The insolent heart 23 January 2022: Episode starts with Meher packing her bags. Suman asks if she is going somewhere. Meher tells her that not to ask anything and says she has to take Ishaan from here. She asks about Akshat. Suman says he will come. Meher says she don’t have time and says Abeer saw Madhavi with Ishaan. Suman asks Meher not to worry and says Abeer can’t do anything. Akshat comes there. Meher tells him that Abeer might comes across the truth and says they have to leave somewhere. Akshat says where we will go. Meher says we have to leave somwhere. Abeer comes and says no one will leave from here, my son will stay with me. Suman says Abeer and goes to him. Ishaan comes and hugs Meher. He asks why you are looking worried. Meher says there is nothing as such. Abeer gets emotional seeing him and gets teary eyed. He asks Suman to take Ishaan from there and says he need to talk to Meher about something important.
Ishaan looks at Abeer. Suman is taking Ishaan from there and says she will feed him his favorite mango jam. Abeer cries being emotional and calls Ishaan.He forwards his hand to shake with him. Suman smiles and takes Ishaan with her.Abeer turns to Meher and says you have done very much wrong. You have kept my son away from me all these years. Meher asks him to shut up and says Ishaan is her son. She asks him to leave them alone. Akshat tries to say. Abeer asks him to stay there itself and not to interfere between them. Abeer says he is feeling very bad today. Meher asks what you have done for him, and says she has given birth to him, gave him motherly and fatherly love and replied to his many questions. She says a man doesn’t become a father just like that, and says you would have ran to Singapore again. She says it is all over now. Akshat says so far I have fathered Ishaan and says he is my son. Abeer says my son has become lallu and says he will become like him only. He warns them and says you both can’t keep a father away from his son. Meher says you can’t do Abeer. Abeer asks her not to waste her energy in eloping else it will be a waste of time for him and Police.
Sasha keeps calling Abeer and wonders why his phone is switched off. Abeer comes there and sees her in bridal attire. Sasha tells Abeer that she thought that he is ready for marriage and says she is ready. Abeer says he wants to talk to her. He says some unseen chapters of his life have come out in open and has shaken him. Sasha asks what happened? Abeer tells her about Madhavi and Meher’s conversation. A flashback is shown. Sasha asks who is Ishaan? Abeer says my 8 years old son. Sasha sits shockingly and says you are not getting married to me, right? Abeer holds her hand and says he has promised her to marry. He says he is ready if she is ready to marry him even after knowing this truth. He says he has the responsibility of a child now.
Sasha says this is destiny. She says look at me, I have worn bridal dress, but haven’t become a bride. Abeer says my destiny is bad, and I should be punished for my mistakes. He says you deserves the best. If you want to marry me, then I am ready to marry you. Sasha says I am your best friend and you knew well that I won’t do anything against your wish. She says she was taking a risk and was about to accept second hand husband, but he has a degree now (son). She says she is not that daring to accept him and asks him to be happy, cries badly. Abeer hugs her and cries feeling her pain.
Devki asks Meher not to worry as she is with her. Meher says Abeer will do everything to get Ishaan. Devki says we will prove in court that Abeer have not supported us in Ishaan’s upbringing. Meher nods and worries about the affect on Ishaan. She says what I will tell him about his father. He will be stressed and will not be able to cope up. Devki says Akshat loves Ishaan very much, and he will be his Papa. Meher says you know Abeer, he is very impulsive. I want to keep Ishaan away from him. Devki asks her to think positive and sleep. Meher sleeps beside Ishaan on the bed.Next morning, Meher wakes up and sees Ishaan missing. She thinks he might be in the bathroom and checks him there. She gets tensed when she finds bathroom empty. She searches for him in the house. Devki says he should have been with you. Suman says he might be with Akshat. Akshat comes and says Ishaan is not with him. Akshat goes to check outside. Suman calls for Ishaan. Devki and Meher also calls him. Akshat comes inside and tells Meher that Ishaan is not outside too. Meher calls security and asks if he has seen Ishaan. Security guard tells her that Ishaan was going with someone in the morning. Meher is shocked. Devki brings the letter.
Meher reads Abeer’s letter that he is taking his son away from her to compensate for the lost years. He says we will be outside the country when you read this letter. Devki says I will call Police. Meher stops her. Suman calls Madhavi. Akshat says this is extortion and says how dare he to take Ishaan. Akshat gets angry. Suman calls Madhavi. Madhavi says she doesn’t know anything. Meher asks Akshat to stop his commentary, and says she will go to Sasha’s house as her call is not connecting. Meher cries and hugs Suman. Suman tells Meher that they shall be relieved thinking Ishaan is with his father. Meher says Abeer made her son away from her and cries. Meher telling Suman that Abeer has separated her with Ishaan. Suman asks her not to worry and says Ishaan will return to you. Meher says she will go to Sasha’s house. Suman asks her to calm down and come with her. Akshat wonders how Ishaan went with Abeer, as he hates him. Abeer asks Ishaan to search fast. Ishaan says he is searching and asks how did Meher get the idea of this traser game.
Abeer says my mummy is very intelligent, but she has done one mistake and that is she has chosen Akshat. Ishaan shows him hand punch and says his mamma is very nice. Abeer thinks yes, and thinks he will make his son like him. Ishaan searches and gets a gift box. He says he got the clue. He opens the box and reads the note. He says I have to do the photo shoot in this dress. Abeer says it is written by your mom.Sasha apologizes to Meher and says her phone battery was low. Meher asks Sasha, if Abeer told her anything about Ishaan. Sasha says Abeer told that Ishaan is his son. Meher says that is the problem. He makes Ishaan wear clothes like him, and takes out his specs. Ishaan says I couldn’t see. Abeer calls Appendix and asks him to come soon. He asks Appendix to record their song. Abeer and Ishaan sings Mere Nishan’s song. Abeer sends the video to Meher and thinks Meher will yearn for Ishaan now. Sasha calls Abeer. Meher receives Abeer’s MMS. She is shocked to see Ishaan and Abeer singing song. She says it is a studio and hugs Sasha. She goes to studio and asks Appendix. Appendix walks sadly and tells I don’t know about him. Meher asks where is he? Appendix says I don’t know anything Bhabhi. Meher asks him not to call her bhabhi. She says I want my son.
Abeer takes Ishaan to a parlour to groom him. He thinks he was not with him since all these years and will now compensate for the lost time. Ishaan is happy. He says Meher doesn’t allow him to enjoy. Abeer says we will do a lots of masti. Ishaan apologizes for beating him. Abeer says we are friends, so sorry or thank you. Ishaan asks what is the plan now? Abeer says there is no difference between you and me. He shows the contact lenses and takes off his specs. He makes him wear contact lenses and says you are looking like a rockstar like me. He takes his photo and asks him to smile. He then takes selfie with him. He then sends MMS and message to Meher, that she will have the same feeling of staying away from her son till 8 hours. Meher receives the MMS and says don’t play this game.
At Park, Abeer thinks it is 3 pm now, and says very soon 8 hours will be completed. Ishaan thinks Meher let him play today and says thanks Mamma. A girl comes to Ishaan and asks him to let her play the car. Ishaan refuses and asks her to go. Ishaan plays with remote car. Abeer thinks Ishaan is running away from girls being my son. He goes to Ishaan and asks him not to talk arrogantly with her. He asks him to talk politely with her. Ishaan agrees and plays with the girl. Meher calls Akshat. Akshat says we will inform in police. Just then she gets Abeer’s message that he is coming home with Ishaan. Meher informs Akshat that they are coming home.Meher is restless and wonders if Abeer took care of him or not. Suman says Ishaan went with his Papa. She asks if they will stare her, and goes. Akshat says he is taking care of Ishaan like a father, but Suman still don’t accept him. Meher apologizes. Ishaan comes running to Meher and hugs her. Akshat kisses him. Ishaan asks where is my treasure hunt gift. Abeer says driver will bring as it is very big. Meher asks what is this new drama?
Driver brings the gift. Abeer gives it to him. Ishaan opens the gift and sees guitar. Abeer says your mum wants you to play guitar. Abeer asks Ishaan to sing the song. Ishaan sings Mere Nishan song annoying everyone. Abeer claps for him. Devki says very nice and asks Ishaan to change the clothes. Ishaan says he has recorded the song in the studio and asks if she has gone anytime. He says then he has worn contact lenses in his eyes and will continue to wear it. He says best part is that I made girl friend in the park. Everyone is taken aback.
Akshat asks him to go and change clothes first. Ishaan says okay and goes. Abeer says Meher that you will ask me questions now. He says you will file case against me through Devki. Meher asks how dare you take my son away. Abeer says how dare you to keep my son away from me. Meher says he is her son and it is her wish. Abeer says I took Ishaan away from you for 8 hours, and says now you might be feeling how I felt when came to know about my son. Akshat tries to interfere. Abeer asks him to stay in side and not to try to come in between. He says Ishaan has become like him,but his mind has become like of kabutar. He says he will correct it too. Meher looks on.
Next: the insolent heart Monday Update