The insolent heart update Sunday 26 December 2021

The insolent heart update Sunday 26 December 2021


The Insolent heart 26 December 2021: The episode begins with, bua and mehar abt to leave, kuber stops them and asks them to return his 60 lakhs, mehar asks which money, kuber says stop acting that money u and ur family took from abeer, mehar says we didn’t take any money from abeer, kuber says u did i am not lying, here is proof, abeer sold 80 lakhs shares in 60 to save ur brother, and if u don’t believe call n ask ur brother and devki why are u quite, mehar calls tunno, kuber says keep phone on speaker, tunno picks up phone, and says i am in room why are u calling, kuber says i am abeers dad, u didn’t tell ur sister abt ur money matters, mehar says tunno tell me did u take money from abeer, tell me the truth did u take 60 lakhs from abeer, kuber says tunno don’t be scared tell ur sister such things happen cmon tell her she will forgive u, tunno says i actually, kuber says yes tell since when u started betting, tunno says yes i lost money, kuber says yes u lost all money and u needed more money and u mortgaged ur house for more money right tunno, tunno says yes, kuber says and u also took mehars sign on blank papers n then u used that money for betting n lost them all too,

tunno says yes.kuber says and then u went to abeer for help and then abeer gave u money to save ur house n ur mom knows this too right,tunno says di sorry i wanted to do something in life, plz forgive me for once, tunno starts crying.Kuber says to mehar ur brother did mistake n u whole family and i very well know its all ur plans, miss mehar purohit till when will u keep playing with my son, 10 yrs back i gave u my number but u came to my house, by great difficulty i threw u out but u are back to ur plans, bua says enough kuber malhotra enough no more blames i was quite till now but not anymore mehar is my and my familys pride and dare u say anything abt her i am warning u no single word u will speak abt mehar and if u do just watch for me,

i agree tunno made a mistake and i will pay u back all ur money, mehar lets go, kuber says thats what i want my son n my money and get lost of our lifes, u people just know to fool rich boys, bua says ur son came we didn’t call and now just beware if ur son comes to mehar or my house just watch what i do, mehar lets go. Bua says to mehar why did tunno go betting, what wrong we did that he took this step and bhabhi knew abt it and why didn’t she tell us, mehar says ma would never ask abeer for help, there is something fishy, it may be that even ma doesn’t know, we cant just believe kuber malhotras words, bua gets sick, mehar says u sit here i will get car, bua says no i will come, bua walks n mehar sees a car approaching towards bua n bua unaware of it,mehar pulls bua and says what are u doing, bua gets scared, mehar says are u fine, u sit here i will get car, mehar walks looking towards bua, a car dashes mehar, bua rushes to mehar,mehar all injured, bua calls for help, people gather to help them, the car owner stops her car n asks to reverse the car, she peeps out of her window n sees them, she sees bua n says devki, bua cries for help, the lady in car also recognises mehar, she stops her driver from getting out and says people will not leave us just leave from here soon and goes away.

The lady stops the car and says take a u turn and take to accident spot but the other road and just keep quite i will handle the situation, the lady with car goes to them and says devki mehar what happened, devki says u, u go away from here, the lady says forget our misunderstandings and lets take meha to hospital.
Abeer wakes up with a bad dream, he goes down to take water, mehar bua and that lady reach hospital, mehar is taken to operation thearter, the lady asks bua to calm down and says this doctor is the best and she knows kuber well too, bu starts crying, abeer in kitchen with glass of water n says why am i getting so stressed he sees phone and sees tai calling he says taiji calling so late n picks up, taiji informs abeer abt mehars accident, abeer goes in tears and shouts mehar.

bua in hospital worried abt mehar and thinking abt kubers words cursing mehar and blaming her that she is using abeer, abeer trying to find taxi to reach hosp and is very tensed ,he gets an taxi, tunno reaches hospital, bua sees tunno with lot of anger and walks to him,taiji stops her a nd says devki all will be fine but tell me what were u doing out late night, bua looks at her in anger n walks to tunno slaps him and says how could u, taiji stops her, bua says don’t u interfere, and says tunno how could u tunno what wrong i and bhabhi did that u took this step, i gave u all teachings but how did u act like ur dad, ur dad aways troubled us but still we were ok bcoz we were one but u broke us and leave go away from here, tunno goes on his knees n says bua sorry plz forgive me,abeer reaches hospital and rushes to bua n asks where is mehar, taiji told me abt mehar and taiji what are u doing here and where is mehar, why isn’t anyone telling, is mehar fine,nothing serious, i will go check.


Bua says abeer leave right now, dare u take mehars name and tell me mehar asked u for money, she used u for money tell me, taiji says abeer right now we shd leave th is is not right time to talk, bua says abeer just get out, abeer looks at operation theatre, and says i wont go without meeting mehar, bua says abeer stop, suman comes out of theatre, abeer rushes to her and says thank god i can now meet mehar, suman slaps abeer, and says go away from my daughter, and says taiji thanku for bringing mehar to hospital but abeer is responsible for mehars health, abeer u told me shetty is ur fan and so agreed for help and i told u i don’t want ur money then why did u do this, i was trying from my side but u lied to me, u gave him 60 lakhs even after i said no, why, taiji do u know why this accident took place what was mehar doing late night on roads, its bcoz his father called mehar to blame her and called a girl who uses rich guys for money, and now see she is fighting with life,abeer do u realise what ur dad blamed mehar abt, abeer joins his hands n says sorry, suman says even u think mehar used u for money, abeer says no enough, suman says then why did ur dad blamed her what did she do, i still trusted u but u broke my trust and now not anymore just go away.


Suman asks abeer to go away, abeer says plz let me meet mehar, taiji takes abeer with him, abeer says plz just once let me see mehar or else i wont go, nurse asks them to keep low its hospital, abeer says sorry and sits down. Suman prays to god to take care of mehar, tunno comes from behind n prays too. Bua sees mehar and is in tears, abeer sees bua crying, abeer thinks abt mehar and time spent with her, his fights with her and abt him saying that he doesn’t want to see mehars face,nisar comes, abeer says nisar mehar is fine right , no one is allowing me to meet her, i want to see her, u plz go n see whether she is fine, i know she is fine, i will not cry, nisar says abeer calm down i will go see mehar.abeer sits n cries.
Nisar sees mehar being operated, and walks to abeer,abeer asks him mehar is fine she will be discharged today right, not today ok tomorrow but she is fine right, i know mehar is fine right, nisar hugs him, abeer says don’t hug me i know mehar is right speak something, taiji comes n says nisar.

Suman n bua ask doc how is mehar, doc says there is internal injury we are trying our best but patient is very critical. Bua consoles suman n says mehar will be fine trust god, listening to doc and looking at suman and bua, abeer says to nisar u stay here i will come back , nisar asks where are u going, abeer says just stay here i will be back, taiji follows abeer n says stop abeer, abeer pushes driver away sits in car n leaves, taiji forcefully sits beside him, abeer thinking abt sumans words n her slap, abeer rash drives, taiji says abeer calm down drive slowly.



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