Perfect husband update Tuesday 7 December 2021

Perfect husband update Tuesday 7 December 2021


Perfect husband 7 December 2021: Kabeer shows the photo of the coffin to the shop owner. Vidhi asks him who bought it. Pushkar recalls coming to that particular shop in the middle of the night to buy a coffin for Vidhi. I sent Vidhi in a coffin only. Who are these people? Shop owner says if it has my mark then it was bought here only. Vidhi suggests him to check his bill book and tell them the name of the purchaser but the owner asks them to come tomorrow. I have a lot to do today and some men are also on leave. Kabeer convinces Vidhi to come tomorrow. It is a matter of only a day.

Kabeer and Vidhi are surprised to see Pushkar there. He offers to drop them till the bus stand but Kabeer suggests staying in hotel. We will stay for another day. Pushkar stops them. I wont like it if my guests will stay somewhere outside. Mom will also be unhappy. She has made a special connect with Payal. Stay at home. Vidhi politely refuses his invitation. She walks away holding Kabeer’s hand. Pushkar looks on.

Kabeer says we could have stayed at Pushkar’s place. He was a good host. She refuses to stay there anymore. He asks her if he should book a regular hotel or a five star hotel. She tells him to book two rooms in any hotel. Kabeer collides with a girl passing by on a bicycle. Vidhi rushes to help the girl. Kabeer holds out his hand thinking she will help him instead but in vain. Vidhi asks the girl where she is off to with so much stuff. The girl says I have to deliver all this today itself but I wont be able to drive now. She looks at her wound. Vidhi offers to drive her to the place she wants to go to. Kabeer warns her against it but she drives away after making the girl sit in the front. Kabeer boards an auto.

The girl brings Vidhi to Rathod Niwas only. She goes to deliver the flowers inside and makes the girl sit outside on a bench.Rajshri calls someone to ask about the flowers when Vidhi tells her that they are here.Kabeer reaches Rathod House as well and looks at the house in shock. We are back to square one!Rajshri asks Vidhi how she brought the flowers. Vidhi says the girl who was bringing flowers for you collided with me. Kabeer corrects her. She collided with me and Payal helped her. Rajshri smiles. It wasn’t right that you left when I wasn’t around. Kabeer says you had a meeting. Rajshri rpelies that their relation is deep so they met again.

Now you will have to stay with us. We are celebrating Vidhita’s birthday day after tomorrow. Please attend it. Vidhi tries to deny her but Rajshri convinces her to stay. I am not your mother but I am like your mother. Vidhi says ok Ma but then calls her aunty ji. Rajshri gets touched. This sounds so nice. She takes them inside.Pushkar enters in Rathod House. He wonders where Kabeer and Vidhi are staying. I checked every hotel but they were nowhere to be found! He is confused to see Kabeer seated at the dining table. Vidhi

Vidhi lies that they went to see a property but they were asked to come tomorrow. Kabeer is a businessman. Kabeer seconds her. Pushkar knows they are lying. It is certain that they dint find whatever they were looking for. Vidhi and Kabeer excuse themselves. Pushkar decides to give them a small surprise before they go back to the shop tomorrow.Next morning, everyone is in the kitchen. Vidhi comes there wearing her old suit. Bela’s mother looks at her doubtfully. Vidhi offers to help them.

Rajshri denies initially but Vidhi convinces her. Rajshri goes outside with Charu. Vidhi takes over the veggie. She asks Bela about Vidhi. Bela shares starts talking about Vidhi and how close she was to Bela’s mother. Bela’s mother feels guilty thinking how she dint save Vidhi from Pushkar. She cuts the conversation and tastes the curry which Vidhi is preparing. She is surprised. It tastes just like the curry that Vidhi used to make. Pushkar stops in his tracks hearing it. He tastes it too and looks at Vidhi curiously. He goes outside to meet his accountant.

Hiten tries to tell Pushkar that there is a mismatch in accounts. Pushkar does not pay any attention to him and agrees to check it later. Bela’s mother is worried that their truth was about to come out in front of Pushkar today. He will kill us if he finds out what Rangeel and I have been doing!Rangeela invites Kabeer for a drink.Rangeela and Kabeer are in inebriated state. Kabeer says I miss my friend Jassi. Rangeela starts telling him a story. There was one village girl named Vinita. She marries a mad guy called Param. It has the story of how Param killed Vinita. They get married.

Mad guy Param kills her, gathers her stuff in a carpet and throws it in lake. Kabeer decides to put a different climax. Vinita is found by a guy in a critical state by a man. The guy was about to get married that day. He was drinking away with his friends just like we are drinking today. The groom wanted to opt out of the wedding so he takes her to the hospital. Doc suggests a plastic surgery. The girl is given a name and life. She has a new face and has lost her identity. Now the hero renames her as Pa. He goes quiet seeing Vidhi there. Pushkar is watching them from far.

Serial begins with Rangeela saying our mad guy Param kills Vinita, gathers her stuff in a carpet and throws it in lake. Kabeer decides to put a different climax. Vinita is found by a guy in a critical state. H takes her to hospital and is told that she needs to be given a new face. She comes back to life. Rangeela calls it impractical but Kabeer calls it modern day touch A plastic surgery happens and that girl is given a new face. She does not remem ber anything so she is to be given a new name. Now the hero renames her as Pa. He goes quiet seeing Vidhi there. Pushkar is watching them from far.

She reprimands him for not being in his senses. He calls her junior artist and tells her to stay aside. Vidhi pours water over him. Rangeela stands up. I took a bath in the morning. He excuses himself. Kabeer asks Vidhi what this madness is. She shares that he was supposed to visit that coffin shop with her but she had to go there alone. His entire shop has burned down.Flashback shows Vidhi going to the shop. She asks the owner about the register wherein he had made entry about the sale. Owner says I lost my shop and you are just worried about that register! Flashback ends.

Kabeer is shocked. Vidhi repeats that everything is burnt.Flashback shows Pushkar paying someone for setting fire to that shop with someone’s help. I hid the secret for forever. Now I will very soon find out who you both are and what are you up to. Flashback ends.Vidhi notices Pushkar and reprimands Kabeer for drinking in a house where a puja is scheduled tomorrow. She apologizes to Pushkar. He is drunk right now but he will be fine after bathing with cold water. She takes Kabeer with him. Pushkar says Payal is upset because of the fire but why does it bother her so much.


Vidhi thinks there was only one hope which could have taken her back to her past. It is gone now.Pushkar says they should have done their homework before messing with me. You failed miserably! It was so peaceful when that shop was burnt down. They will very soon realise who they have messed with!Rajshri gifts a saree to Vidhi. I want you to wear it tomorrow. They hear Kabeer calling out to Payal / Vidhi to give her towel. Rajshri smiles and compliments them. You both look so good together. Kabeer is a really nice guy. He peeks out of the washroom and goes back inside after seeing them. Rajshri suggests Vidhi to fast tomorrow till puja is complete. She leaves. Kabeer tells her pretend to fast in front of others and eat in the room.

She refuses to play with Rajshri’s feelings. She has accepted me as a part of the family.Next morning, everyone is seated for puja. Rajshri says all married women will pray for Vidhi today as she had fulfilled her every responsibility as a wife. Vidhi looks uncomfortable. Pundit ji starts the puja. Kabeer keeps holy water in Vidhi’s hand following Pundit ji’s instructions. Rajshri takes Vidhi with her so as to bring Akhanda Jyoti for the puja. Pushkar’s phone vibrates. He is startled to see Inspector’s name flashing on his screen. Inspector Tripathi is calling after so many days.


Payal and Kabeer have also met us just now. Are they interconnected?Rajshri tells Vidhi about their first meeting. She had held onto my shaking hand and gave me courage. We met in a similar manner. Our relation was formed then only. It might sound weird but you remind me of my Vidhi. I want you to take this Jyoti yourself and complete this puja. Vidhi looks at the Akhand Jyoti and steps back in shock. I cannot do it. I cannot touch this pious diya. Rajshri looks at her puzzled.

Pushkar goes to his room and talks to Inspector Tripathi. Pushkar is shocked to know that his mother has asked Inspector to keep Vidhi’s case open.Vidhi confesses that she has kept the fast but she isn’t married. Kabeer is not my husband. It is a sham. Please forgive me. We were running from some goons that day when I had asked for your help. Rajshri makes her sit down. Vidhi says tells her about Nitin.Pushkar says you are calling us which means you got some lead. Inspector agrees. We had sent alerts about Vidhi’s case in other cities too. We found a lead in Delhi which is why I am here. They shared that they had found a girl in a coffin in a lake around the time when Vidhi went missing. 3 guys found her and took her to hospital.

Vidhi completes the rest of the story. Kabeer and I were brought here. He is no one to me but he has risked his life and saved me every single time. Everyone saw me in a bridal dress and mistook us to be husband and wife. I am honestly telling you I know no one except Kabeer. I felt some strange attachment to you and came here. I kept fast upon your request. Even Kabeer advised me against it but I still kept the fast. I tried to tell you so many times but I couldn’t gather courage. I could not hold myself back anymore so I am confessing everything today.

That girl’s face was disfigured badly by someone. She was found in unconscious state in a in a coffin and set afloat. It was found around the same time when Vidhi went missing.Vidhi says I cannot hold this Jyoti after lying to you or anyone. Please forgive me. I cannot hurt you or Vidhi. I cannot do this puja. Rajshri says till now I was thinking you to be like Vidhi but you are indeed her. You are just like her. You cannot hurt anyone and can dare to accept your folly. I was always complaining to God for taking Vidhi away from me but he made me meet another Vidhi after she died. Everyone is right. No one returns empty handed from Mata’s temple. Don’t call yourself an orphan. Kabeer is with you. You are my daughter and I am your mother from now onwards.

They share a hug.Inspector says we did find some of Vidhi’s belongings with the dead body that we had recovered in jungle but this girl’s height and many other details match with our case.

Next: perfect husband Wednesday update



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