Perfect husband update Monday 13 December 2021

Perfect husband update Monday 13 December 2021


Perfect husband 13 December 2021: Bela’s mother apologizes to Vidhi. I did very wrong to you. Vidhi recalls begging Bela’s mother for help in the past but she had pushed her away. Bela’s mother says you always called me Ma whereas I was always only jealous of you. I thought you were snatching my daughter’s happiness and I always remained jealous of you. I supported that animal! Please forgive me. I dint know he will kill you! I dint say anything even when he kept hitting you right in front of my eyes. I thought he will spare your life. It was a small thing.

Vidhi says we overlook such things thinking it to be a small thing. A son tortures his wife and his mother lets him do it thinking it is a small thing. Husband is called God yet he hits his wife. We think it to be a small thing. It is a wound which never heals. You became a part of his misdeeds by supporting him. You wanted Bela to marry Pushkar right? Would you have still kept quiet had he hurt Bela? We don’t see who is torturing whom! We need to always raise our voice against it! An Indian wife treats her husband like her God overlooking all his follies. Why to blame you when I am a bigger sinner than you? I bore them silently thereby giving him strength to hurt me more. It wouldn’t have happened if I had raised my voice.

Women are losing everything by allowing men to hurt them. I was as much as fault as you were. Bela’s mother requests her to forgive her. You proved today that we are greater by our thoughts. I have made a mistake but I am taking this chance to do penitence. Please give me this chance. Rajshri says I will give you that chance. I will tell you what you have to do. She gives her a bottle of sleeping pills. You have to use them very soon. Bela’s mother looks at the bottle in confusion.

Pushkar comes to his room. What’s happening to me? I get hurt by shards and then a chandelier. Is this a coincidence or is someone responsible for it? Who could it be? I cannot see anyone! He thinks of Vidhi. She is dead! It cannot be her! Ghosts don’t exist. He sits on the bed but jumps in pain / shock. Nails are kept on his side of the bed. He recalls keeping them on Rangeela’s bed in the past.Pushkar pulls Rangeela by his collar. You are trying to cheat the one who is letting you live here? I forgot all about you. Rangeela acts innocent. I am your Hanuman.

Pushkar says how you can be Hanuman when I couldn’t be Ram. You have backstabbed me today. I saw the nails and could understand it is your doing. Rangeela insists he dint do anything but Pushkar drags him upstairs with him. Pushkar tells him to look at the bed but there is nothing. Rangeela asks Pushkar if he is fine. You have been acting strange since yesterday. Pushkar sends him outside. What’s happening to me! I see something for a moment but it disappears the very next second! I can dream at night but how can I day dream? It cannot be wrong! Something is indeed going on here. It couldn’t be Rangeela as I brought him here with me. I think I need to rest. He drinks water and lies down. I should go on a long vacation and then resume office. Kabeer is also not here. Everything will be settled!

Pushkar wakes up and finds himself ties in a carpet. He struggles to be freed and calls out for help. A shadow appears. He demands to know who it is. Please get me out. Vidhi steps forward. Are you feeling suffocated Pushkar? This is how you had wrapped me in the past. He begs to be freed. She says you are too smart. Think what you will do now. You dint fulfil any of your promises. You broke all the 7 promises! You killed me mercilessly. Today, I will do the same to you! He shouts for his mother as Vidhi lifts a flower pot high in the air. He begs her to spare his life for God’s sake. She tells him God doesn’t have so much time. He punishes people right here for their misdeeds. It is your turn now. He turns and manages to escape getting hit. By then, Vidhi has disappeared.

He is badly shaken. Can it be Payal’s ghost? Rajshri and Rangeela come running there. What happened? He is looking at the carpet. Rajshri asks him what happened. Pushkar lies that he saw a bad dream. She suggests him to rest. She begins to go but stops. I never saw this carpet in this room. Anyways, take rest. Rangeela asks Pushkar why he was shouting. What is with this carpet? Pushkar asks him if he believes in ghosts. Rangeela says educated people don’t trust it but I have heard many stories in my village. Why do you ask? Pushkar admits that he saw Payal’s ghost. Rangeela asks him how it could be when Payal is alive. You would have seen Vidhi instead. Pushkar tells him to remove the carpet.

Rangeela starts chanting mantras as he starts fold ing the carpet.Rangeela tells everyone that their plan is going on the right path. Pushkar is freaked out right now. Kabeer says it feels nice to see him scared. He has been scaring everyone all along. I wonder how this game will end. Rajshri says he will have to accept his crimes so Vidhi gets justice. Scare him so much that he ends up confessing everything on his own. Vidhi tells her she is the first DIL who is doing this. Rajshri says every mother would do the same after knowing the pain her daughter went through. Vidhi reasons that she is Pushkar’s mother too but Rajshri refuses.

I never thought he will be so ruthless to a woman and kill her! He does not deserve any mercy after whatever he has done to you, Rangeela, Badri and many other people. The man who cannot respect woman can never be anyone’s ideal son, brother or husband. It is a very big day for us tomorrow. It should be so grand that Pushkar is not able to hide anywhere. He has to confess his crimes tomorrow!Next morning, Kabeer mixes ice in water. Pushkar is bathing. The water turns ice cold suddenly startling Pushkar.

He slips on the floor and struggles to switch off the tap. How did it turn so cold suddenly? He recalls throwing ice cold water on Vidhi once. Vidhi puts a gas in the pipe. He is about to get out of the bathroom when he notices smoke. He is again thinking of how he had tried to suffocate Payal / Vidhi recently. He tries to open the door but in vain. Rangeela is holding it from outside. Vidhi hears his pleas and remembers how she had also been shouting for help. Pushkar breathes heavily.Rangeela lets go of the door. Pushkar manages to step outside. It is you right? You are taking revenge from me but I wont let you succeed Vidhita! I will go away from you and this place!

Rangeela informs everyone that Pushkar is dead scared. He is certain it is Vidhi’s ghost who is seeking revenge from him. Kabeer says we should take our next step now. Rajshri remarks that the next step needs to be very crucial. With this, we have to make him accept his crimes. If we commit any mistake here then it will go down the drain.Pushkar comes downstairs holding a suitcase and finds his mother crying. She tells Pushkar that there is no news of Vidhi. The number of NGO people is coming off too. Hope she is fine. She notices his suitcase. Are you going somewhere? We are so concerned about Vidhi and you don’t care? He denies.

I am going to Delhi to find out about her only. Rajshri shares that he need not go there. I have found that this number if Jodhpur’s number. I have the address as well. Let’s go and find out about it. Rangeela gestures Pushkar against it. Pushkar advises his mother not to lose hope. Maybe Vidhi will come today. He takes the details from her and offers to find more about it. He takes Rangeela with him. Rajshri tells Bela’s mother it is time to implement their next step.Pushkar comes to the location provided by his mom.


Kabeer has fitted a microphone and camera in every room. We will scare Pushkar so much that he will confess all his crimes. Rajshri tells Vidhi and Badri to enter from the backdoor. There shouldn’t be any mistake.Pushkar tells Rangeela it seems there cannot be anyone here. It is deserted. Rangeela suggests investigating once now that they are here. I find this place haunted. Pushkar insists Vidhi is dead. We have to find out who is playing with Ma’s emotions and what their intention is. Rangeela nods.

Pushkar calls out if someone is there. They hear a no ise and turn around startled. Pushkar notice a paper bag with two eyes. He recalls how he had worn a similar bag over his face in the past. He points it to Rangeela but Rangeela claims he cannot see anyone. His phone rings and he excuses himself. Vidhi ducks by the time Pushkar turns in her direction.Pushkar looks in another direction and Vidhi appears again with that paper bag mask. He is freaked out. She ducks and removes it when he turns again. He keeps looking in different directions out of fear.


Who is it? Vidhi speaks using a mike. How can you forget this mask? You used it to hide your identity in the past. You have hurt many people with its help. Vidhi wears the mask again and steps forward. He demands to know who is it. He lifts his hand and burning fax falls over his hand (with a rope pulled by Vidhi). He thinks of the past. Vidhi asks Pushkar how he is feeling after experiencing this pain. You have hurt people in a similar manner in the past. She covers her face with a red colour and steps forward. He warns her to stay away. She asks for justice. Show your real face and recall all that you have done to me!

Kabeer and Rajshri are watching the video. Kabeer tells Rajshri they are on the right path. Pushkar’s fear will very soon make him fall in our trap.Vidhi hides again and uses the mike. I want to hear your every crime from your mouth today! He shouts at her to come in front of him. Step forward once. He starts throwing stuff around randomly.Rajshri tells Kabeer Pushkar is turning wild. Where is Payal? Kabeer is sure Payal has hidden somewhere. Pushkar will very soon confess his crimes.Vidhi shouts as she gets hurt. Pushkar gets alert. Ghosts never get hurt but I heard someone scream in pain. Vidhi runs. Pushkar heads in her direction.

Kabeer, Rajshri and Rangeela are worried as they cannot see Vidhi or Pushkar anymore.Pushkar finds blood stains on the floor. This ghost can get hurt and is wounded? It means Payal / Vidhi is alive! Vidhi is sure Pushkar would have heard her scream. He now knows I am alive. He would have understood that I am not a ghost. I should get out of here!Rajshri points at the screen. Pushkar steps back with folded hands. Please forgive me Vidhi. I wont do it ever again. Tell me what you want. Kabeer and Rangeela fall in his trap and so does Vidhi. Pushkar begs Vidhi not to scare him more. I cannot take it anymore. I will do just as you say.

Vidhi picks the mike again. You know what you have to do! You know why I am troubling you. The same pain that you had given me! He agrees to comply to her every demand. Just stop scaring me and leave me alone. Kabeer is happy that their plan is on the right path. Rajshri looks doubtful.Vidhi agrees to leave. I wont trouble you ever again. She wonders why Pushkar isn’t replying and comes out of her hiding place. Pushkar steps behind some stuff. Vidhi follows him unconsciously. Rangeela and Kabeer get concerned for Vidhi. Rajshri is certain something is wrong. Go and check on her. She might be in trouble. Kabeer and Rangeela leave.

Rajshri prays for Vidhi’s well being. Kabeer, Rangeela and Badri don’t find Vidhi anywhere. They spot blood marks on the floor. Kabeer informs Vidhi that their plan has failed. Pushkar has probably left with Vidhi. They rush out.Flashback shows Pushkar realising that if Vidhi is real then Rangeela has lied to him. It means he is on their side. I have to find out who all are in this plan against me. He also notices the CCTV camera in the room. It means there is a microphone and camera in the room. I have to find a corner where there is no camera. He walks to that corner while pretending to apologize and hides behind a cupboard. Vidhi follows him to that place. Pushkar steps forward suddenly and covers her mouth from behind. I found you! Flashback ends.

Pushkar tells Vidhi her gang members left. You are with me now. We have played enough hide-and-seek as a ghost. Let’s play hide-and-seek of life and death now.

Next: perfect husband Tuesday update



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