The Evil Eye July 2021 teasers Starlife

The evil eye July 2021 teasers: Pandit Ji and his men trap Madhulika with an intent to kill her. Later, Girgit tortures Apurv and mercilessly attacks Palak when she attempts to rescue him. Catch the season finale of the evil eye…

Starlife The Evil Eye July 2021 teasers.

Thursday 1 July 2021

Episode 20

Madhulika escapes to a dark forest and seeks the help of a shape-shifting demon. Later, Apurv and Palak’s lives are put in danger as they face the evil creature.

Episode 21

While Palak fears the worst, the family celebrate Apurv’s birthday in high spirits. During the party, Palak falls in trouble after witnessing the unbelievable.

Friday 2 July 2021

Episode 22

Apurv gets kidnapped when he goes after Palak while the family grows concerned about him. Later, Madhulika holds Palak responsible for Apurv’s situation.

Episode 23
Series finale!

Pandit Ji and his men trap Madhulika with an intent to kill her. Later, Girgit tortures Apurv and mercilessly attacks Palak when she attempts to rescue him.

A Magical love story replaced the evil eye. Click to read more...


  1. Movie is Rubbish!!!!!!!! How come they are unable to end mohana at once??? She keeps coming back over and over again, please the story is becoming boring!!!!!!! And the invisible enemy that understandable but still mohana coming back it really annoying please,

  2. Exactly, just there old voice please but the movie,let me just say a fiction but a fiction of reality. Very amazing serial


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