These streets 14 February 2022: Shan gets Krishi checked. The doctor says we all know Krishi’s problem. Please fulfill her wish. She is distressed. He leaves. Krishi cries mama. Mama. Nevi gives her water. Shan says I won’t let anything happen to you. Krishi asks where is mama? Shan says she isn’t back but she will be, soon. Don’t do this again. Krishi says I was going to mama. She has become a star. Shan says you can’t to star with balloons. She isn’t a star. I will bring her back. Krishi says promise me on my head. Like you used to. Shan says I will bring her back. But never do this again. Krishi says I promise. Chahat says you like my doll right? Keep it. They both play with dolls. Nevi says to Shan you made a promise but how will you fulfill it? Devika said no. She is very selfish. Shan says I have to convince her no matter what I have to do. I will cross any limit for my daughter and Asmita’s last wish. I will create a situation where she has to be Asmita.
Scene 2
Devika comes home with an inspector. Her chachi says finally you’re back. What did you have to suffer to bring her back? Chachi says she doesn’t care No matter what we do to bring her back. She says I don’t know how long do I have to tolerate this mother and daughter. Devika’s mother falls. Devika runs to her and says are you okay ma? Please sit on the bed. Why don’t you take care of yourself? Chachi says wow do this drama. You both are only here to create problems. She is doing this drama to show we do torture on her and make her do work. Don’t do this drama. Devika says enough chachi. Go from here. Devika gives her mother water. Devika’s mom says why did you go to jail? Why do you create problems? Devika says I was singing in the college without permission. You want me to become a popular singer right? So for your incomplete dreams, I had to do it. I feel like my dream won’t ever come true. Her mom hugs her and says our dream would come true. My dream is that a King comes to you and lighten up your destiny. Devika says it won’t happen.
Shan comes in fornt of Devika’s bike. Devika says stop it. Next time you come in front of me, I will hit you. He says you will have to face me until you agree to do what I ask. Her friend says why are you so rude to such a handsome guy. Devika says get off my bike.
Devika comes inside the college. Her friend says there’s a new psychology lecturer today. Let’s see. I hope he isn’t boring. Devika says we won’t let him stay if he’s boring. Her friend says why did you mess with that guy. He was so handsome. Devika says how do I tell you the truth. She comes to the class. Shan is there as a professor. He says I am allowing late comers today. But don’t ever be late in my class next time. I have latecomers. Take your seat. They settle down. Shan says today’s topic is empathy. If you ever get a chance to help someone never say no. Because you might need their help someday. Particularly when it’s about life and death. Asmita says in heart you will see how I teach you a lesson. Devika packs her bag and leaves.
Devika hits his bike and says how dare he? He’s teaching me compassion? Shan gives her a rod and says hit with this. It’s easier. I am bored of this bike already. I need a new one. Shan holds her hand and pulls her close.
Devika’s mom says before my death please bring a good man to her life God. He will give wings to her dreams. I would die happily. Please God. Devika shoves Shan. Devika says don’t you understand. I have a life of my own and my own problems. I can’t fix yours. I will get you kicked out of the college. Shan says nice dialogues. But when a father wants something, he would do it. It’s about my daughter and wife. I will do what I want. Shan gets on the stage and announces, Ms. Devika, I announce in front of everyone I will make you the mother of my daughter. Devika is dazed.
Scene 1
Krishi hugs Asmita’s pictures and clothes. Nevi does her hair. Nevi says go and play. Krishi says bari ma, you really love me? Nevi says yes a lot. You’re my fairy. Krishi says can you please call mama and ask me to talk to her? Nevi says there’s no network there. Mama will come home soon. Please wait for a few more days. Don’t be sad or I will be sad too. When I am sad I need to eat. Let’s eat chocolates. Krishi says no. Nevi says no, it’s our top secret. Krishi says I will eat when mama is back. She leaves. Nevi is in tears and says please help Shan. Please bring Devika home as Asmita. Kr ishi would start smiling again. Please help Shan with it.
Shan is teaching. Devika comes late. Shan says stop and come here. He says you would in on the front seat. Right in front of my eyes. Devika says why am I getting this special treatment? He says you deserve special attention. If you don’t want to get expelled sit here. Shan says positive thoughts lead to success. A girl says can I also sit in front? He says sure. The girl says to Devika, all girls have a crush on him. Why do you this to him? Devika says I know what he wants. He is such a problem. Shan says I can hear better than a lot of people. Shan teaches why compassion and helping others is very important.
Scene 2
Nevi gets everything arranged in the house. Akira comes and hugs Nevi. Nevi says how are you? How are Nirvan and Mamo? She says I am good. Akira says I also met Moni in London’s hospital. Nevi says thank you for meeting her. Nevi says our lives have stopped. Akira says Shan is so hurt. He left Moni, Nirvan, and Mamo in London. And Mamo takes care of the both the kids. He has done so much for me and Mamo even after what my brother did. I don’t know how to thank him. Nevi says it wasn’t your fault what Shekhawat did. Akira says I really love Shan. I will wait for him all my life. Nevi says how long would you wait for him? He would never give Asmita’s place to anyone. Akira says I am happy that at least he’s around. Akira says where is he? Nevi says he found Devika. He wants to bring her back. Akira says she’s the only solution for Krishi’s condition. I hope Shan brings her home. Nevi says I want the same.
Scene 2
Devika is playing basketball. Shan says to play with people of a level. You will see how well you can play? She says no one can beat me. Shan says to play with me then. Devika walks. He says scared? Devika says let’s play then. Shan says what would be the prize? Sanjana says whatever you want. Shan says sure? She says let’s go for it. Shan comes to the court. Shan says in heart now you see how I make you Asmita.
Devika and Shan are playing basketball. Shan outplays her. He takes the ball. Shan scores.
Nevi asks the servants if they have seen Krishi? She asks Chahat. Chahat says Akira took Krishi to the college to meet papa. Nevi says Devika studies there. What if Krishi sees her? Why did Akira take her to the college? D
Devika says the game hasn’t ended. Shan says it won’t end till you lost. Nevi calls Shan but he doesn’t pick. Devika scores twice. She is winning. Devika says see? Shan says the game isn’t over. Shan takes the ball from her. Devika scores again and dances. She laughs and says Shan can’t win. Shan says this is my game and I will win it for my daughter. You know what I want and I will win.
Next: these Streets Tuesday update