Razia Sultan 15 March 2023: Altamash opens the Prison and Mirza finds no-one..He tells that its all Turkan plan,Mirza goes..Altamash threatens Turkan tells that again she try to tell Mirza then will punish her,Turkan apologises..Later Turkan tells she have to find the old women,Altamash thanks one of his army officer for Hiding the old women..Mirza sees Yaqut eating JALEBI and talking with Razia..Yaqut tells Razia that he will come some other time…Razia tells Mirza to eat JALEBI,She tells from next time will not give JALEBI to Yaqut,Mirza tells that over sweetness is not good..
Mirza advices Razia to maintain distance from Yaqut,Razia is shocked..Mirza later realises that he should apologise Razia,He sees Yaqut and hides,Suddenly Yaqut is disappear,Zaroon tells Mirza that Razia is waiting for him,He goes..Yaqut comes and meet Turkan,,Turkan appreciates him,Yaqut tells that he was six year old when she saved him.Ruknuddin is shocked.. Yaqut tells that he would never kill him,Ruknuddin asks is that drama??Turkan tells yes..Ruknuddin tells its a very bad plan,As Razia would have killed and he would have become the ruler,Turkan tells that he thinks small Everytime ..
And her plan is to create difference between Razia and Mirza…Yaqut tells that its tough to create rift between Razia and Mirza as they re in love,Turkan tells that it will happen..Yaqut tells that it will take time to create a rift between them,She tells that got a very good secret,Three of them hear’s some voice,,Mirza comes inside and sees Yaqut standing ,He asks whom he is talking to??Yaqut tells that he was praying..Mirza tells to tells the name of his partner with whom he was planning ill..Mirza pushes Yaqut and asks angrily..RAzia comes and tells Mirza to leave..He tells that Yaqut is of dual faces.
Mirza tells razia that Yaqut was talking to some-one,Yaqut tells that he was given Map and was seeing rooms,Mirza tells that thief browse Secret room like this..Razia tells to forget..Both of them goes..Yaqut tells Mirza is right and he came to end their love,Mirza and Razia tells each other sorry and laughs..
He tells that wife can be stupid and crazy but should not be fighter,Razia tells that Mirza applied oil that why behaving like this..He tells yes..Razia tells that will search for the old women..He agrees…Anotherside old women coughs make fool the soldier’s and runs..Altamash tells that he want old women soon..
Shamshad comes and asks about the lady..Altamash tells That how his bodyguard murdered Mirza’s father,Shamshad tells to say the truth to Mirza otherwise the comsquences will not be good..He says that is scared as it will effect Razia’s life,As for now will send the old lady out of delhi..Razia asks Mirza about the lady,Suddenly she sees a snake behind Mirza and shouts,He sees but finds nothing and tells that If a wife sees snake near his huband it means love is soo much between them..Razia laughs..Mirza tells about the Old lady and she drawa…Yaqut holds the snake and laughs…Altamash tells his army to find the old lady and send out of delhi…
At palace Razia and Mirza search the old lady,Razia sees snake again..Mirza asks what happened.. Razia tells nothing and goes..Yaqut sees and gets happy.. Razia bath Yaqut sees and smile(evil). Razia bath while Yaqut sees and smiles,Altamash tells his soldier to search the old women before Razia…Old lady changes her get up One maid comes and tells to keep the glasses in Subedar room…Old lady asks who is subedar..Maid tells that son-in law of Altamash..
Mirza tells that his lover is annoyed from him and he is sitting..Old lady tells that she will kill Subedar as Altamash loves him…And tells that his life is for Razia..Lady takes out her sword and tries to attack Mirza from backside..
He moves away pick’s Razia’s scarf and smells..Drawing’s of Mirza falls..Old lady sees and is shocked..She takes one drawing and goes away,Mirza turns and sees but finds no-one..Old lady gets happy and tells that Mirza Altunia is his Son..Anotherside Yaqut sends some snake..Turkan tells Uzma and Nadira that if they wanted to see drama then come in Razia’s bathroom…Moizuddin tells they will come…Razia baths..Two snakes come Razia shouts , runs and hugs Yaqut..Mirza is shocked to see..She realizes and moves away shocked to see Yaqu.