The Cost of Love 21 May 2021: JD doing the aarti. Anita sends the nurse and takes Sheetal. Manav and Aparna do the aarti. Ahaan and Pankti do the aarti too. Anita takes the wheelchair towards the stairs. She recalls JD telling her to kill Sheetal by pushing her downstairs. JD signs Anita. Pankti asks Aparna shall I get Sheetal downstairs. Aparna says let her rest. Pankti says I will check and come. JD signs Anita not to push Sheetal. Anita gets back and hides. Pankti finds Sheetal near the staircase and says who left her alone here. She takes Sheetal back to her room.
Pankti asks nurse why did she leave Sheetal alone. She helps and sets the bed. Anita comes there and takes Sheetal again. Pankti thinks where did Sheetal go and runs to see Anita pushes the wheelchair and hides. Pankti gets shocked and shouts Sheetal aunty. Everyone hears her and turn to see. They get shocked. Ahaan runs to save Sheetal. Ahaan and Pankti save Sheetal. Ahaan lifts Sheetal and gets her downstairs. He puts her on wheelchair. JD scolds the nurse. Nurse says I was setting the bed with Pankti, but Sheetal wasn’t there. Pankti says maybe Sheetal tried to move on her own. JD says its Maa’s miracle, maybe Sheetal reached the staircase, there is no one upstairs. Anita says this was my miracle, when did start seeing Maa in me. Vikram says what miracle, mom would have lost her life.
JD says I can’t imagine this. Ahaan says stop this drama, its someone’s doing. JD says I was here, how could I do this, just nurse and Pankti were upstairs, Pankti knows Sheetal will never accept her, so she didn’t get a better chance to get rid of Sheetal. They all get shocked.Pankti argues. He then puts blame on Anita. Anita says he is so mean, he didn’t spare me too. Pankti says don’t get Anita in between. He asks where is Anita. Vikram and Richa ask her to call Anita. Poorva says I will call her. Anita switches off her phone. Poorva says its not reachable. Aparna says we shouldn’t doubt on Anita, I invited her here. Vikram argues. Vikram and Richa go upstairs to find Anita. JD looks there. Anita tries to escape. Pankti says where did mum go.
Poorva calls her again. Anita comes from outside. They all look on. Anita asks Pankti why does she look worried. Pankti hugs her. Vikram says I didn’t find Anita, but will find her. Anita asks why are you finding me, there is no network here, I went out to make a call, did anything happen.Aparna says nothing. Anita says its Navratri and Mata won’t let anything wrong happen. Aparna says it means Sheetal moved her wheelchair herself. Anita recalls getting down the balcony by the ropes.Anita says we should leave now. Aparna asks her to have prasad. Anita, Ahaan, Pankti and Poorva leave.
They reach home. Anita asks Pankti to come in soon. Ahaan and Pankti have a talk about Sheetal.She asks him did he get tired and caresses him. He says all my tiredness will get off. He rests on her shoulder. She asks better. He says I need extra touch today. They romance.He holds her to kiss. She jokes and gets down the car. He leaves. JD calls her and says you are focussing on wrong place, you need to save Ahaan, not Sheetal, you and Ahaan inspired me, so I thought to fail Ahaan’s car brakes. She shouts Ahaan and runs. JD smiles.
Next: The Cost Of Love Monday Update