Our perfect place update Wednesday 13 May 2020

Our perfect place update Wednesday 13 May 2020


Our perfect place 13 May 2020: Sameer goes to meet Tanu and informs how Hetal confronted him repeatedly and fought when he asked to patch up with Tanu. He says he wants to be on Hetal’s side, so he cannot meet her from hereon.

Tanu says she is proud of him that he cares for Hetal. He tries to leave and sees Tanu’s mental asylum report, he reads report and asks if she was in mental asylum for 3 years. He denies at first, but then says after her father’s death, she went to US and tried to suicide 4 times, so she was sent to rehab unit and then to mental asylum. Sam asks that is why she did not call Hetal or met her. Tanu says yes. Sam says he has to inform this to Hetal, else she will hate Tanu whole life. Tanu says no, but Sam leaves with report.

Sam reaches restaurant and tells Hetal that he needs to talk. She says okay and gets busy in work. He sits on table holding report. Tanu calls and asks if he showed report to Hetal. He says no. She asks not to do the mistake as Hetal will hate him and he will lose her. He sits confused. Hetal comes and asks what he wants to talk about. He says nothing important and stammers.

Falak and Bejal’s nanny picks them from school and while traveling in car, she eyes at driver and sends him lewd signals. Falak and Bejal notice that. After getting out of car, driver gives Falak’s choc to nanny and says he will get her for Mumbai sightseeing in the evening. She says she already saw Mumbai many times and will see what he will show. Falak snatches choc and says it is her choc. Teacher frightens her and snatches choc back. Falak and Bejal discuss this nanny is very bad.

Falak and Bejal go to Uday’s room and request him to let them speak to Niranjan. He calls Uday and gives them phone. They speak to Niranjan and inform that mamma has kept a nanny and they dont like her at all, she is very strict.

He asks if daadi and taima are not there. They say mamma does not allow them to talk to daadi and Taima, they were very happy with taima and used have a lot of fun, but maa does not have time for them and even he left them, what should they do now. He asks them to give phone to Uday and thanks Uday for letting them speaking to children, asks who is this nannny. He tells she does not know much, but she was Falak and Bejal’s classmate Monto’s nanny.

Niranjan calls Monto’s mom and school and gets info about nanny. He then calls Ila and tells he wants to speak about nanny, he enquired about her and she seems very strict, and he does not want her punish his children. Ila says even she did not want nany at home, but this situaiton is brought on by himself. It is parents duty to take care of children together, but because of his mistake children are suffering. He feels concerned and gets restless thinking ho to save children and thinks of getting children from there.

Falak and Bejal see nanny reading film magazine and forcing them to do homework themselves. She then falls asleep. They both silently walk out and sit on sofa. Ila asks if they finished their homework. They say they will complain against her to daadu when he returns. she asks what will they complain.

They say that she broke family photo, threw papa out of house, does not let them meet papa, and always helps mamma in her wrong decision. Ila ges emotional hearing children’s words and reminisces how she kicked out Niranjan and rest of incidents. She cries holding her husband’s pic and reminisces him asking to keep family united whatever it happens.


Falak and Bejal play with a ball seeing teacher snoring. Ball falls on teacher. She hurriedly wakes up and starts verbally abusing them. They try to run, but she stops them and taking out stick from her suitcase shouts that she is very strict and did not spare Monto, why will she spare them.

Falak and Bejal’s nanny tries to punish them with stick. Falak pushes her and rushes out of room. Nanny follows them and they hide in terrace. Down in dining area, Ila serves dinner to family. She chats with Rahul and Sam/Uday joins them. She asks him to have dinner. He says he is full as he munches pastries and cookies at cafeteria.


Sam says he did not eat anything and even when he asked, he told he will have later. Rahul says when did he find time for his brother, he is always busy starting Hates. Uday coughs. Ila looks at their face. Parimal comes. Ila says food is tasty today, he can ask Parimal. Parimal switching on TV says it was not that good and very sweet. Rahul comments he has gone old. Uday laughs loudly. Parimal scolds him to go and study. Door bell rings. Parimal opens door and sees Rita. He angrily walks in.

Nanny continues punishing children and forces them to do situps. Down in dining area, Parimal continues fuming seeing Rita and increases TV volume. Rita walks up to meet children and continues walking for 15 min ( repeatedly same stairs and same floor is shown for 15 min)/

Nanny forces Falak and Bejal to continue situps and apologize her. They continue. She raises stick to hit Bejal. Falak snatches stick and throws it. Nanny fumes more, picks stick again and raises to hit Falak. Rita reaches and stands shocked. Gayatri holds stick and throws it. She warns nanny how dare she is to touch her children. She pampers children and ask if they are fine. She slaps nanny and shouts how dare she is to touch her children. Rita calls children. They both run and hug her. Gayatri grabs teacher and drags to her room, picks her bag and throws her out. She then angrily confronts Rita that she can insult her how much ever she wants, but she will not let her force children to stay with nanny.

Next: Thursday update our perfect place



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