Once there was a king update Sunday 26 December 2021

Once there was a king update Sunday 26 December 2021


Once there was a king 26 December 2021: Everyone discuss about the royal life. Bhabis are fearful if Gayatri will be able to learn the British traditional living style. Gayatri says that Rana ji likes her the way she is. Bhabis say that one has to change after marriage, and will have to make up too. Her friends say to Bhabis that nowadays such soaps are available in market that can turn a buffalo into cow. They say they will just get one for them and asks Gayatri to change.

Rana ji was practicing sword fight, Raaj Mata comes there. Rana ji stops, Raaj Mata asks why he stopped. Rana ji says one has to accept defeat when a mother is in front. Raaj Mata tells him that she took a few photos of his liability, if he watches them he will know her decision isnt that bad. Rana ji gives a jerk to the photos and say they are just pieces of paper and nothing else. She has done a trade of his heart. Raaj Mata shouts at Rana ji, he shouts back reminding that she is talking to Rana of Amirkot. He says in a trade only profit is seen, he doesn’t care which family this girl belongs to, she was desperate about wanting to become a princess.

Raaj Mata holds the photo and says no one can stop her from becoming his princess now. Rana ji says he knows that his thought have no values in her heart, just like this photo in his heart. He tears Gayatri’s photo without seeing it and leaves.Rana ji drives rashly and stops by a temple thinking about Surakshna’s words that she likes this temple and whenever he is restless he must go there. Inside the temple gayatri prayed with her friends and said that she wanted to thank God for fulfilling all her dreams.

Outside the temple a guy gives Gayatri bangles as she is the princess to be. Gayatri says she will pay for them, as it isn’t suitable to take something from someone. She then heads to climb down the stairs backwards. Her friends forbids her but she says she owed for them. Rana ji was climbing the steps of temple as Gayatri came down, soon her foot slips and the colour in her thaatl gets into Rana ji’s eyes and face. She gets involved with her friends and doesn’t notice Rana ji there. Rana ji takes a tissue out of his coat and discovers a bangle. He thinks about Surakshna who said that when she isn’t with him she leaves her memories with him so that he can never go away from her, he takes a promise from him on that. Rana ji presses the bangle and says that now he isnt liable anymore to even remember her as he couldn’t keep his promise.

Rana ji and Gayatri comes across once again when Gayatri was about to slip, she holds the bangle. Both look into each other, Gayatri is shocked and thinks may be Rana ji came to meet her.Rana ji remembers that he had asked Gayatri who is she, and Kaka had said that she is his daughter. Rana ji asks Gayatri what she is doing here. Gayatri is confused, she says her father forbid her to go out of the house but her childhood friends insisted and she had to come. She asks what he is doing here? Rana ji says he doesn’t know when he reached here, these days he happens to be somewhere else and his mind is wandering somewhere else. Gayatri says this happens with her as well.

Rana ji says that when there is a lot going on in mind, one can’t concentrate on anything. Gayatri says one can’t even share thoughts with others. Rana ji asks why not? Gayatri says she isnt that shameless. Rana ji turns to leave, they get stuck with the bangle. Gayatri says sorry about it. Rana ji tells her to keep it, he says he thinks that she is same as him and will take better care of it. Gayatri looks smilingly at him going upstairs. He turns back to look at her, then moves on.

At night, in the palace Yashoda guides the servants about the preparations of wedding. Raaj Mata comes to the hall. Yashoda informs her that all preparations have been done, everything is ready. Raaj Mata says all preparations have been done, but only one thing remains. According to traditons, one of the family members must welcome the guests. She asks about Kunwar ji.Kunwar ji said to a man Dilawar that he called him here only because this time he wants to cut out t he roots of all his problems and that problem is named as Rana Indravarshan. Dilawar says if he would want to, he might take his own life. Raaj Mata comes towards Kunwar’s room.

Kunwar ji tells the man that if he is unable to take the life of Rana ji he will take his life. The man says he knows all the rules. Kunwar gives him the payment and says he would want the dress of servant of palace. Raaj Mata reaches the room.Raaj mata drops a vase in the corridor worried whom Kunwar ji is talking to. He says he is so alone in the palace that he speaks to himself. Kunwar says to Raaj Mata that she didn’t tell Bari Raani Maa about the engagement although she knows how much Bari Raani Maa loves Rana ji. Raaj Mata says she would have never accepted this proposal, but she knows how much this marriage matters to the palace. The killer was hidden behind the door all along. Kunwar says though this marriage is against his will but he will do what she will ask him.


Raaj Mata asks if he will welcome the guests, he says yes he will. Raaj Mata leaves, but Kunwar ji says that he will have to come to engagement, if he won’t come how he will be able to see the drama of Rana ji’s death.Raaj Mata comes to Rana ji’s room and is worried to see him absent from there. Rana ji arrives there and tells her not to worry, he won’t break his promise with her. He is ready but only needs help in wearing pearl necklaces. He was ready to wear even all of them. Raaj Mata asks what he is doing. Rana ji asks, wont she decorate him as a goat of sacrifice. Raaj Mata says she did it all for state, she fulfilled her responsibility, now it is his turn. This wedding has to take place. Rana ji press the locket in his hand so hard that his palm bleeds badly.


Maa makes up Gayatri, she asks her daughter in laws to blow fan for Gayatri, she must not sweat. Her bhabis blow the fan to themselves. They ask Gayatri to come out, but Gayatri asks them to go she will follow them in a while.
Kunwar says to Kokilla at the reception that it would have been better his father had named him Kanwar singh, this would have matched with what he always do. Kokilla says to Kunwar ji at the reception why she is standing here with him. He says he didn’t want to look like an owl alone. Kokilla says that now the three of them look like an owl. Seth Govind arrives recalling Kunwar’s words once as he didn’t consider them to be of same status.

Kokilla puts a veil on Gayatri’s face saying the daughter in laws in royal palace takes a veil.Gayatri takes a seat, there is an announcement for Rana ji and he appears with Raaj Mata. Everyone watches the royal entry. Rana ji thinks that veil won’t help for Gayatri.Gayatri tries to look at Rana ji, her friends mumur at her to take a hold, she will watch him for a lifetime now. Raaj Mata tells Rana ji to stand with Gayatri, Rana ji thinks he will always hate the name Gayatri. Gayatri stands as Rana ji comes near. Raaj Mata thinks about her words that Gayatri was just a way to get rid of their debts. Pandit ji asks Raaj Mata to begin the engagement.

Kunwar ji was restlessly waiting for the killer who was upstairs and wanted to take aim of Rana ji.Seth ji puts tillak on Rana ji’s forehead and performed the ritual. The man brings the gun and tries to take aim of Rana ji. He was about to pull the trigger. Rana ji was being given the shagun from Seth ji. Deewan ji asks Raaj Mata to bring engagement ring. Raaj Mata asks Rana ji to put the ring on Gayatri’s hand, Rana ji looks at the ring then stares curtly at Raaj Mata. He holds the ring and remembers it was in Surakshna’s hands. He once told her that she has worn his love in her ring. Gayatri forwards her hand. The killer took the aim. Raaj Mata repeats her words.

Rana ji remembers that he told Surakshna that this ring is a promise for her that no one else will ever come to his life except her. Gayatri was excited about wearing the ring. The killer change his position upstairs. Rana ji takes Gayatri’s hand.

Next: once there was a king Monday update



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