tanu says you have done this to trap me. Pragya walks away from there. Dadi thanks God for sending Pragya back. Prashant asks Abhi to go on his place. Abhi drinks wine. Prashant asks what is in your hand. Abhi shows the scarf. It flies and falls on Pragya. Pragya thinks my scarf, looking at it. Abhi asks a lady if she saw the scarf.
He decides to throw his handkerchief and says wherever scarf had gone, it will go to the same place. Pragya sees her scarf flying away and falling on a guy. She gets Sushma’s call and asks the guy about it. Abhi takes the scarf and goes. The guy says the owner of it took it. Pragya looks for the scarf.
Tanu argues with Police while she is about to taken away. Tai ji asks Aaliya to give something to Inspector and settle the matter. Aaliya says she doesn’t have money. Mitali asks her to work and earn money. Pragya stands outside smilingly. Dadi says where is Pragya? Pragya thinks they have fallen so low, I can’t take revenge from them, they have lost everything and I got all those things. She thinks I have to see, how they accepted such life.
Did they bend down or if they still have attitude. She sits in the car and goes. Mitali asks Aaliya to see Pragya’s car. Dadi comes out and asks where is Pragya? Aaliya says she went. Inspector asks Tanu to sit in the jeep. Tanu thinks she thought Pragya is doing drama and wonders she got rich. Dadi is happy that Pragya returned. Aaliya says how to take out Tanu? Tai ji says we shall talk to Pragya. Dadi is silent. Mitali asks if Dadi has taken Samadhi. Dadi asks what happened? Mitali says we shall talk to Pragya to get Tanu freed. Dadi says I will tell Abhi that Pragya came. Aaliya asks Tai ji to take Dadi inside and give her medicine. Tai ji says you can’t talk to me like this.
Aaliya tells Mitali that Abhi shall not know that Pragya has come and tells that if they meet then there will be a problem. Mitali says if he comes to know then he will go. Aaliya says we get royalty from bhai’s music album and says don’t forget that Pragya knows that we got him married to Tanu. Mitali says Pragya didn’t know about me. She says Pragya will melted seeing Abhi and then we all can go. Aaliya asks do you think that Pragya is foolish and knows everything about you. She says we have to create such a situation that Bhai shall not know about her. Abhi comes and asks what? Aaliya makes something fall, as Dadi tries to tell Abhi about Pragya. She then tells that she wants medicine and takes Dadi with her.
Aaliya takes Dadi to room and tells that they can’t give shock to Bhai and says his heart is weak due to excessive drink of alcohol. Dadi says he will be happy. Aaliya says we will tell Bhai tomorrow. She distracts Dadi anyhow. Dadi comes out. Abhi says what do you think that I will not know. Aaliya thinks if Tai ji told him everything.
Abhi tells Dadi that he has warned Tanu not to steal, but she didn’t agree. Dadi asks him to bring Tanu back as they are still Mehras and asks him to take Sumit’s help. He promises her. Aaliya thinks to go with Bhai so that he don’t come to know about Pragya. Tanu is in the lock up and thinks of Pragya. She thinks she got married to Abhi for his money, but he lost everything. She thinks Pragya was not looking behen ji and infact good. She thinks how her destiny changed.
Abhi comes there and says you got the new room. Tanu says she didn’t steal and says she did this, as I have snatched her everything. Abhi asks who? Aaliya signs Tanu not to tell about Pragya. Tanu says that rich woman. Abhi says you have stolen her thing. Aaliya asks him to talk to Inspector. Abhi says Inspector will not leave her. He goes to talk to Inspector. Tanu asks Aaliya how did Pragya return? She says her car fell in the river and says why she didn’t contact Abhi. Aaliya says may be as we made her talk to Pradeep in Bhai’s voice. She says Pragya might not have any feelings for him now. Tanu says no, she might have known that we have become poor, as Pallavi made the public announcement in the media and even filed case on you. Aaliya asks her not to take Pallavi’s name.
Ranbir and Vikram have a light moment. Vikram laughs. Ranbir gets Prachi’s call. Pallavi looks at them. Vikram asks him to make her talk to Prachi on video call. He then apologizes to Prachi and asks for forgiveness. Prachi asks why are you saying this? vikram apologizes for their bad behavior. He says you are seeing my condition, I am saved this time, but if I get heart attack again then I won’t be saved. Vikram asks her to let Ranbir stay here. Prachi says Ranbir is your son first then my husband. Vikram thanks her and asks her to come back home. Ranbir ends the call. Vikram asks Ranbir and Prachi to return home. Nurse comes there and says his heart beat is increasing. Ranbir promises that he will return soon. Vikram says don’t make me wait like last time. Pallavi looks on.
Inspector asks Abhi to stand straight. Abhi asks him to leave her and promises that she will not steal again. Inspector refuses. Abhi says if she is upto something then I get to know. Inspector asks then why didn’t you stop her. Abhi says he wanted her to get arrested, but now his Dadi wants him to bring her back due to family reputation. Inspector says he can’t let her go, as the lady whose purse she has stolen is good. Abhi comes to the constable. Constable signs him something. Ranbir tells Pallavi that Dida is resting in her room.
Pallavi says you came to this house now, I know everyone’s routine. She taunts him. Ranbir says I will go. Pallavi asks him not to take his dad’s words seriously and says he doesn’t like Prachi like me. She says I hate your wife and love you very much. Ranbir says when there is no condition in your love then why for your hatred. Pallavi says that’s why I hate her, she taught you this. Ranbir says Prachi loves and respect you all a lot. Pallavi says I have just called you, if this is possible then you can come and stay here.
Constable comes out. Abhi asks if he takes bribe. Constable says no. He says there is a way to get Tanu out. He tells about drunken drive case, and tells that the wife of the driver cried infront of the person filing the FIR, so he got sympathetic and took back the case. Abhi says mistake might be of the person filing the FIR. Constable says I am asking you to go and plead infront of the lady who filed FIR, to get Tanu out. Abhi agrees. Dadi calls Abhi and tells that Tanu is the bahu of the house and she don’t want her to stay in the lock up in the night. Abhi agrees and asks Constable to give the address of the purse lady.
Tai ji says if Tanu stays in jail then people will think that even we are thieves. Dadi asks when did she steal? Mitali tells that she was aware of it. She regrets to support Tanu over Pragya. Dadi scolds Mitali and tells that Pragya was auspicious for us and she used to handle home well. Tai ji tells that Mitali chose Tanu as she thought that she loves Abhi and asks Dadi why is she supporting Tanu? Dadi tells that she is supporting Tanu as the house respect is connected with her.
Tanu asks Aaliya how did she hide Pragya from Abhi. Aaliya says I am smart and hiding things from him. Tanu asks how did she manage Dadi? Aaliya says she has lied to Dadi that Abhi’s heart is weak and if she tells him about Pragya then he can’t bear it. Tanu says she has to come out and stop Dadi. Aaliya says Pragya might hate Bhai as we have cheated her using Pradeep. Tanu says that betrayal was big.
Next Friday update twist of fate