Never say goodbye update Thursday 27 January 2022

Never say goodbye update Thursday 27 January 2022


Never say goodbye 27 January 2022: The Episode starts with Guddi talking to her friend. She is returning from school and applies makeup. She loosens her hair. She geos to a stall. The boys see Guddi and pass comments. Guddi asks them not to trouble her and pushes the man. She leaves from there. The goons follow her. Atharv comes there and hits the goon with his bike. Guddi smiles seeing him. Atharv stares at the goons. He takes Guddi’s cycle chain and ties on his hand. The goons get scared and run away.

Guddi asks would you punch their mouth, that won’t be needed now. More goons comes and argue with Atharv. He says its independent world, girls can wear anything they want, it does not mean anyone tease them. The goons attack him. Atharv beats the goons and says don’t touch my bike. He saves his bike and beats them. Guddi wishes she was his bike and gets impressed seeing him fighting. Vividha comes that way. Guddi sees her and hides.The goons run away. Vividha stops and apologizes to Atharv.

She says I will not forgive. She says when Sujata knows you are beating men here, she will feel bad. Guddi thinks to run away. Atharv says Sujata won’t feel bad, she knows I do right, not like you who don’t think right or wrong, you just follow your dad. She says my Papa is never wrong, don’t tell anything about it.Kailash goes to his office and tells manager that they will go to haveli with builder. Manager says let us get haveli first.Kailash says I m giving big price, Sujata got haveli in charity, she made it a stable.

Manager says I spoke to her, she did not agree, she is rude. Atharv says you tell a lot about your dad, what will anyone say about him. He leaves. She says I wanted to apologize, he told me so much, khadoos.Kailash goes to meet Sujata. She asks him to sit. She goes to get water. He looks at the haveli. He says you are staying alone and raised son, you have kept your house mortgaged to me. She says I m paying interest. He says you have to return principal. She says I will give it soon, Atharv completed studies and came back. He asks where did he get job. She says he did not get job, he works on his laptop, he will become a big man in two years.

He asks does he dream. She says he knows to fulfill dreams. He says I will talk to him. She says no, he does not know about loan. He says fine, I will pray your son becomes something and returns the loan. He puts water on the laptop intentionally. She wipes the laptop. He says its good water did not fall much on it, else your son’s dream…. He leaves.Manager asks did she agree. Kailash says she said her son will repay loan. Manager says what will the guy repay. Kailash says even I did not have anything when I started, guy does not know his mother took loan, find out what does her son want to do, he wants to become big man in two years, on what basis, I worked hard for 30 years to become rich, find out.

Dadi boils water and argues with Guddi. Vividha and mummy look on. Dadi says Guddi made green tea and left gas open, I would have died today, I praise Vividha and Guddi gets jealous. Guddi scolds Dadi and asks did you see me doing this. Kailash comes and shouts Guddi…. Sujata talks to some worker and tells what Kailash said. He asks her to tell everything to Atharv. Sujata says no, I can’t tell him. The man says Atharv should take care of Sujata’s worries. Atharv asks what happened. The man says she is finding a proposal for you, she wants to get you married, tell me what type of girl do you want, I will get a naughty and arrogant girl for you.

Atharv cleans Sujata’s hand and shows loan application. He says business will be on our name, sign here. She asks 40 lakhs loan. He says yes, we will keep this house mortgaged. She gets shocked. She signs on the form. He says now we became business partner, and shakes hands with her. He goes. She worries and thinks how to tell Atharv that this house is mortgaged to Kailash already. Kailash gets angry on Guddi. Guddi says sorry to them and goes.Sujata gets thinking about Kailash’s words and Atharv’s dreams. She washes hands and is tensed.

Atharv comes and wipes her hands. He says he will fulfill his dreams. She says I m fine with my cows and dairy business. She goes.Kailash tells his wife that Guddi was misbehaving with Maa, you were standing silent. Vividha did not do such thing till now, whatever happened is because you have spoiled Guddi and Ankit too. Vividha thinks of others, and these two are useless. Guddi tells Vividha that I have to hear this because of you, why are you perfect, you pretend to become good, so that my image gets bad. Vividha says no, you are wrong. Guddi says one day everyone will praise me and say bad about you.

Dadi hears Kailash telling Uma about managing children. Uma says I will be careful, Guddi is immature. Kailash says it can get late too. He holds Uma’s hand and warns her to change Guddi and Ankit, if anyone misbehaves with my Maa in this hand, I will not leave anyone, Dadi has raised Vividha, Vividha is my prestige.Kailash talking to Dubey. He says I did not see Sujata so confident before, she has got her support now. He calls Ankit. He asks her to tell Sujata that they will support her in her dreams. He coughs and Vividha gives him water. He asks Ankit to become like Vividha. He asks Ankit to give the papers. Dubey says I will give papers.

Kailash says Ankit is 17 years old, can’t he do this small work. He leaves. Ankit argues with Vividha angrily. He keeps papers there and leaves. She says Papa said its imp papers, I will give it, else Ankit will get scolded.Vividha goes to meet Sujata. She prays in her house temple and tells Sujata that she has come to meet her. Sujata asks did she come for some work, she is Kailash’s daughter and this is dairy farm. Vividha says so what, dairy farm work is not embarrassing, can’t I come without any work, Papa gave this letter, check it. She goes to play with calf. Sujata smiles reading the papers. She shows the papers to Atharv. She says he is a big man. Atharv says we can’t agree to him. She asks why, he said he will take milk for his catering business from us.

He says yes, if anything wrong happens, then contract will get risky. He explains that they will lose other work if they do contract. Sujata agrees and says I will refuse to him. Atharv says I will refuse. She says it won’t look good, I will go. Atharv sees Vividha and asks did she come again. She asks what problem do you have, let her play with calf. He goes to Vividha and asks are you telling your dad’s stories to her, if calf does not get sleep at night then. She asks what do you mean.


Sujata comes to meet Kailash and greets Dadi and Uma. Kailash checks the papers and says its good you signed. He gets shocked seeing no sign. Sujata says we can’t agree to this contract, sorry, my son thinks it won’t be right to sell all milk to one customer. He asks are you refusing this good deal as your son thinks so, you raised him, he did not raise you, will you let him decide for you. She asks why not, I was waiting for this day, he will get educated, that he will take decisions for himself and me, he is more educated than me, I can trust his decision, he has grown up. Kailash says children can grow up, but not more than parents, the day children take decisions, they fall.


Vividha steps in cow dung and slips. Atharv holds her. Music plays……….. They both fall down. He says when children do mistake, our work is to manage them, you are giving him chance to do mistake. Atharv asks Vividha to walk carefully. He gets up and gives his hand to help her. She hits his hand and gets up on her own. They start arguing. She gets the anklet which she made calf wear and asks him where is it. He asks her to find it, he has no time. She says I want it, it was worth 25000rs. He asks what. She says yes, it was birthday gift of the calf, find it and keep, it was close to my heart. She makes a sad face and leaves smiling with the anklet. He thinks if he does not get anklet, how will he get 25000rs anklet.

Kailash says Vividha does work by asking me, we should love children, but not let them get out of hands, else they get black stains on them and come home. Vividha comes home with cow dung and dirty mud stains on her. He gets shocked. She says I went to stable…. He asks why. She says you asked to give papers. He says I told Ankit. She says I thought I will….. He asks her to go inside. Ankit comes there. Kailash slaps him. Ankit falls down and cries. Sujata says leave it, he is young. Kailash says I know to manage my son, don’t teach me. Sujata leaves.

Dadi pacifies Kailash. Kailash goes to Ankit and scolds him. Ankit apologizes. Kailash asks Vividha to let Ankit do anything. Vividha says I make him do much work. Kailash asks her to change clothes, and goes. Guddi comes there and teases Ankit for getting slap from Kailash. Dadi scolds Guddi and goes.Kailash tells Dubey that Sujata refused to me, I always supported her, and she has refused to my deal, how could she do this. She says Sujata said her son is much educated, he will see how our world runs. He says if that son learns about mum’s loan, he will get ready to sell the haveli, women love old things, and men work by mind, that man will also work by mind. He asks him to send this letter by register post. He says its time that guy knows everything.

Ankit argues with Vividha and goes. Guddi asks Vividha what happened in stable, I know you go there to meet that hot guy. Vividha says he is not hot. Guddi says he is very hot, your taste is bad, he is Greek God. Vividha says I have made him bite dust. Guddi asks really, tell me what happened. Vividha says promise me, you won’t tell anyone, I made calf wear 25rs anklet, that anklet got lost, I got it and told Atharv that it was worth 25000rs, now he will find it all night, I said that anklet was close to my heart. Atharv looks for anklet everywhere. Vividha shows the anklet. Atharv thinks this girl is mad, does anyone make calf wear 25000rs anklet.

Next: never say goodbye Friday update



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