Once there was a king update Saturday 25 December 2021

Once there was a king update Saturday 25 December 2021


Once there was a king 25 December 2022: Seth ji comes to Gayatri, she touches his feet and he blesses her and asks if she is happy. She says today she has crazy in happiness, she knows that her father wasn’t wrong; he taught her to dream and her dreams were fulfilled as well.Seth ji asks if she isn’t happy to be a princess. She says she did something that he doesn’t know about. Seth ji smiles and hands her the letter saying he knows everything.

Gayatri looks at him, he says he promised her that if she desires for moon he will get it. Seth ji leaves, Gayatri says she asked to keep him in memories and he permitted her to love him.Rana ji writes a letter to Surakshna, he writes they both are being loyal to each other. He is waiting for her till now, but besides a lover he is also a prince and today his position demands a sacrifice of his loyalty and memories with her. He rides towards the bank of river, burns the letter and says he will never be disloyal to her, she was, is and will be his princess and no one will take this place.

There Gayatri sat in front of mirror, covers her head with dupatta and says she will be the princess of Rana ji now.The younger bhabi cries in front of the elder one that she didn’t know Gayatri will have such good luck that she will get Rana ji as her prince.The next morning, Pandits of royal family were at Seth ji’s house for matching the birth charts of Rana ji and Gayatri. Gayatri heard this from behind the door, the kids disturb her but she tells them to run away. Seth ji asks Pandit what happened, Pandits say that all the 36 houses match in their birth charts. But either the marriage has to take place in twelve days or to be awaited six months.

Seth ji tells them that this marriage will take place in the next twelve days. He tells them all to sweeten the mouths of everyone.Raaj Mata sat disturbed as she doodled on a paper. She thought about Rana ji’s words that night, and says Rana ji has to agree to marry but he isn’t in the palace. She doesn’t know how to tell him if he doesn’t marry her… Kunwar asks what then? Is she fixing the marriage of Rana ji with that daughter of Seth ji. Raaj Mata says that there are two type of people, if there is fire the ones who try to stop it and the ones who sit back and watch the drama. Kunwar asks if she thinks he is doing nothing, but he knows Rana ji will never agree upon this marriage. Raaj Mata is worried and rocks her chair vigorously.

At Seth Govind’s house, bhabis discuss that how can someone’s fate turn so soon. Gayatri hears this. The elder bhabi was saying if the royal palace didn’t think about the life of Rana ji. Gayatri’s finace died the next day of her engagement, she is an eclipse on the moon. Gayatri is hurt. She comes to Pandit’s and touches their feet. Pandits blesses her. Gayatri asks them if she is lucky for Rana ji? Or is there something in her birth chart due to which Rana ji will have to suffer. Pandit says to Gayatri that luck only depends on ones deeds. He tells Gayatri that after marriage, the two streams spouses meet, it is possible that if one stream isn’t pure it ruins the other one or the pure water washes everything away.

He says he is sure that Raaj Mata took the right decision to take her to palace.Seth ji was listening this all, he tells Gayatri not to think about anything but the preparations of her wedding.Pandit ji tells Raaj Mata that he did what she had said. He told them that 36 houses match in their birth charts, but that isn’t true. There is a fault in Rana ji’s birth chart himself. His wives would die, just like his first one and what if this happens to Gayatri as well.Raaj Mata asks what then? Gayatri’s life has no price in front of Rana ji. Gayatri is just a player in the game of chess to get rid of all the debt. And she doesn’t care about the lives of minor players in a game.

Raja Mata is worried that if Rana ji doesn’t return and Seth Govind comes to know that he isnt ready for marriage, the palace will never be able to get rid of its debts. A servant announces that Seth Govind is here, Raaj Mata is worried what she will reply to him. Yashoda says those who are dared to be questioned have to answer.She isn’t questionable. Raaj Mata and Yashoda come downstairs to meet Seth ji. Seth Govind comes and tells Raaj Mata that the date of marriage after five days has been fixed, they have come with shagun. He asks Raaj mata to call Rana ji downstairs, so that he can meet him and asks how he feels about the wedding. Kunwar and Kokilla hear this, Kokilla says this isnt right for them that this marriage happen so soon. Kunwar says those who runs fast have to fell down.

Seth ji notices the worry on Raaj Mata’s face, he asks what happened. Yashoda tries to speak but Seth Govind says she must not interfere.Raaj Mata begins to say that Rana jis is… Rana ji calls that he is ready for the wedding. Raaj Mata gets happy while Kokilla and Kunwar are disturbed. Seth ji gives the shagun to him. Seth ji tells him that wedding will take place five days from now. Rana ji is lost, Seth ji asks if he has a problem with this date. Rana ji looks at Raaj Mata, then says he has no problem, people choose for their wedding dates but it seems this date chose him.


His first marriage also took place on the same date. Seth ji offers to change the date. Rana ji says he has no problem with the date, when fate has planned so, one is liable. This relation is not between two people but two families. It has the advantage to both families. Seth ji notices his piercing stare at Raaj Mata.At Seth Govind’s house, the photographer takes photos of Gayatri. Bhabis are curt that Raaj Mata sent a British photographer for Gayatri. The elder Bhabi says she also wants to get photographed. The younger one says curtly that only Gayatri is a princess. Gayatri poses for photos. Her friends arrive with their kids.


They ask if she has become a princess, and asks how this all happened. Gayatri says she doesn’t know how it happened, but she knows he has accepted her from his heart. She wrote a letter, and in reply he sent Raaj Mata with the proposal. Gayatri’s friends say this is the real love story. They ask what Gayatri spoke to Rana ji about. Gayatri says she didn’t speak to him, he told her Bauji that he is ready to marry her. She says they had selected each other the day they looked at each other, and remembers the river bank’s incidence.

Rana ji was restless in his room with his drink. He looks at Surakshna’s photos on wall, thought about Raaj Mata’s warning that his refusal will punish the subjects of Amirkot. He throws the glass in his hand on the mirror and breaks it. There, Gayatri was happy.Kokilla says to Kunwar ji that she is unable to believe that Rana ji is marrying. She thought Rana ji will never come out of Surakshna’s thoughts and will never have a heir. Kunwar tells Kokilla not to speak a lot about what is happening and what has to. Kokilla wishes that the blast he got done at Rana ji’s arrival must have killed Rana ji.

Kunwar tells her to be silent about anything. He tells Kokilla that he himself was there, he would have died himself if that blast was done by him. Kokilla wonders who else the enemy of Rana ji is. Someone heard the conversation from outside the window.Rana ji watched the photos remembering Surakshna. He says that people wants to remove her memories from this palace. They don’t know they can remove these photos off the walls but not his heart. He says that no other picture can reside in these eyes, when they are shut they watch you and when open they only wait for you Surakshna. He removes the photos off the walls.

Outside the palace, he throws them all on the floor, then burns them. Raaj Mata runs out shouting what he is doing. Rana ji asks can’t she see he is killing his memories that she has murdered. He says today not only these photos and memories are being burnt, but a relation is also burning.She has burnt this relation of a mother and a son, from today he isn’t her son and for him she isnt a mother. She is only Raaj Mata and he is Rana ji here.

Next:once  there was a king sunday update



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