The Insolent heart 24 December 2021: episode begins with, suman says to abeer that its a bad sign and she is worried abt tunno, abeer says relax i will call tunno, sham scolds tillu for not taking care of tunno and asks him to call all tunnos friend, abeer calls tunnos friend, friend says now a days tunno is always with tillu and not with them, mehar calls suman to ask her to send tunno, suman says he is not home and isn’t picking phone too, abeer says to mehar i am going to search for tunno. Tunno on railway station thinking abt mehar and how he cheated her, and his promise that he will try be her best brother, tunno sees call from mehar and breaks down,he shivers and phone falls off his hand and says di i am sorry i don’t know how i did this plz forgive me, abeer goes to tillus house and calls him,
sulekha says how come u here, relax sit, tillu isn’t home he is out with sham, sham and tillu reach home and see abeer, abeer asks tillu where is tunno, his friends told me he is with u and i noticed that u two where cooking something during jagrata too, sham starts acting as if he is worried for tunno, tillu says tunno lost money in betting and so he ran away, sham hits tillu and says u do betting how much u lost, tillu says 10 lakhs, abeer stops sham and says tillu call tunno, tillu calls tunno, tunno picks his phone, tunno says i broke didis trust i will die but not go home, abeer asks tunno where are u, tunno keeps phone aside and walks away, abeer says trains noise, tillu where did u see him last, tillu says jogeshwari.
Mehar keeps trying tunnos phone, a police man picks tunnos phone, he tells that he found phone on railway station, mehar asks which station and runs to the station.mehar reaches jogeshwari station, abeer and sham reach too and start searching for tunno, mehar calls abeer and tells that tunno is at railway station, abeer says why are u out of office i told u i will search him, atleast once trust me and stop always blaming me,and cuts her phone, mehar meets the constable having tunnos phone, they hear people shouting abt a accident, people around say a guy committed suicide, mehar walks slowly too the place, she looks at the body scared, and sees , constable asks mehar is this ur brother, mehar says no, tillu sham and abeer are searching for tunno, mehar gives constable her number and asks her to inform if any news.
Tunno walking on a railway track, abeer sees him and rushes to him,tunno sees abeer rushing towards him and starts running away, abeer pushes him, tunno says i want to die leave me, abeer slaps him and says go die, don’t u worry abt ma, bua and mehar and hugs him, tunno tells abeer everything what he did and says plz save me i lost house, ring everything, abeer says how did u go there, tunno says i started with 20000 u gave, tillu shows sham abber and tunno, sham starts hitting tillu and says look what all u did, abeer asks how much money u need for house, tillu says 60 lakhs, tunno says how come we took 10 lakhs, tillu says i took 60 lakhs i had old money to return, sham says tunno don’t worry, abeer takes tunno along with him and says sham to stay away.
Sham asks tillu to keep quite and both laugh when tunno and abeer leave.mehar in car worried abt tunno, tunno calls her from std, and says my phone had lost and i am coming home, sorry i am late, mehar says ok i am coming home, tunno cuts the phone, abeer says see relax no one shd know abt this i will take care of it and promise u will never do betting and study hard, tunno says yes and hugs him.
Suman gets happy seeing tunno, mehar comes home and rushes to him and scolds him, tunno says i went to see match, mehar says did u forget abt rakshabandhan and what abt forms did u submit, tunno says i did, i am sorry, abeer says match actually, mehar says i am talking to tunno, tunno says he brought me home don’t scold him, mehar asks this phone, abeer says he went by train must have falleb down, mehar says tunno next time don’t do this, always inform, tunno says i am sorry i wont do it again, mehar says ok and hugs him. Mehar ties tunno rakhi.Mehar ties tunno Rakhi, tunno says di I couldn’t gift u anything this Rakhi but next time surely give u something big , and ma I am ver hungry, Suman says surely u must be even mehar didn’t eat anything come, mehar says abeer, abeer says yes yes say it, Mehar says actually I am, abeer says cmon say thanku, Mehar says u have problem to say sorry can’t I have to say thanku.
Suman wakes up and goes downstairs, tunno memorises what all happened and gets scared, Suman sees him and goes to him and asks why hasn’t he slept, tunno says just abt to sleep, Suman says u are hiding something tell me what is it,something surely has happened, share it we will face it together, tunno says ma I am sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose and tells her everything, Suman gets shocked, and slaps him,and says how could u do it, tunno says I will do all right plz forgive me, Suman says for what all I she forgive u and those papers Mehar signed where house papers, how could u do it tunno, Suman and tunno see abeer. Abeer says ma I know we can’t change it but I will do all right, Suman says abeer u knew abt this, abeer says sorry but I will manage money , Suman says u won’t do anything, it’s our problem we will manage it and what abt Mehar,abeer says she would never know abt it, Suman says I have to do something to deal with it, and tunno I think u learnt ur lesson, tunno says yes I did but plz don’t tell do she will kill me, Suman says u didn’t recognise ur sister she would give her life for u,and Mehar will break down when she will know abt it so she will never know abt this, abeer says give me a chance I will do it right, Suman says abeer this house Mehar has made it with hard work and if I take ur help she will lose self respect so not ur help.
Nisar on call says to abeer, see aunts is right ur help will hurt mehars self respect, abeer says ok u come pick me up,Suman takes abeer with her, and gives her jewellery and says go mortgage it, Mehar goes to call Suman, suman gives her savings too, and says give all this and ask for some more time for remaining amount, abeer says ma listen let me handle it my way, suman says abeer try understand for Mehar, abeer says Mehar will never know abt it Mehar enters and asks what Mehar won’t know. Abeer smiles and says I was b*t*hing abt u, Mehar says me breakfast is ready and I am leaving for office, Suman says ok take care, Mehar says everything all right are u fine, Suman says no just worried,Mehar leaves, abeer says ma I will leave too but promise u won’t take tension, abeer takes jewellery n money n leaves.
Abeer n Nisar together, abeer says I have 19 lakhs n u 8 , abeer the rockstar has just 11 lakhs,Nisar says Sani sir we will ask him, abeer says he will go tell Mehar n I can’t let that happen,Nisar says the. We just have jewellery mortgage option, abeer says I will mortgage myself but not jewellery.
Abeer meets a man, he asks abeer is he sure abt his decision, abeer says yes and signs on papers, the man transferes money to abeers account, Nisar asks did u do it, abeer says go keep this jewellery in locker and abt au the will manage her, Nisar asks why are u doing all this, abeer says I don’t know lets get to work. Abeer calls tuunno. Sham comes mehars house n says I never thought my son will do anything like this, I didn’t teach them such culture, Suman tries ignore him, sham says I hit tillu so much but tunno can behave like this in ur presence n my poor Mehar she made this house with her hard work but these brothers, u take care of tunno, Suman gets angry n says I know what to do u don’t tell me what to leave n just leave from this house n pushes him out of house.
Suman in house worried, she sees abeer n tunno at door, abeer says u promised u won’t cry, Suman asks what happened, abeer gives her house papers, Suman very happy seeing them.
Next: the insolent heart Saturday Update