Our perfect place 18 May 2020: Ila wakes up Rahul in the morning and says she wants to take him to meet Shree counselor. He says he does not want to. She leaves sadly. He reminisces doc telling that he will die soon and looking at Tanu’s pic says he is leaving this world soon.
Sam gets ready to go on a bike ride with Hetal. Uday taunts him that he is going on a date and is locking dashing. Sam walks out when his friend Diya comes to meet him. She requests him to speak to his director friend and get her a nightie ad. He says his bhabi is selected for this ad, so he can only help her if her bhabhi rejects it. Hetal calls him and asks where is he. He says he was about to leave when is friend Diya came to meet him, so he will send Diya and come to her. She gets jealous. Prachi asks why is she getting jealous. Hetal says she will go and check who this Diya is.
Tanu sleeps in her office itself. Her maid comes and wakes her up and asks if she slept here whole night, her client meeting will start in 1 hour. Tanu says she will freshen up and return soon. She then attends client and assures her that her divorce proceedings will go smoothly. She then cries looking at Rahul and her pic and thinks why he left her. Ila comes and knocks door. Tanu attends her. Ila tells she came to talk to her regarding her 2nd son Rahul and tells her whole story. Tanu asks if she can bring Rahul here. Ila says he will not come. Tanu takes Rahul’s number and says she will counsel him with unanimous ID.
Sam shows Diya to Gayatri and Ila. They say she is wearing so short clothes. He says it is a fashion, she came to request him to get Rita’s ad as director is his friend. Many models are behind this ad which Rita got with her hard work, now it is up to them to decide to Rita do the ad or not. They both get confused.
Tanu dial’s Sam’s elder brother’s number. Rahul picks and says she is giving him blank calls since yesterday, if she does not want to speak, why she is calling. She gets confused why she called Rahul and rechecks number and realizes Sam’s brother and Rahul are same.
Tanu is shocked to know that Sam’s brother and Rahul are both same. She thinks she may be wrong and will call back Ila and find out. Divya asks Rita if she is not doing nightie ad, she will do it then. Rita tells Ila that since she will not approve her, let Divya do it. Ila and Gayatri look each other’s face. Divya smirks that grandma will not approve and mummy will not do ad, so let her do it. Ila stops her and tells Rita that if she permits her, whole family will go against her, but she promised that she will go against world to help her, she can do the ad. Rita gets happy.
Ila prays Divya will get better ad than this. Divya hugs Ila and Rita and leaves. Sam waiting outside asks her what happened. Divya says his mom permitted his bhabhi for ad, anyways she believes in woman power and does not mind. Sam asks if he can drop her somewhere. She says yes and sits on bike behind him. Hetal reaches there. Sam introduces her as his friend. Divya says what kind of name hates is. Hetal says it is Hetal and she is Sam’s girlfriend. Divya laughs that Sam does not like commitment at all and leaves. Sam taunts Hetal that she accepted he is her boyfriend and accepted her full name. He says they can continue for 6 years, then another 6 years, then again 6 years and continue whole life. They both get on bike and leave.
Tanu calls Ila and says she lost her son’s number. Ila gives number again. Tanu asks what is her son’s name. Ila says her son took promise not to tell his identity, so she should find out when she befriends him. Tanu thinks she can take his brother’s name from him.
Sam and Hetal enjoy on a beach. Tanu calls Sam, and he rejects call repeatedly. Tanu reminisces he must be with Hetal on beach. Hetal tells yesterday the lady came was her sister and she was telling fake rehab story. Sam thinks he should not have given Tanu’s rehab papers and showed it to Hetal. Hetal asks when he knows his sister from before, why did they both act as strangers.
Some updates unavoidably missing…
Next: Tuesday update our perfect place