The insolent heart update Friday 17 December 2021

The insolent heart 17 December 2021: The episode begins with, suman tells mehar to stop fighting with abeer, mehar says i just hate him and want him to go away from here, suman says so u will let him be in trouble, ok throw him out, abeer enters and says mummyji she must be fighting right, suman says shd i talk to him mehar, abeer says i knew mehar must be doing something like this, suman laughs, mehar says do whatever u wish and leaves.

The insolent heart 16 December 2021

Rati in office upset, nisar walks to her and says what is this why are u so tensed, rati says why do u do this to u, u had such big chance, nisar says i know , but i don’t want to succeed by taking someone else’s place and that to abeer no ways, rati says u truly are a great friend, nisar says u truly think people will bear me twice a day, rati says yes they will, i trust u more than u do, nisar says rati u truly are inspiring me.
Abeer says wow tunno u have all my episodes, tunno says i like ur shows, bua says abeer put down the volume, abeer says tunno has remote now u see and purposely increases volume, mehar comes and says abeer stop all this and goes and switch off the tv and leaves, suman says mehar u are coughing a lot, tunno go get her medicine, abeer says tunno i will come with u, mehar says no need i will manage and leaves.

Kuber gives pinky money and says stop following my son, pinky says u gave me 10 lakhs, here are 20 lakhs give me ur son and i will do what i wish to,and remember pinky is unique so don’t dare to insult me, kuber says pinky enough of it, pinky says u brought the money in discussion, even i have ego and by showing money u hurt my ego, kuber says get out, pinky says talk to ur son and wish him luck bcoz now i wont spare him and leaves. Pinkys people ask pinky why didn’t he take money, pinky says i have my own ego and respect, his people say today abeers mom was missing in discussion, pinky says forget her find that girl with abeer, once we find her, abeer will automatically be in our hand. Mehar coughing and is restless due and thinks of taking medicine, she finds that there isn’t any and decides to get it from out and goes, pinkys people see mehar and start following her, mehar realises someone is following her,mehar gets scared and starts running, pinkys men follow her, mehar tries stopping auto but no one waits, she hides behind a wall, a hand pulls mehar closing her mouth,mehar ses its abeer, abeer says quite don’t shout, mehar says this is all bcoz off u, abeer says and its also me saving u, abeer and mehar hug eachother, pinkys men don’t recognise them and leave,mehar looks at abeer, abeer says sit in car and lets go, both leave.

Abeer says mehar when will u stop foolishness, who told u to go out, tunno wuld have got u medicine mehar says i didn’t want to see ur face and so went to get fresh air and enough of this fake consideration i don’t need it, i have moved on and don’t need any help from u, stop tryong to make me happy or cheer me up or stop worrying for me, i don’t want all those things to come back, get that straight. Nisar sees rati still upset, nisar says rati i told u the reason, rati says i know but the thing is not abt ur friendship, why don’t u give it try, when i am ur fan why cant others be, i can hear u for 1000 times, nisar says really, rati says why am i telling u , do whatever u wish to and leaves in anger, nisar stops her by singing yadeein teri song, rati stops and turns and blushes, rati serves food and nisar helps her, rati blushes and leaves, nisar shouts rati hows the song, rati says i have heard it 1005 times and still love it, u are a star, nisar smiles, rati leaves.

Mehar and abeer reach home, suman says mehar sit first have medicine, mehar says thanks ma, suman says abeer got medicine, abeer says what to i had to get it, bcoz i read it somewhere if u cough at night ghost visit u, mehar gives him cold look and leaves, suman says abeer u know she gets scared by all this why do u do it, suman leaves to attend a call, abeer remembers mehars words that she doesn’t need him and says tonight u will know mehar that u still need me. madhvi calls suman, suman says missing abeer, madhvi says no i was worried for mehar, abeer must be troubling her and he doesn’t adjust well in new place and also doesn’t have his stuff there, suman says no its fine, infact we are loving having him here, madhvi says ok i will send few of abeers belongings u all take care, suman says sure do send bye take care.

Mehar in her room coughing, she sees some shadows and hear scaring noise and says that must be abeer and walks downstairs to scold him and sees abeer is asleep and goes back to her room, she starts getting scared with weird things happening, she lies on her bed, and hears scary noise, she gets scared, she hears a baby crying the lamp lights fluctuating, she wakesup and puts on the lights and sees that the bathroom tap is on, she goes in and sees some writing on mirror, the light goes off and theres blood dropping on mehars hand from a doll hanging up, she gets scared and starts calling abeer, she struggles to open the door and runs to abeer and wakes him up, and says abeer there is ghost in my room, abeer says what u are sleepy relax,mehar shows him the doll, abeer walks to the doll and smells the blood , she takes him to washroom and shows him the writing which reads u look beautiful, abeer says mehar this must be ur new boyfriend,

mehar says stop all this, abeer tastes the blood and says mehar its tomato ketchup, mehar says what, abeer says tasty ketchup come taste it, mehar looks at abeer and says u did this right, and hits him, abeer says u said u don’t need me, u don’t want me, look in my eyes, its true u cant live without me, u could go to tunno bua or ma but u came to me why, actually let it go, bcoz we both know what the answer is and walks away, mehars leg get hurt with broken glass, abeer runs back to her and says are u fine, mehar says i didn’t ask u or call u for help just go out, abeer says mehar its bleeding, mehar says just go and closes the door.Abeer goes down and gets angry.sham asks his wife to write letters to imp people in city complaining abt kuber, sham tells her to write that kuber malhotra is a big gangster, sham sees his phone ringing its kuber, sham says u called me, we were just talking abt u, kuber says f ur rubbish talk is over lets talk, sham says i need money for any work of urs , kuber says i know that arrive tomorrow morning, sham says surely something big.Abeer tries talking to mehar but she ignores, abeer says it was right i used to call u akdu. Kuber and sham together, sham says u called me i had to come, kuber says u must be aware my son is at ur daughters home, sham says really why, kuber says forget that mehar is taking advantage of that situation,

so i need some one who can deal with her, and u are expert in such kamina type works, sham laughs and says u are so right, u so love me right but ur son is making mistake of staying at my daughters place then she is my daughter why wont she, kuber shows him money and says take this money and throw my son out of ur daughters house, i don’t want ur daughter back in my sons life, and will u do this work or, sham takes money and says i will do ur work and throw abeer out, u relax i will do ur work.

Mehar with injured foot, abeer says mehar i didnt realise this would happen i am sorry, mehar cmon talk to me,and where are u going office, come sit atleast have breakfast, suman asks what happened mehar and where are u going, mehar says i need some fresh hair, mehar sees floor wait and walks near it, abeer steps on it to stop her and slips down and falls, mehar starts laughing, tunno comes and says di u did this on purpose right, mehar sits down and laughs and removes the bandage and walks properly and says this is called tit for tat, abeer says i have fallen and u are laughing, mehar says aww and helps him get up, abeer says after such long i have seen u laughing so heartedly, and i know its only me who can bring this smile on ur face.

Next: the insolent heart Saturday Update


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