This is fate 22 December 2021: Preeta and Shristhi both question a waiter asking if at the night of the murder he saw the person in the photo, it is Sherlin however the waiter replies he was not on the duty, they therefore ask him to bring the one who was on the duty.
Megha asks if Sherlin thinks she is stupid as if she hands her the proof then would not be able to get the money, Sherlin is furious exclaiming she also belongs to Akshay’s gang so who knows she might not delete the proof, Megha pushes her, so she drops the bag which makes a noise.
Preeta and Shristhi get shocked to hear the noise, she exclaims that it is the same room in which Akshay was murdered so how did the rent it out so easily as in such circumstance even the police doesnot allow this, the waiter replies they were forced to because some guests
were insisting of taking the particular room, Preeta asks him if he saw the women in the hotel the night Akshay was murder, he however leaves refusing to accept that he saw Sherlin.
Sherlin questions why is Megha feeling so irritated as she spoke the truth, Akshay was blackmailing her and made her video with Prithvi, she saw the way he used to treat Kritika as he even twisted her hand but she thought what does she need to care about what happens in his life, Megha asks why does she try to act as if she is pure, Sherlin asks why is he constantly looking at the bag as she has never seen such a huge amount, she asks Megha to take the bag after making sure that every proof which she has against her is deleted, and she would also have to send a text explaining that all the proof which she had against Sherlin were false.
Megha takes the bag sayings he is really clever so how can she talk as she will not cut down the tree as she is not so stupid, Sherlin however says that she is not the one to be blackmailed the rest of her lives, she would not give her the money if Megha doesnot delete the proof, Sherlin taking the bag turns to leave asking if Megha is sure to not delete the footage.
Preet and Shristhi secretly enter the room, Shristhi is worried wondering how can someone leave the door open, Preeta requests her to not ask the questions as they have to search for the proof, Shristhi questions what proof does she want when her to search, Preeta says she exclaims to be really clever and should search for the proof, Preeta is shocked as she finds the pregnancy report of Sherlin, they both wonder what is it doing in Akshay’s room, Shristhi mentions if she remembers the letter which they found in Sherlin’s room but now they can be sure because of the proof which they have found in his room, Preeta however exclaims they have to be sure and should get the finger prints report from the letter. They hear someone is in the bathroom, so hide behind the door worrying someone is coming out, Akshay’s mother opens the door wondering if Megha has come back but when she goes to the bathroom, Shristhi and Preeta both rush out of the room.
Sherlin enters the room in the night, she thinks Rishab has come back but it is Prithvi who questions where did she go as he has been waiting for her but she doesnot want to talk with him however he warns her to not show attitude, he tries to overpower her but she starts crushing his neck revealing he is not her Prithvi, as he is now divided amongst Preeta and Kritika, she no longer needs him because she has to do everything alone, she asked him to help her get the jewellery but he did not and even when she asked him to take the money to Megha, he refused she is strangling him so he stops breathing closing his eyes, she gets scared so helps him sit up.
Sherlin gives him the glass of water questioning why did he not fight back, he replies that he was a swimming champion so can hold his breath for two minutes, he mentions he was joking but the only reason he did not fight back because he knows that it was his fault, she can only be angry with him and so knows he really loves her, he only went with Kritika to fill a formality but was only thinking of her, she gives in so exclaims her love for him.
Prithvi questions what happened as she went to meet Megha, Sherlin mentions that she refused to delete the footage, Prithvi is relieved that she was able to get the footage, Sherlin asks if he is not listening as Megha refused to give it, he questions what happened then, she mentions she asked her to also write a text to prove that all the footage she had against her was false, Prithvi is amazed that she thought of the future, Sherlin replies Megha was still not ready to hand over the proof, she then threatened her with a gun, prithvi in shock takes it out from the bag asking if she really went with it, Sherlin reveals she forced Megha to send her the text as now Preeta would not be able to tie either of them to the murder and they will be free, while Karan would rot in jail.
Mahesh in the night is wondering what would happen tomorrow at the hearing, Rakhi is frantically searching for something but is not able to find it, he asks what she is searching for so she replies she is looking for his injection but cannot find it as it is not at the usual place and even the belongings are all trashed.
Sherlin hears them talking so recalls she dropped the medical box, she enters asking what Rakhi is searching for then asks if she looked in the medical box, Rakhi is sure she did not place it in the box, but Sherlin starts searching, Preeta comes with the milk questioning what are they searching for, Rakhi replies they are not able to find the injection, Preeta exclaims she keeps some spare injections in the wardrobe so they can use them, she opens it but they are all shocked as the wardrobe is also ruined, Rakhi questions who would have done it, Preeta looks at Sherlin who is really nervous, Sherlin apologizes saying she was the one because of whom the wardrobe is ruined.
Preeta asks Mahesh why he is not drinking the milk, he replies that he doesnot want to so sits on the bed, Preeta assures them that Karan would come back home after the court hearing while the real culprit would be behind bars, Sherlin and Prithvi both are shocked to hear this, they get really tensed, Mahesh says that her words have raised their hopes, Preeta breathes a sigh of relief.
Sarla is performing the pooja in her house, Shristhi calls her but seeing her mother question what is she doing as they light it in evening, Sarla explains that she knows Shristhi is really clever but she felt asleep so was not able so decided to do it as tomorrow is Karan’s court hearing, she prayed that he get released, Shristhi mentions everything is all because of Sherlin, Sarla mentions that it happens because whenever those who are good get hurt it is always because of bad people,. Shristhi asks if she has started liking Karan, Sarla explains she always liked him from the first time when she saw him as he is really a caring person but he made some mistakes that caused her to be angry with him but then he did that which made her believe he would always be there for Preeta, she therefore prays
that Karan and Preeta do not get into any sort of problem in the future, Shristhi says that now the only thing which they have planned would happen as now Karan would be freed from jail.
Prithvi is in his room drinking, thinking of what Preeta said that she would make sure the real culprit is punished and Karan is freed from jail, Sherlin suddenly enters the room, Prithvi questions why has she come to him as the Luthra’s are suspicious of their affair and it is not right, Sherlin stops his mouth saying that she was in Rakhi’s room where Preeta came and the way in which she said that she would free karan is causing a lot of tension, she explains that if Preeta is able to prove that Karan is innocent she would be in the jail, Prithvi questions her to remember what she said that they have not left any proof so why is she worried, he adv ises her to think positive he then prom ises nothing wrong would happen with her and she would return back safely.
In the morning Rakhi is praying to Ganpati, explaining today is the court hearing but they do not know what would happen but she is sure he would always be with her, she prays that he perform some miracle and bring back Karan, Preeta also comes behind her praying before coming to sit behind Rakhi, they both are praying, Preeta thinks the real culprit is Sherlin so she has to prove Karan is innocent while Sherlin is guilty so she has to make her stand in the court, she prays to have the strength to do what she has planned.
Sarla is calling Shristhi to be ready otherwise they would get late for the court hearing, Shristhi comes but Sarla gets dizzy however when Shristhi inquires she replies it is nothing and she has taken the medicine, Shristhi however asks her to stay back but she insists, Sarla is about to fall but Shristhi helps her sit on the sofa saying she would not go to the court while she would inform her of everything that is happening, Janki hands her the flower which she brought from the Mandir.
The entire family is waiting for Karan and when he enters Mahesh hugs him, he then meets Rakhi followed by Karina before going to Preeta but the police ask him to come as the court hearing is about to begin, Karan mentions he would come back to talk with her, Mahesh exclaims if everything would be fine so Shristhi assures everything would be fine, Rakhi going to Preeta requests that she not worry as everything would happen according to their plan, they are waiting when Sameer comes to them, Preeta asks what happened so she reveals the entire situation.
Sherlin enters the court where Megha is with Akshay’s mother, she texts her saying that her secret is safe with her, Megha thinks what secret is talking as she already got her money so would just desire to see who is the real murderer and that he is behind bars, Mahira also enters the court followed by Rakhi and the Luthra family, they all question where Preeta is, Prithvi thinks that if Preeta is still outside then would be planning something which is not a good sign, Mahesh asks them all to sit down as she would surely come, Preeta enters court and looks at Sherlin, who is worried how she blamed her for murdering Akshay, Preeta recalls all the proof which they have against Sherlin before going to the lawyer and handing him an envelope.
The court hearing begins after the judge enters, the prosecutor explains that Karan accepted he is the murderer of Akshay so this is an open and shut case so he requests the court to sentence Karan as he is guilty, the defendant explains Karan was moved with emotions and so accepted the responsibility for the murder which he did not commit, the prosecutor explains that court doesnot work on emotions, the defendant mentions that Karan was moved to protect his wife as she was being blamed for a murder which she did not commit so he took the blame however in light of the new proof he will surely prove that neither Karan nor Preeta murdered him, the judge orders him to prove it without wasting any time.
The defence seeks permission to call Preeta to the witness box, she takes the oath to speak the truth, the lawyer questions her to say what she desires, she reveals that her husband is not the murderer and that the real criminal is Sherlin, the entire Luthra family is shocked to hear the news that Sherlin is the real murderer, Megha looks at her with disgust while Preeta is angry standing in the box.
Next Thursday update this is fate