The Cost Of Love Update Monday 24 May 2021

The Cost Of Love Update Monday 24 May 2021


The Cost of Love 24 May 2021:  starts with Pankti running after Ahaan’s car to shout and stop him. Ahaan sees her in the side mirror and stops the car. Pankti falls down. He runs to her and asks what happened, why were you running. He goes to get water. She says don’t know what will Ahaan do if I tell him about JD. He gives her water. She says I m fine, I refuses to kiss you and you left, I thought you got annoyed, I felt I lost you. He asks are you sure this was the reason, tell me. She says no, I was just worried. He says then say yes now. She says never leave me, I don’t want to lose you. He says I won’t go, I will never go even if you make me away, you scared me. She asks him to go home. She kisses on his forehead and asks him to drive carefully. They hug. He says I love you and goes. She gets angry on JD.

JD says its fun to scare you. He messages Pankti that she was scared for no reason, but this fear can be true too. Anita drinks and gets angry that JD was double crossing her. Pankti comes home. Pankti and Poorva try to stop her from drinking. Anita takes her purse to get wine bottle. The purse falls. They get shocked seeing the bundles of notes fallen out. They ask about the money, what did she go, who gave her. Anita says nothing, JD gave me this money, I will get all my money from him, I won’t leave that mean man. They hold Anita. JD asks Vikram to make a drink for him. Vikram asks Richa to get a sheet for JD. JD does drama in front of them. He acts to sleep there. Aparna looks on. Vikram asks everyone to leave, no one should disturb JD. Pankti asks Poorva does she think JD gave money to mum. Poorva says no, mum changed now. Pankti says but money is mum’s weakness.

JD thinks of doctor’s words. He looks around and goes to Sheetal’s room. He sees the nurse sleeping. Poorva says you mean JD did all this. Pankti says maybe he bribed Anita for doing this, there is one way to think. JD replaces medicines. He gets a call. Nurse wakes up and says sorry, I fell asleep. He asks her to give injection to Sheetal. Ahaan plays music and looks for notation. He says Pankti…. and goes. JD answers Pankti’s call. She asks why did you give money to Anita. JD says I m a buyer and she is seller. Ahaan comes to Sheetal’s room and thinks of old moment. He cries and gets his notations. Pankti says I know why you gave money to mum. JD says then come to me, I paid money for you. She says I know you did all that with Sheetal. JD says forget that, think of what we used to do at your home, I know you are finding your bed lonely without me. She asks him to shut up. He asks her to ask Anita, why he paid her. Pankti says if mum confirms this, I will tell everyone what you tried to do with Sheetal. JD sees Ahaan behind. Pankti disconnects the call. JD continues the talk and says we can meet tomorrow.

Ahaan takes his phone and asks whom are you talking to. JD says one who is second woman for me, and the one for whom you are the other man. He shows the caller list and says see this, she would have spoken to me for long, day and night, our story would have moved ahead, knock and come next time, I have no problem, she gets disturbed. He goes. Ahaan tries calling her. Pankti puts her phone on charging and says I can’t tell this to Ahaan. Ahaan says Pankti may feel bad if I talk to Poorva about this. Pankti says we have to know why JD gave money to Anita, Ahaan may create troubles for himself. Ahaan tries to make the song. He sings Kuch pyaar me………. Pankti imagines him. She says Ahaan…. She turns and gets shocked seeing JD beside.

JD troubling Pankti. She calls out Anita. He says you want to know where is your mum. Poorva and Anita tell inspector that Anita didn’t steal the money. Inspector says then how would you get money from JD. He scolds Anita. Pankti and JD come there. Pankti says mum said JD has given her the money. JD says why would I give money without taking anything in return. He gives her jail clothes and food utensils. Anita worries. JD sends the inspector. He says we can get back to our old relations if you want. He talks dirty with Pankti and offers money. Pankti asks inspector how much money is required for Anita’s bail. Inspector says one lakh would be charged, but you need to get it till morning else matter will reach court. Pankti asks Anita not to worry, she will free her. She goes.


JD says your time will change Anita, your daughters will get sense in one day.
Ahaan comes home and calls out Pankti. Maid says she is not at home. He calls her. Poorva asks can’t we take help from Ahaan. Pankti recalls Aparna selling jewelry and says no, we can’t. She answers Ahaan’s call and lies hat she is in recording studio. She ends call. Poorva says I will try to get help from Monty, he asked me to meet Sahay in office. JD calls Sahay…Poorva comes to Monty’s office and asks for Sahay. The men see her and comment that she is Monty’s item. Sahay comes to office. Poorva goes to meet him. Pankti talks to someone and says fine, I will come even if I get less money. Sahay says company is going in loss as Monty had signed Pankti, anyway you can have this money. He says don’t feel bad, you look educated, office people comment on you, you are responsible for our deal breaking with Jaishri. Poorva returns money and goes. Anita thinks how to get out of jail.


She thinks of Thakur. Anita fools a constable and flirts with him. She requests him to give her phone, she has to make a call. He gives her phone. She calls Thakur. He doesn’t answer. She gets angry and messages him. The girl asks Pankti to be careful while she sings in chorus, director is very strict. Pankti sings in chorus. Ahaan comes there with Uday for the song recording. Pankti hides her face seeing him. She says if Ahaan sees me, I have to tell him what JD said. Director scolds Pankti for moving back and singing bad. He asks her to sing carefully and not waste time. Ahaan sees Pankti and gets shocked. She goes from there. Director asks where is she going. She goes out and talks to Poorva. She asks her not to worry, they will do something.

Ahaan comes and asks her to talk to him. Pankti asks about his recording. He asks her to share the matter, what’s the reason that she spoke to JD. She says I was telling him that mum isn’t involved in Sheetal’s incident. He says this was already clarified. She recalls JD’s words. She asks him not to come in JD’s words, he can stoop much love. Ahaan says I trust you, so I feel your behavior weird. He hugs her. She says sorry, I was worried for mum. She kisses on his forehead. She asks him to respect work, go for recording. She says we decided to support each other and not come in between our struggles, I will finish my recording and call you, I love you. He says love you too. She goes. Uday asks Ahaan to come now. JD looks on and says I needed just one night to get you back on ground, while Ahaan took many months to make you fly.

Next: The Cost Of Love Tuesday Update



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