Night of doom 26 September 2023: Uma and Savitri were on the way. Uma and Savitri’s car drove fast. Storm raged on. Uma got out of the car. She says brother throw her down the cliff. Savitri said uma please don’t do this. Kalasur threw her off the cliff.
Uma says I became Raj’s maid and saved him. Then I married Prithvi and became Raj’s mother. I called your mother swahasni here. Your mother killed my brother and I had to live here for 25 years. Now what will I do since you know my reality. You will give me that shaligram. She grasps her hair. Gauri says or what? You will harm Raj? Uma says you are so clever.
Gauri says to Prithvi i couldn’t find that photo. I looked everywhere. Gauri tries to speak to Raj. She says why are you behaving like this? Tell me. He says why did you go home? You should have stayed here with chachi. What are you trying to hide? He says then don’t tell me. He leaves.
Gauri turns into Avni. She says I am like your sister. I am Kalasur’s friend. Uma says why did you become Gauri to scare me? She says just testing. And savitri is with me too.
Gauri asks Prithvi where is Uma? He says I had been calling her. She went to temple. Gauri wonders why is she taking so long in the temple.
Avni takes Uma to Savitri. Uma says why did you come back? Savitri says I lost my memory. I had been lost all these years but it came back one day. when I came here I saw that you have trapped my son and daughter in law in all this Kalasur’s game. I will not sit down now. I will save my kids. You could kill me so I wanted to talk to Gauri. Uma says you will never be able to tell her the truth. I married Prithvi and became Raj’s mother. I made everyone promise that no one will tell Raj. SO no one ever took your name in this house. Only this picture.. Uma burns the picture. Uma says you can’t ruin my game. Avni says lets kill her. Uma says yes kill her. Gauri comes home. SHe says mummy ji avni.. savitri shouts Gauri.. Gauri looks for Uma and Avni. Avni says what is she doing here. Uma says how would I know. Gauri calls Uma. It rings in the house. Gauri looks around to see where the tone is coming from Uma sneaks in the hall. Gauri says where were you? I had been trying to call you. Uma says I was really worried. I came here to see you. Gauri says I am fine. Gauri leaves.
Uma says to Savitri I will kill you today. You wanted to know how your son is.. He is Kalasur now. I will take the shaligram from Gauri and you wont be alive to see it. Avni shoves savitri and she falls down. Gauri holds her. She is dazed. Uma says Gauri she is Kalasur’s friend. She was here. Gauri says are you okay? How did you know I couldn’t find the photo? Because I only told Prithvi. I heard everything. You are the black hat woman. Kalasur’s helper who has six toes. You are that person. You are the enemy of this house. Avni shoves Gauri. Uma says stop. Uma says now you know everything? We will fight in front of each other. You can’t win from me. Gauri says I can’t believe you are behind all this. This is your family, Raj is your son. Savtir says no this family isn’t hers. I am Raj’s mother. This woman is a devil and she uses our family as a pawn.
Raj says to Vikram chachi is suffering here? Why is Gauri not here? Prithvi says she might be doin something. Raj says I have to go home and check. He goes home. Dharam goes after him.
Uma says she is right. I am devil. You will give me my shaligram. Savitri says don’t listen to her. Uma slaps her. Gauri picks Savitri. Uma says give me what I have been doing this drama for. Avni says give us shaligram or.. She burns Raj and Gauri’s photo.
Dharam says Raj what are you trying to do? Raj says stay out of our relationship? Raj shoves Dharam. Raj says you know there is a problem with me. I remember what happened with me that night. I became Kalasur. I don’t wanna harm Gauri. I can’t live with her as Kalasur. I dont’ wanna harm her. My life is ruined I can save her. I have decided to keep her away from me. Dharam says we will find another way out. Raj says there is no solution. I have to save gauri from myself. Dharam goes in to tell Prithvi.
Gauri says okay I will give you shaligram. Savitri says no Gauri. You can’t do this. Gauri says we have to do this to save raj. If this saves Raj then I will do this. Savitri says they will become super powerful and wont leave us anyway. Gauri says we don’t have another way. Avni shoves Savitir. Uma says give me shaligram first. Gauri says first prove that you wont harm us. Uma says you have my word. Gauri says no I need proof. Go and hold Savitri’s feet and apologize. Or I will destroy shaligram. Avni says we have to do what she says. Uma says are you out of your mind? Avni says we need that shaligram. If she does something I will kill them both. Gauri says I will destroy shaligram if she doesn’t apologize. Uma touches Savitri’s feet and says I am sorry. Gauri says ma slap this woman. Uma says what nonsense. Gauri says you will have all your answers.
Uma is about to slap Gauri.. gauri shoves you. Uma says how dare you. Gauri says how dare you distant a mother from her kids and family. she was lost for 30 years because of you.
Dharam tells Prithvi that Raj has gone home to fight Gauri. He goes home with Dharam.
Gauri says you are doing all this for shaligram right? I will end it forever. Or get slapped. Savitri slaps Uma multiple times. Uma says you said only one slap. Gauri says I never said the count of slaps. this is just the beginning. I will never give you shaligram. Your game is over. Uamr is about to attack Gauri. Savitri traps her and says you can’t attack my daughter in law. Raj comes home.
Avni says to Dharam please listen.. She hypnotizes Dharam and says stop Prithvi. Prithvi is going in.. Dharam
says you can’t go in. He hits him.
Raj says that woman was hitting ma. You were standing here. Uma says she was hitting me. Raj says who are you.. How dare you hit my mom. Arohi says you don’t know truth. Uma isn’t your real mom. Savitri is your mom. Uma says no this woman is with Kalasur. she has done magic on Gauri. Gauri says no I am not lying. Uma is a liar. She pretended to be your mom years. Raj is about to slap Gauri. He says how dare you say all that about my mom
Prithvi says what are you doing dharam. I have to go inside. Dharam hits him and says can’t you understand you cant o inside. Prithvi realizes that dharam isn’t in magic.
Raj says dont’ make me lose my mind. Gauri says you know Kalasur can’t do any magic on me. Uma is with kalasur. Savitri says Gauri is right I am your mother. Raj becomes kaal. Uma says he isn’t Raj.. He is my kaal. No emotions affect him. He does what I ask him to. Raj says I will kill you both. Gauri says I wont let you win. Uma says no one can stop devil. Raj can’t step inside the temple. Gauri throws ganajal on him. raj faints. The water falls on dharam too. He coems in his senses. Dharma faints.. Prithvi says dharam are you okay? Dharam says What happened? Prithvi says I will tell you later. lets go in.
Prithvi sees Savitri. He says why are you here? Raj says do you know her? Prithvi says she is the woman who gave you birth. She is your mother.
Doctor says to Vikram she is out of danger. This is a miracle. You can meet her.
Prithvi says how dare you come here. We kicked you out of this house. Prithvi says you fooled us. There was a man in her room. Prithvi says she was a characterless woman. Saviri says you only saw what uma made you see. SHe even tried to kill me. Uma says to gauri she is right but no one will ever know what truth was.
The man in Uma’s bed was kalasur. He disguised as a man and slept in her bed. Savitri says please trust me. Gauri says Uma is Kalasur’s sister. She made you see all that. Savitri hasn’t done anything. THe man in her bed was kalasur. Uma did all this because she had to be in your life to bring my mother here. Raj says enough. He hugs Uam. He says she is my mom don’t say a word about her. Prithvi says get out of here. Vikram calls Prithvi and says menakshi is in her senses. Gauri says Uma shoved Menakshi too. Prithvi says if she says the same I will trust you.
Avni comes to menakshi as a nurse. Vikram says I want to meet her. Gauri comes there. Vikram sees savitri. He is dazed. Aditi says who is she.. Prithvi says she is Raj’s mom but only by birth. She was characterless. Gauri says you can’t see what truth is. Prithvi says her tears are lies too. Gauri says dharam you saw six toes in that woman’s feet right? Vikram says you are accusing uma bhabhi? Raj says she is under magic. She even said that Uma shoved Menakshi. Gauri says lets ask Menaskhi. They all go in. Avni leaves the room. Gauri smells something.
Vikram and his daughter hug menakshi. Menakshi recalls being shoved by Uma. Vikram says Gauri said uma shoved you. Gauri says please don’t be scared tell everyone the truth. Prithvi says please tell us menakshi. Menakshi isn’t well. Doctor comes. Menakshi faints. Doctor asks everyone to leave.
Uma cries and says this woman.. Who left her child accused me. Prithvi says to savitri go from here. Gauri says nothing is proved yet. Raj says this woman wont stay here. She can’t be around my mom dad. She has to leave right now. Uma says Gauri can’t you see? This woman has even distant you and Raj. Ask her why is she back after 30 years. She is telling lies please Gauri. Raj says ma you don’t have to cry. Raj says I can’t see all this. Gauri says if savitri ma leaves, I will leave to. Prithvi says what.. Dharam says raj calm down. Raj takes Gauri outside. He says why are you doing all this. Why are you accusing my mother? She loves me so much. She leaves her food when I don’t eat. She brought up with me so much love. Gauri says you think I can stoop so low? Your mom isn’t your mom. He says are you yourself? Why are you doing all this? Gauri says your uma mom.. Raj says enough, I don’t wanna hear anything.
Avni comes to Savitri as an eagle. Savitri is scared. avni says I am taking you to the death gate. See there. Savitri screams. Avni says I have made you mute. Death is calling you.
Uma comes to Menakshi. Menakshi is scared. Uma says don’t do this drama to be fainted in front of me. Everyone thinks you are fainted.. but I know you are doing drama. If you wanna see your family alive don’t dare opening your mouth against me.
Gauri says to Raj you become kalasur. Raj says wow now I am kalasur. Then you will say the same about my whole family. Enough. Gauri says swear on me that you don’t trust me.