These Streets update Monday 24 january 2022

These Streets update Monday 24 january 2022


These streets 24 january 2022: Krishi says Shekhawat uncle would be my papa. I don’t want Shan papa. You made Nandini auntie wear mangalsutra. You didn’t do it to my mama. Shekhawat uncle would be my papa now. Shan says you are a kid you don’t know anything. Krishi says you shouted at my mom. I didn’t like it. How can you be my good papa is you shout at my mom? That makes you bad papa. I don’t want you. Asmita says let’s go Krishi. We have nothing here.

The lawyer says I should leave now. Shan says okay, go ahead. I won’t stop you because you deserve this. Asmita says Mr. Shekhawt please call Nirvan let’s leave. The abhi mujh mein kahen plays. Asmita walks out with Krishi. Shan sits down and cries. Nevi says in heart oh oh God what will happen now?Asmita recalls what Shan said. He married Nandini. He called her selfish. Krishi wipes her tears and says don’t cry mama. It isn’t your mistake. Please don’t cry. Nirvan says mama you don’t look when you cry. Please don’t cry. Asmita hugs them both. Shekhawat smiles. Shekhawat says Asmita.. I am glad you saw Shan’s reality.

Let the bitterness drip from your eyes. From tomorrow there would be only happiness. I will give you a perfect family with Krishi. We will welcome you with all the love and respect. Krishi says I will be your best papa in the world.Shan is alone in his room. He is upset. He looks at Krishi’s toys and recalls his moments with Krishi. Shan says why did you do this Asmita? He tears Asmita from Krishi’s photo. Nandini smirks. Chahat hugs Shan. She says you are my papa only. I won’t have to share you anymore. I love you a lot. You kicked that cheap girl out. Shan says I love you. Shan says in heart I miss you Krishi. I wish you were here.

Krishi says I called Shan papa bad papa. It must have hurt him. Asmita massages her head. Asmita says don’t cry. Forget all that. You deserve a father like Shekhawat. He will give you so much love you won’t miss anything. He is a nice man. Asmita hugs her.Shekhawat and Nandini drink together. Nandani says cheers. No you know how well do I play? He says I am impressed. Asmita would be mine in 24 hours. Keep shan away from her. Nandani says Shan hates her. I am sending her out of country for a day. You can marry Asmita. He won’t even come to her dreams.

Asmita is asleep in her room. shan comes in. Asmita is dazed. Shan puts his hand on Asmita’s mouth and says I am sorry Asmita. My life is incomplete without you and Krishi. I am sorry. I couldn’t spend a few moments. Asmita says there’s no point of saying sorry after ending everything. Shan says I lose my mind in anger. Why don’t you handle me? Why did you leave me with wrong? You came there to fight for us. WHy did you give up on our love? He hugs her and says why did you give up? Asmita wakes up. She was dreaming all this. Asmita says why am I thinking about Shan.

Sometime later, Asmita is in thoughts. Krishi comes and asks if she can help her? Asmita hugs her and says I am sorry, I know this is difficult for you. Krishi says I won’t call Shan a good papa as he insulted you, I am fine. Asmita thinks that kids get affected by things. Krishi gets Asmita ready for the event.Shan sits in the car and leaves. Nandini smirks and says now Asmita will be married and Shan will be a dad for Chahat only.Asmita tells Krishi that Shan didn’t care for you so we will forget him. Krishi thinks it won’t be that easy.

Nandini is dancing in front of the Devi Maa. Mom prays to Maa that you have to stop this sin, Shan has to know that he is Krishi’s real father, bring this truth out, please.Krishi cries and says this is not good.Shan looks at Krishi’s photo and says why I am feeling weird? The car stops and Shan sees people alleging the foster mother. He stops the men there and says that you are raising hands on a girl? The man says she was stealing a packet of biscuits. Shan pays for it and asks everyone to leave. He says you came to our house? He gives her the money and says be careful. The foster mother thinks I lied to him and did a sin of hiding his daughter from him and he saved my life? I can’t do this.

Shan is about to leave but the foster mother stops him and says it was good to see Krishi with you. Shan says Asmita took that kid away, I felt a connection with her and felt like she was my own but her mother made me look like a bad pap. The foster mother says I lied to you and still you loved her. Shan says what lie? Krishi’s foster mother tells Shan that I want to tell you that Asmita gave birth to Krishi 6 years back, you brought her to the hospital when she was in the accident, they deliberately took Asmita’s and it was told to her that baby died and the baby didn’t die and it’s a girl. Krishi was with me for 6 years and she is your daughter only. Shan is shocked and says she is my daughter?

They took my daughter away, why? The foster mother says I got the money for it, someone else kept your daughter away from you. She tells him everything. Shan is shocked and in pain. She says that a person’s name was… Nandini hits that foster mother with her car and runs away. She thinks that Shan can’t know the truth. The foster mother is injured, she tries to tell the name to Shan but she faints. Shan recalls Asmita’s wedding and says I am coming.

Krishi’s foster mother tells Shan that I want to tell you that the baby didn’t die and it’s a girl.Shekhawat is in the mandap. Nandini calls him and says I am sure Shan knows the truth about Krishi, get married to Asmita as soon as you can. Shekhawat thinks that I have to marry Asmita at any cost.

These streets 25 January 2022: Nandini says make Asmita yours before Shan comes there. Shekhawat says I will make her mine so Shan has to forget her foreever. He says pandit ji start mantras. I don’t have time. Wrap everything is 10 minutes. Shan tries to call Asmita. He says Asmita, please don’t marry. Krishi is our daughter. She the symbol of our love. I am coming to take you both. Please pick up.

Asmita comes downstairs as the bride. Asmita says I am doing all this for my daughter. Shekhawat takes her hand and takes her to the mandap. The wedding starts. Shan is on his way. There are protests going on. He has to stop his car. Shan gets out of car. Someone hits him on the head. He faints. Asmita recalls her moments with Shan. The song hamesh tumko chaha. All wedding rituals are going on. Asmita says I tried one last time, I won’t let my daughter suffer. Krishi will have love of a father.

Shan gets up and runs. He comes inside the mandap. Shan says this wedding won’t happen. He hugs Krishi. Asmita stands up. Shan says Asmita.. Shekhawat says stay away from her. Shan says Krishi is my daughter, my blood. Krishi is my wife. I will see who takes my wife and daughter from me. Shekhawat says Asmita, don’t listen to her. Asmita says I am sorry. She continues with the wedding. she was imagining all this.Some people see Shan. Nandini says I hope Shan doesn’t get to know the truth. He will go to that Asmita. Nevi says Shan and Asmita would be one.


Nandini shoves her. Moni says are you okay bari ma? nevi says I pray Shan stops this wedding.Krishi calls on Shan’s phone. Krishi says papa are you okay. A man picks and says it’s your daughter’s phone. Krishi says are you okay papa? Shan says please stop the wedding. I am coming there. His phone dies. Shan gets up and runs.Asmita starts taking rounds with Shekhawat. Pandit ji asks him to make her wear mangalsutra. Shan is running inside.Shekhawat’s guards stop him. Shan hits them. Shekhawat is about to fill Asmita’s hairline. Shan comes in.

Shekhawat fills the hairline. Pandit ji says this wedding is done. You’re husband and wife now. Shan says no one can marry wife and my daughter’s mother. Krishi is my blood.Shan says no one can marry my daughter’s mother. My wife. Krishi is my blood. My and Asmita’s daughter. He hugs Krishi. Shan says my daughter. Asmita stands up in shock. Shan says I am your father. You’re my blood. I didn’t know about it I am sorry. We will go from here right now. Shan says to Asmita let’s go. I don’t accept this marriage. You are only mine. He takes Asmita’s hand. Shan opens their knot. Shekhar says don’t even dare.


Shan shoves him and says she is my wife. I am talking to my wife and daughter don’t you dare to interfere. Shan says Asmita, I know I made a big mistake but I know the truth now. Please let’s go from here.Asmita says stop it. Not trusting me was a mistake? I am Mrs. Shekhawat now. Did you see this sindur and mangalsutra? You never respected it. But now I am wearing of Shekhawat’s name. Krishi is now his daughter. Shan says I made a big mistake. I know you love me. We will sort out everything. I am sorry. Please let’s go from here. Asmita says you can’t have two wives at the same time. You married Nandini in front of my eyes.

What will happen to Chahat? Shan says we will sort everything out. Asmita says I hate you and I always will. You have ruined everything. You trusted Nandini over me. You never accepted our daughter. I can’t let my daughter suffer. I have made my decision for Krishi. Krishi says mama please.. Asmita says no Krishi. Asmita says forget me and Krishi. Everything is over. Shan says please Asmita. Asmita hugs Krishi. Asmita says for Krishi, leave us. I said leave. The song Humari adhuri kahani plays. Asmita shoves Shan out. Asmita locks the door. Krishi is crying. Shan cries outside.

Shan walks on the door and recalls what Asmita said. He sits down and cries.
Asmita comes ot her room and cries. Asmita says why Shan.. Why do you always get late? It’s too late now. I spent all this time to show you that Krishi is your daughter. Shekhawat looks at her and says don’t forget that you’re my wife now. I don’t want to talk to you in another language. Shan says this story can’t end here. Our lives are tied together. He shouts Nandini..

Krishi comes to Asmita and says why did you do this mama. We both needed shan papa. Why did you ask him to leave? He said sorry. Asmita says you can’t understand. It’s too late. Forget Shan, if you love mama don’t ever take Shan’s name. Accept that he can never be your father.Shan comes to the house with a fire mishal. He says Nadini.. Shan throttles Nandini and says I will burn you alive. You tried to kill Krishi. You parted me and Asmita. You burned us in this fire now you will die. Chahat says no papa please don’t d this. Shan says I will kill you today.

Chahat sits in front of Nandini and says no papa. Nevi says Chahat let’s go in your room. Nandini says she wont’ go anywhere. Nevi says she is a child. Nandini laughs and says you wan to know the truth? Yes I did all that. I tried to kill Krishi and kept her away from you. Shan slaps her.

Next: these Streets Tuesday update



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