Once there was a king update Sunday 16 January 2022

Once there was a king update Sunday 16 January 2022


Once there was a king 16 January 2022: Bari Raani maa and Raaj Mata are in confrontation. Raaj Mata asks how she can do this to her grand father. Bari Raani maa says that had she cared about Rana ji, she wouldn’t have ruined three lives. She brought Gayatri and only she will be responsible for what Gayatri will suffer. And when Gayatri will fall, will Seth Govind fulfil his promise. Bari raani maa goes inside, Raaj Mata says she has worked hard to bring Rana ji and Gayatri together. It is really important to know how Sulakshna got alive again.

Sulakshna opens her eyes and sits up on bed. Rana ji was in the room, he asks how she feels. She says she is fine, Rana ji gets her water. Sulakshna says Bari Rani maa told her that why she is, who he is. She apologizes that her memory isn’t vivid. Rana ji says this drama isn’t needed here, they both know that she isn’t his Sulakshna. She can cheat Bari rani maa but not him, had she been Sulakshna not his eyes but his heartbeat would have recognized her. He shouts who she is?
Gayatri sits with her idol that if her love is true, Rana ji will come by himself to break her fast.

He throws the water glass in Sulakshna’s hand with a jerk saying she can’t be his Sulakshna. He heads to leave, a maid comes to hold the glass and their head bangs. Sulakshna says to the maid to bang her head again else they will get horns. Rana ji recalls such an event with Sulakshna in the past. He wonders if he is mistaken, is she really his Sulakshna.
Kokilla and Kunwar ji were in forest. She says that he brought her in the forest at such an important time. Kunwar ji says they have got time to solve the issue of Sulakshna when Rana ji is still lost in Gayatri’s matter. He heads to change, as they can’t go inside the slums like this.
Rana ji comes to hold Sulakshna’s hand and makes her sit on the bed.

The veiled lady bolts the door from inside.
Two girls were fighting together. Kokilla and Kunwar ji stood in male costumes, but Kunwar ji never held his eyes away from the girls who were wrestling. A shirtless boy lay on the bed nearby, he sprays water on his face as Kunwar ji and Kokilla watch him. Kokilla asks who he is. Kunwar ji says that they have come to meet him here. Kokila asks what is in him. Kunwar ji says she will know everything soon. The boy wraps himself in a cloth and flirts with the girls, kisses them both and comes towards them. Kokilla goes to the girls and asks what he said to them that they stopped wrestling.

One of the girls bring a bowl, she says when there is one bowl and two thirsty what must they do. Kokilla says they must divide. The girl calls the boy as Cheetah. Kokilla and Kunwar ji head towards Cheetah.Rana ji brings bandage for Sulakshna’s hand. She says she doesn’t remember anything, still she believes that he is her husband. He remembers anything, still he doesn’t believe she is his wife. They are both stuck in this game of fates. She says that Bari Rani maa says they both loved each other, she doesn’t remember anything. He remembers it all, he must ask his heart who she is. She will accept any of his heart’s decision.

Rana ji remembers about Gayatri. He must ask himself who his wife is. Rana ji thinks that Gayatri must not have opened her fast, he says right now he has to reach somewhere else.Kunwar ji asks Cheetah if he will work for them. Cheetah says he will be busy with the girls. Kunwar ji throws a bag full of money to him. He says money before work is given only be two kind of people, those who are crazy themselves or those who wants a crazy work. Kunwar ji throws another bag, he tells him that Cheetah needs to hunt, he has to give an heir to a girl. Kunwar ji says he will get more money after work is complete.
Rana ji goes to open the door but it was locked from outside. He asks to open the door.

He is curt and tries to go out from window. Gayatri was still waiting for Rana ji, she watches the time. The clock was about to struck 12. Rana ji arrives in the room with the tray of food. She looks at him, he smiles and comes inside the room and sits with Gayatri on the floor. She was upset. He offers her water, he insists to drink it then she can fight with him. He tells her to eat, if she won’t eat he also will not. She looks at him, he says he had said to her that from now on nothing is his or hers, its their, even hunger as well. It’s a fight of a long time, she won’t be able to fight it hungry.

He apologizes for not turning to her once when he was taking her inside. He says that his heart doesn’t accept her to be Rani Sulakshna, though she seems to be. Rana ji holds Gayatri’s hand, he says he can’t answer any of her questions right now. He doesn’t know why fate brought him at a point where at one side there is his past, and on the other is his future. He doesn’t know how but he believes he will make it all right. If she believes his trust. Gayatri says she is with him. Both smiles, Rana ji offers her water and she drinks from it, with teary red eyes. Sulakshna watches them from the corridor and is shocked. Gayatri holds Rana ji’s hand and makes him take a sip of water. Sulakhsna breaks a vase in the corridor. Both go to her.

Sulakshna watches Rana ji and Gayatri in the room, she breaks a vase in the corridor while running away. Rana ji runs behind her, she was going out of the palace. Rana ji stops Sulakshna, she turns and asks what right he has to stop her. She complains to Bari rani maa that she had told her she is Rani Sulakshna, and her Rana ji loved her so much and is upset in her memories. She says that in reality, her husband is busy with his own life and has no time to miss her at all.

She heads to leave, but Gayatri holds her hand to stop her. Gayatri says that not Rana ji but she will answer her questions. Rana ji is worried about what she is about to say. Gayatri looks at Rana ji and says that she isn’t Rana ji’s but his friend’s wife. Raaj Mata is upset. Gayatri says that it isn’t Rana ji’s mistake but hers. Her husband is in a lot of problem and can’t come here, she had taken a vow that today she will only break her fast with his own hands. Rana ji had promised her husband to take care of her, so he broke her fast. Sulkashna removes Gayatri’s hand from hers, she says that she shouldn’t have done this.


Her husband isn’t here doesn’t mean she will eat from anyone else’s hand. Gayatri asks to apologize and says she was unaware of the rituals, it was her first Karwachot. Sulakshna says that she could have asked someone else, there could be a crack between her and Rana ji. Gayatri joins hands, she says that she will never become a reason of problem between Rana ji and her, she will leave the palace if there is a lot of problem. She says that she and Rana ji must be tired, she must take rest. Bari rani maa smiles victoriously. Gayatri leaves the hall.

In the room, Gayatri watches her photos with Rana ji on the wall. Someone keeps a hand on her shoulder, it was Bari Raani maa. Gayatri wipes her tears before turning around. Bari rani maa says that today her respect has increased in front of Bari Rani maa. Gayatri has the ability to favor the truth, she has that ability. Bari Raani maa says that she wish she could do anything, but right now Sulakshna is mentally so weak that a little tension can be fatal for her.In the room, Sulakshna apologizes Rana ji for suspecting him.


She says Bari Rani maa had told her how much he loved her, but she has no memories of his love. And loss of memories make one lost. She says that with the passage of time, her memory will return to her. Rana ji thinks that this lie can’t go on for a long time, he must tell her the truth. He won’t let Gayatri leave the palace. Rana ji was about to leave the bed, Sulakshna holds his hand and says that a Rajput doesn’t have to be afraid but she is afraid to live alone in this palace. Rana ji drapes her with the quilt and tells her to sleep, he is here. He goes to the window himself. Gayatri’s words with Sulakshna echo in his mind.

In the room, Gayatri was still crying thinking about the bed side argument with Rana ji. She looks at the bed and is upset. She looks at the moon and thinks about Rana ji’s words and lay on the bed watching moon. She fell asleep like that.
In the morning, Kokilla is happy with her deal with Cheetah. They ask Laksh about Swarna, he says he hasn’t gone to her. Kunwar ji asks didn’t he go to break her fast. He says no, why he should go. Kunwar ji pushes him out of the chair and asks him to go and feed her something else he will treat him dreadfully. Swarna wasn’t in the trunk, Laksh calls her. Swarna comes to hold his neck with a rope and drags him.

She runs out of the store room by throwing him forward.Gayatri packs her bag in the room and keeps hers and Rana ji’s wedding photos with her as well. Rana ji comes to hold her hand and asks what she is doing here. Gayatri says she is leaving this room. He asks if she is leaving the room or him. He holds Gayatri with her arms and says he had asked her for some time, doesn’t she trust him. Gayatri watches Sulakshna and Bari Rani Maa approaching and instead of holding his face, she joins her hands saying she is thankful for him to give a place in the palace, she is used to live in difficulties. Bari Rani maa tells Sulakshna that this is her room. Gayatri heads to leave with her bag, Rana ji stops Gayatri.

He goes to her, but Bari Rani maa interferes saying she has to say something to him. She says that she feels that he and Sulakshna should spend sometime together, it will help her get her memory back so why not he takes Sulakshna for some vacation. Sulakshna requests him to agree. Rana ji looks at Gayatri. Rana ji says she has requested him for his Rani he can’t deny, but he won’t go alone. Gayatri will also come for picnic with them. Gayatri leaves the room. Sulakshna asks Rana ji if he is soft for this woman, more that what is needed. Rana ji asks if this is a complain, Bari Rani maa qualifies this is a direction of a wife.

Next: once there was a king Monday update



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