Haider finds blood in the garden and follows the trail.Hina is crying so Kaynaat consoles her. Dua is sad and thinks I want to console her but she has become blinded by Gazal, she doesn’t even appreciate my empathy. Ijaz smiles at Noor and Gulnaz notices it. Dadi says Rahat should have slapped Hina before so she would come to her senses, your tears won’t change anything.
Stop crying and take a stand for the right. Hina says you can’t even let me cry? I lost my husband and son because of Dua. Rahat has insulted me so much and now you want to? You should teach lessons to Dua and tell her to leave with her mother. Dadi says you are so blinded, you can’t change. Hamida comes there and says wow.. Hina is crying when she was celebrating when Dua was crying?
I am so happy to see karma hitting her. I need some rest so I am leaving from here. Hina says that’s good, you should leave. Hamida says Dua and Hafeez will stay here. You saw a husband’s hatred today? I want to advice you to never try to harm my daughter. Dua might not do anything but Hafeez can do anything to protect her. She asks Hafeez to take care of Dua. Kaynaat smiles at Hafeez and Ijaz notices it. He thinks that I will tell this news to Gazal but where is she?
Gazal is bleeding in the storeroom and fainting. She says I can spill all my blood but Haider has to become mine today, he has to come here. Haider opens the door and enters. Gazal smiles seeing him and thinks to start her drama.
Hina tells Hamida that your daughter has no place in this house. Hamida says you should cry over your husband and son but don’t forget that you got this house because of Dua’s father, Dua brought you all to this house. She can throw you all out of here. You are so shameless. Hina says enough, stop showing right on this house. This house isn’t your husband’s or Dua’s. This is my house and my son made it. Get lost from here with your daughter. Hamida laughs and says you don’t even own your husband.
As for Dua, Dadi is the real owner of this house so she has allowed Dua and Hafeez to stay here. Hina says wow.. Dadi has become blinded. Hamida says you can’t be this shameless? daughter in laws are not wrong always, your family is falling apart after your son married that characterless Gazal. Hina says stay in your limits. Hamida says pray that your family doesn’t leave you. Hamida tells Dadi that I have trusted you always but now I don’t know. I am leaving Dua here on your guarantee so don’t let my trust break. Dadi says I love Dua more than you do, don’t worry about her. Dua is my daughter and I will protect her at any cost. Hamida says I never thought we would be spitting venom in this house. I apologize if I hurt you. Dadi hugs her and says no.. Gulnaz tells Hamida to try to forgive them, we don’t deserve it but still.. we are really ashamed. Hamida nods. She hugs Dua and goes from there.
Haider enters the store room and hears Gazal calling out to him. He looks around and Gazal falls in his arms. He asks what happened to you? he sees wounds on her. She says this happened because of you.
Dua tells Hamida to not cry. Hamida says I am so worried about you. Dua says don’t worry at all. Hafeez says she is not weak and I am here with her. Hamida asks her to take care and don’t be scared of anyone, don’t lose hope and follow the right path. I will pray for your success. Dua nods and Hamida starts leaving. She goes from there while Dua cries. Dua wipes her tears and says I will not let Gazal succeed now, I will teach a lesson to her.
Haider finds Gazal’s hand bleeding and says nothing will happen to you, he goes from there. Gazal thinks I will give so much pain to Dua, I will breakdown her identity now.
Scene 1
Haider tries to wake up Gazal and says I won’t let anything happen to you. Gazal wakes up and says I tried calling you but you didn’t come to save me. I wanted to tell you what cruelty is happening with me. My husband doesn’t even listen to me so anyone can beat me. You married me but you don’t care about me, I have no one so I should die. Haider says I am ashamed, I should have taken taken your call. How did this happen with you? Gazal says I won’t tell you, I should die. Haider says just tell me who cut your hand and I won’t spare that person. Gazal says Dua did this with me. She tells him how Dua beat her up and she tried calling him but he didn’t take it. Haider is shocked hearing all that.
Dua tells Gulnaz and Dadi that they have to find Ruhaan. Hafeez says she can’t do that alone, someone is helping her. Gulnaz says I think Ijaz is part of her plan, they both have kidnapped Ruhaan. They threatened to keep my mouth shut. Dadi says the should die like dogs. Dua says there is a way to save Ruhaan. They will tell us where Ruhaan is. Gulnaz says how? Dua says Ijaz must go there to check up on Ruhaan. She tells Hafeez to keep an eye on Ijaz and follow him if he goes out. He says I will. Dadi says this is a great idea. God will help us. Haider shouts for Dua.
Haider comes in the house and shouts for Dua. All come there. Dua asks why is he shouting? Haider says do you know what it is? did you do any mistake? Dua says you have lost the right to ask me anything. Haider says don’t misbehave. Dua says you can be disloyal but I can’t even misbehave? I am not that Dua who would never hurt you. Things have changed and I have changed too because of you. Haider says I know I did a sin with you, I am taking responsibility, you can punish me but what’s Gazal’s fault that you have injured her. All look on. Hina says what?
she injured her? this is so shameless to beat Gazal again. I was so worried about Gazal, where is she? Gazal comes there and cries for Hina. Hina rushes to her and says what happened to her? she is bleeding and all beaten up. Ijaz says this Dua is so cruel, I won’t spare her but Hafeez stops him and says don’t you dare move towards her. Ijaz tells Haider that they are threatening us in front of you, we have no respect in this house. Haider pushes away Ijaz and says how dare you move towards Dua? don’t do this ever again otherwise I won’t spare you.
Ijaz looks on. Hina says why are you scolding him? he is worried about his sister. She checks Gazal’s hand and its cut. She says someone call the doctor but no one moves. Hina goes to get the first-aid box and starts cleaning her wound. She says Dua beat her like an animal. She says God will punish Dua, you couldn’t even control your anger? Dadi asks her to shut up. Dua says let her be. Haider says I want answer, did you misbehave with Gazal? did you injure her and why? you have to answer me. Dua glares at him and says you want to know the answer? she looks at Gazal and recalls her trying to kill Hamida.
Gazal thinks she can’t say that I tried to kill her mother. She says I don’t want to hear anything. She tells Haider that she will prove me as a criminal again. Hafeez says I will tell everyone why this happened with her.. this girl tried to.. Dua stops him. She tells Hafeez to stay out of it. She tells Haider that she is responsible and she doesn’t need to answer to Haider or his mother. Haider says did you raise hand on Gazal? Dua says yes. I have beaten her and I am not ashamed. I spared her this time but she deserves much worse. Gazal says my only fault is that Haider supported me and I accepted it. She did it because she knows that you won’t do anything against her. Haider tells Dua that she can’t harm Gazal like this.
Dua starts leaving but Haider stops her. Dua says I don’t need to talk anymore. Haider says you shouldn’t have hurt Gazal like this, this is wrong. Dua says what about you? what you did was wrong too. You broke my trust and gave my right to someone else by marrying another woman. If you want a reward then get it, don’t sell your self-respect to her. Dua starts leaving but Haider says you can’t hurt Gazal like this, she is my reponsibility as she is my wife. Dua is hurt hearing that. Gazal smirks and thinks soon Haider will accept me completely.
Haider tells Dua that she shouldn’t have raised hands on Gazal, it was wrong. Dua says you did wrong too by marrying another girl, don’t sell your self respect to her. She tries to leave but Haider says you can’t beat her up, she is my wife. All are shocked. Dua is hurt hearing that. She glares at him and says you still think she is innocent, I tried telling you that she is playing tricks but you never saw it, I don’t have any complaints from you, they all died so I just want to say that your beloved wife is a venomous snake, she tried to biting me but I am stone cold so she can’t do anything, if she tries anything then I will punish her more badly. That’s my promise. Dua tries to leave but Haider finds her hand bandaged. Gazal recalls how she had grabbed her knife and got hurt. Haider gets worried and asks Dua what happened? your blood is dripping, you should be careful. He makes her sit down and checks her wound. Gazal thinks I am injured but he is worried about her. Dua sadly looks at him and thinks these wounds would heal but what about the wound you gave me? Haider checks her wound and starts doing her first aid. Gazal is angry seeing that.
Haider cleans up her wound while all look on. Dua glares at Gazal and recalls Haider saying that he has to marry Gazal and how he brought her home as his bride. She pushes him away and rubs her wound. She says I don’t need your pity. Haider says listen to me. Dua says I can take care of myself, take care of your beloved wife and ask her why I beat her up. She might lie but maybe her eyes would tell the truth. Dua leaves from there while Haider looks on. Gazal thinks I have to make Haider hate Dua.
Hafeez bandages Dua’s wound and says you should have let me tell Haider why you beat up Gazal. Dua says it wouldn’t matter, Haider doesn’t know that Gazal has fooled him, he won’t accept if we say anything. Hafeez says can’t we do anything against Gazal? Dua says once we expose her then Haider has to see it. Hafeez says you know Haider was fooled by Gazal but still you insulted him, that’s not good. Dadi comes there and says Dua was right, Haider is a fool and he should be taught a lesson. Dua says he was not disloyal but he didn’t trust me, he knows that I don’t lie but he still helped Gazal. He didn’t trust me and that’s where our relationship ended. He broke my heart by marrying her. I never thought I would have to do all this, I was right insulting Haider. She cries. Kaynaat comes there and says Haider was wrong, he should be punished for what he did with Dua. Dua smiles and hugs her.
Hina cleans up Gazal’s wound. Gazal says Dua beat me up badly and nobody did anything, she can do anything with me. Hina says I will protect you. Gazal says you never took any action against Dua. She insulted me and my husband didn’t care. She would kill me and nobody would do anything. Hina says trust me that Dua would have to think before raising hand on you again. I will punish her for this. Gazal smirks.
Next Thursday update sister Wives