Reach for the Stars update Thursday 25 June 2020

Reach for the Stars update Thursday 25 June 2020


Reach for the Stars 25 June 2020: Dheraj locks his room’s door. Aman asks why are you so worried ? Dheraj says aman you are my only son. I can do anything to save you from trouble. What can I do ? aman asks what happened dad?

<< Reach for the Stars 24 June 2020

He says we give suhana medicine so she can’t recall anything. But her real drug her mom is with her. Nothing is going to work ? aman says whom dad ? Dheraj says kamla bai. Aman says what ? How do you know. Dheraj says Mehta told me. Aman says oh God what will happen now ? Dheraj says I wish I had stopped you that day. We won’t have been in this trouble.

Dheraj says to aman do you even know what you have done. I asked you million times not to drive after drinking. Your car hit suhana’s car and she died. Aman you killed your sister. Aman says no dad no I haven’t killed suhana. You know I was drunk and she was racing with me. Her car came in front of me and I could stop the car. It was more of her mistake don’t get me wrong please. Dheraj hugs him and says no one will believe that you are not responsible. Everyone will think that you have killed suhana. Now we have to apart kalpana from her mom. Think how.

Aryan is packing up his stuff. Kamla comes to her room and says is the hangover done ? he says yeah I had the medicine. kamla says why don’t you say that you came here to hurt suhana. If I can talk to you its because suhana is my daughter. I ask you why you wanna break this wedding ? there wasn’t wine in that bottle it was cold drink. Speak up Aryan.

He says I never wanted to marry. Parents forced me so I had to say yes. kamla says then why don’t you tell everyone. Why you concealed the truth ? Aryan says because suhana is my good friend. I didn’t want to break her heart, she is a really nice girl. How could I say her that I can’t marry her because I don’t love her. There was no purpose of this wedding.

After losing her memory she had nothing in her heart for me. She was doing this all to satisfy her dad. So I thought to help her. Whenever I am with her I forget my problems. I forgot what I had to tell her. when I see her happy I feel glad myself. kamla says then marry her Aryan why are you fleeing ? Ask your heart, think don’t you love her ? After that you will decide what you actually want. When suhana is with you, you feel glad. You get sad when she is sad. T

This is love you are just not ready to accept. You did all this so people can’t blame suhana otherwise uttering the truth wasn’t difficult for you. Think from your heart and soul. You will get the right answer. Aryan recalls his moments with suhana. he says I don’t love her. I have decided to go far away from here and I will forget everything.

scene 2
Sanjay is in lounge and reading his newspaper. Suhana comes to him. Aryan comes with his stuff. he says good morning chachu. Forgive me uncle. I was drunk last night. Sanjay asks the driver to take him wherever he wants. Aryan touches his feet and says okay uncle I am leaving. He looks at suhana, she is already looking at him. he recalls how she was about to slap him in the café. He greets aman and kamla too. Suhana looks away.

Aryan recalls kamla’s words. He looks at suhana again. He leaves, suhana falls on the chair. kamla and sanjay run to her. kamla asks are you okay ? She says I saw something. I saw a car accident. Sanjay says that must be the accident you met and lost yoru memory. This means that you’re recovering. No stress you remember right ? Dheraj and aman are tensed.

Aryan is in the car. he calls chandni and says I have left. meet me in the café shop. he goes to the café. it is all decorated. Its the 30th wedding anniversary of the owner and his wife. The man says mrs. baltiwala will you be mine in the next life too ? She says I will even grow old with you. Aryan says you have spent 30 years together and your love is still so fresh. the man says love never grows old. the woman says I was running away from wedding but now I loved the moment I married him. Aryan says I am so happy for you. The man says live everything from your heart. Mind can’t handle love.

Your eyes say that you love someone. I don’t know if you have acknowledged that or not. the lady says when I met him first I didn’t feel that I would ever love him. I left him and after some time I realized he is my life. so I came back for him and that is why you are enjoying our 30th anniversary. Aryan says in heart whats I wrong with me. I feel like I am going far away from myself. He recalls kamla’s words. The couple cuts the cake and make each other eat. Aryan remembers when suhana cut the cake on her birthday and made him eat.

the old couple cuts the cake. Aryan settles down and recalls kamla’s advice to think from heart. he recalls when he was making suhana eat the cake. He says do I love suhana. He feels like suhana come there and gives him a piece of cake. He says I was leaving you. He stands up and bows down to his knees and gives her a flower, he says I love you suhana. she takes the rose and says I love you too Aryan. He stands up and smiles. suhana holds his hand and takes him for a dance.

Aryna dances with suhana and the song ‘o re piya re’ plays in the background. she hugs him. Suddenly he realizes it was his imagination and he is still on his seat. he says that means kamla aunty was right I love suhana. Aryan you are so stupid you were leaving her. He stands up and screams I love you suhana. Everyone claps. He says thank you uncle aunty.
Aryan goes out it streets. he is so happy. he screams on the roads I love you suhana.

Scene 2
kamla serves the family. she is looking at the door, she says I was wrong Aryan won’t come back. There is a family that has come for suhana’s proposal. SAnjay says we are not ready for the commitment yet. MR. Malhotra says you can take your time. we can wait. The woman says you are our partners in business if this partnership turns in relationship it will be better. They are college friends and suhana won’t mind. Aryan is shocked. Sanjay and dheraj are shocked to see Aryan as well.


Aryan comes in, suhana is shocked too. Sanjay says Aryan what are you doing here ? Aryan says uncle I came here to apologize you. I made a mistake. please pardon me. Kamla says I think Aryan is repentant. You should forgive him. Aryan says I won’t repeat my mistake. Sanjay says okay Aryan I forgive you. Aryan smiles and says thank you uncle.

He goes to suhana, sanjay says Aryan I have pardoned you that doesn’t mean that I have changed my decision. there is no relationship between you and suhana. Aryan says all I did yesterday was a drama. I wasn;t drunk. I was just confused whether I love suhana or not and she was confused as well. I did all this to make you angry so suhana won’t be blamed. Now I realize that I love suhana so much now everything is clear.


There is no room for confusions. Sanjay says now I can’t let you marry suhana. you are a nice man but you don’t deserve my suhana. He says what you think you can break up and patch up anytime. she has no deficiency of proposals. I thought she loved you like before how could you be confused about her ? What if you change your mind after some time ? My daughter’s life will be ruined.Aryan is about to go suddenly he falls and pretends like his ankles are twisted. kamla and aman help her sitting on the sofa is his room.

Kamla asks how is your foot now ? He says which one aunty ? Left or right ? Kamla smiles and says you were pretending ? You came back for suhana ? Dheraj, sanjay and suhana come it. Sanjay says dheraj call the doctor, he will see how serious the injury is. Aryan says I will be fine in some time. It was raining out so I got fever. There is no need of fever. Sanjay says okay you should rest for a day or two after that we will call doctor. Dheraj and sanjat leave. suhan is about to leave Aryan asks her to stop but she leaves.

Aryan says to kamla you were right I love suhana. I am here to rectify my mistake. I wanna go closer to her and tell her what’s in my heart. You have to help me. kamla says how ? He says I have to prove them that I deserve suhana and it is not possible without your help ? will you help me ? Kamla says no Aryan I won’t help you in all this. kamla says you have broken hearts of entire family. he says don’t worry about the family I will handle them but you have to help me in telling suhana. You know this is the first time ihave felt love and I will keep this feeling with me forever but this is only possible if you help me out. Kamla smiles at him. he says wil you help me ? kamla says yes I will but you have to apologize whole family. he nods. Kamla leaves, Aryan says now I have to think how will I tell suhana.

Dheraj says to sanjay suhana is fine now I don’t this she needs a maid anymore. sanjay says I don’t want kamla bai to feel bad. dheraj says we can give her salary of next two months. kamla comes, dheraj says we are satisfied with your work. now suhana is fine she doesn’t need you anymore. We will give you salary of next two months. kamla says no I don’t need it. I just wanna meet suhana for one last time. suahan says who is going ? sanjay says you are fine now I think we should free kamla ji now. Suhana says what are you saying ? She has helped us a lot. kamla says he is right. we will keep talking to each other. suhana says won’t let you go anywhere.

Next: Friday update reach for the Stars



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