These Streets update Wednesday 19 January 2022

These Streets update Wednesday 19 January 2022


These streets 19 January 2022: Shan is about to fill Asmita’s hairline. Krishi is happy. Asmita stops Shan’s hand. Shan says Asmita.. Asmita says krishi why are you saying this? You’re a kid. Krishi says papa has to fill your hairline and make you wear this chain. Asmita says that can’t happen. You have to marry first. Krishi says yes, best idea. Papa please marry mama. Nandani says shut up. This isn’t a game. Shekhawat says yes Krishi this isn’t a play. Krishi starts crying. Shan says Krishi please don’t cry.

Krishi says I don’t want to hear anything. Promise me you will marry mama. Shan says I promise you, I will marry your mama. Everyone is shocked. Krishi says really? He says yes. I will marry her in two days. Krishi hugs Shan.Nandani says why did you make this promise? How can you ignore Chahat? Krishi is doing a drama. I will tell her you are my husband. I won’t let my daughter suffer. Shan says shut up. You won’t say a word to Krishi. Her health shouldn’t be affected. Don’t drag Chahat in all this. I will talk to her.

Shekhawat comes to Asmita with mangalsutra. He says wear it. Krishi needs both parents, I am ready to marry you and be her father. I won’t let you ruin your life, by marrying Shan. Asmita says if she is asking to me to marry Sham, how can I marry you? Please don’t say all this again. Her condition isn’t right. She leaves. Shekhawat says Nandani wont’ let Shan come to you and I won’t let you go away from me. You will be my wife.Nandani gives drink to Shekhawat. He says are you celebrating their wedding? She says relax.

We shouldn’t fight. We can do it together. We have only 2 days. He says another failed plan? She says I will tell Krishi Shan is her dad. The doctor said she can’t take a shock. I don’t care even if she dies. Asmita says to Shan why did you promise that to Krishi? Mangalsutra and sindur have meaning. Shan says I am doing this for Krishi. Feelings are important too. There’s nothing between us. I will remove that sindur. There can’t be anything between us. Asmita says how can you do that. He says look at your face, you killed my child. You are a murderer. Asmita says shut up.

I am not a murderer. Krishi is our child. Don’t you feel anything for her? She is our daughter. Shan says I won’t trust you. Asmita says I will make you believe she is your daughter. Shan says I won’t marry you. I will do something so I don’t have to marry you even if it’s fake. He leaves. Asmita says I will make you believe in truth in these 2 days.Nevi says to Nandani do you like this card for Shan and Asmita’s wedding? I will place it on the entrance. Nandani throws it. Nevi says it’s unbreakable like shan and Asmita’s relationship.

Pack your stuff, you will have to leave this house. Shan weds Asmita.Nandani comes to Krishi. Krishi pretends to sleep. Nanadani says SHan and Asmita won’t ever marry. They are doing a drama. He isn’t gonna Asmita. Shan is only doing it as drama. Nandani says Krishi wake up. She didn’t hear anything. Nandani leaves. Krishi is crying. Krishi says God please make mama and papa married. Nandani says that means she wasn’t asleep. She heard yet, she didn’t have any stress? That means she is only pretending to be sick.

Shan comes to Chahat and says here’s your gift. She says iPad? I so wanted it. Thank you papa. Shan says papa wants you to promise me that you will always be happy. Chahat says you are the best papa. Promise. Shan says you know papa loves you and you trust papa right? Shan says you have to understand that papa is doing something which is right. Chahat says did you get same ipad for Krishi? Shan says no. He says you’re like two eyes for me. I care and love both of you. I decided before taking this decision. Krishi isn’t well. Please trust papa. Chahat says what will you do for her now? Nandani says he won’t do anything else for her anymore. Nandani says go, your teacher is here.


Nandani says you were gonna tell her that you’re going to marry Asmita to because Krishi isn’t well? She is fine. She is doing a drama. She is pretending to bring you and Asmita close. She is going a step ahead. She is a liar. She is clever like her mom. Asmita and Krishi are in this together. They both a drama. Both should be kicked out of this house. Shan slaps Nandan. He says don’t dare saying a word against Krishi. You’re makin fun of a little girl’s disease? I know Asmita can never stoop so low. You think all people are like you. This is your last warning. Don’t dare doing anything againt Krishi.


Krishi and Nevi asks decorators to decorate the house. Nirvan says what is happening? Krishi says mama is marrying papa. He says Asmita mama is my mama. She will marry my papa. Krishi says we will all live here together. Nrivan cries and says papa I want mama. Shekhwat slaps him. He hugs Nirvan. He says I am sorry. Asmita is your mom only. I won’t let her marry anyone. He says Asmita has to be mine. I will prove she is mine only.Krishi blindfolds Asmita. Nevi brings Shan he is blindfolded too. Nevi says now open the blindfold. Today is your haldi. Shan says I don’t have time. Krishi says please papa. She throws Haldi on him.

Shan colors her face with haldi. They both laugh. Krishi and Shan play with Haldi. It falls on Asmita and nevi. They all play with haldi. Asmita slips. Shan holds her. The song pyar tou tha plays.Nandani applies spices on her face. Shekhawat says what are you doing? sHe says I am increasing my pain so it keeps reminding me of the slap. Shekhawat says i will stop this wedding no matter what. I will talk to Asmita. Nandani says no one will talk anymore. Now Krishi has to tell her own plan to Shan. Shan will insult Asmita in front of everyone. Krishi will lose in her own game.



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