Never say goodbye update Friday 28 January 2022

Never say goodbye update Friday 28 January 2022


Never say goodbye 28 January 2022: The Episode starts with Vividha telling Guddi about the anklet story. Atharv looks for the anklet in the stable. Guddi says you mean you joked with him. Vividha says his attitude will go away. Guddi wishes his hotness does not get less. Atharv checks even cow dung to find the anklet, and says that girl is mad to make calf wear 25000rs anklet.Sujata thinks of Kailash’s words. She gets a registered post. She calls Atharv and asks him to check.

He asks her to keep it on table. She rushes to check the dish on stove and keeps letter in kitchen. Atharv looks for anklet. Sujata comes there and asks what are you finding. Atharv makes excuses. She gets the letter and keeps it in stable. He murmurs that Maa will be worried knowing about anklet. He asks did Kailash say anything when you refused. She says nothing. She goes and says if I say what Kailash said, you will be worried. She thinks Atharv will break his dreams knowing about loan.

Uncle comes and extracts milk from the cows. The milk falls on Atharv’s face. Atharv wakes up and tells uncle that he was in stable all night, he was finding something. Uncle asks what, you can even get Lord if you find. He says I will take cow to the lake for bath, I take the cows daily. Atharv asks what, does the calf also go there. Uncle says yes. Atharv worries. Uncle picks the letter and gives him. Atharv takes letter and rushes.Atharv goes to the lake and jumps inside the water recalling Vividha’s words. He tries to find water. Vividha and family women are going to the lake for puja.

Dadi argues with Guddi. Vividha and everyone do the puja, while Atharv is still trying to find anklet. Uma prays that both her daughters get such husbands who always respect them. Vividha sees Atharv coming out of the water and says what is this Akdu doing here. Guddi smiles seeing him. Dadi asks whom are they seeing. Guddi says what will you do by seeing, your days to see anyone are gone. Dadi goes.Vividha asks shopkeeper what is this guy doing. Shopkeeper says the guy is finding an anklet since 3 hours, I think it belongs to his GF.

Vividha and Guddi get shocked. Atharv goes to other side of lake and jumps into water. Vividha realizes her lie and steps ahead. Kailash comes and asks is your puja over, shall we leave. He calls Dubey. Dubey says registry is obtained, post is received. Kailash takes his family and leaves.Atharv comes out of water and wears the shirt. He sees the letter and opens it. A boy writes on his bike with chalk. Atharv asks him to move away from his bike and makes them run. He cleans his bike and keeps the letter back.

Vividha feels guilty to lie to him and recalls his efforts to find the anklet. She goes to his house to tell him the truth. Atharv sells his bike for Rs 25000rs. He comes home and Vividha meets him. He gives her the money and apologizes for not getting her anklet. He refuses to take money.Vividha says I got that anklet yesterday itself, infact I have hidden it, the anklet costs 25rs, not 25000

rs, I was joking. Atharv gets shocked and says you were joking, did you know I could not sleep all night, lied to Maa and dived in lake to find your 25rs anklet.

She cries. He scolds her. He gets angry and says I worked part time for 2.5 years and did not eat dinner, I bought that bike by hardwork, and today I had to sell it because of your cheap joke. He shouts and asks her to just leave. She says sorry and goes, keeping money there. He sees the money and says I did mistake. Ha takes money and runs. Sujata comes home and asks where are you going. He says I will come back and say. He leaves and the letter falls. Sujata thinks he is careless, this can be bank letter. She checks loan document and thinks Atharv read it, did he run to meet Kailash. Atharv runs to get bike back.

She goes home and is upset. Guddi asks did you tell him…. Guddi asks what, did he sell his bike, he loved his bike a lot. Vividha asks how do you know. Guddi says he had a fight near the school, I have seen him saving his bike, I saw him through school’s window. Vividha says I was also there, tell me truth. Guddi says some guys were teasing me, he saved me. Vividha realizes scolding Atharv that day. Atharv running to the bike shop. He sees the shop shut and calls the man. He thinks whether bike is here or sold out. Guddi asks Vividha why did you do this, Atharv has been good with us and your joke has troubled him. Vividha asks her not to make her feel guilty. Atharv stands outside the shop.

Sujata comes to meet Kailash. She says she has to talk to him. He acts to be busy and ignores her. He asks Sujata to talk to Dubey, I don’t have time. She asks him to give her a min, and asks why did you send this loan account to Atharv, I did not delay to pay the interest, why did you…. Kailash shouts on Dubey and asks him why did you send this paper to Atharv. Dubey says sorry, you said Atharv will pay loan. Kailash says I said Sujata is sure that Atharv will pay the loan, not that he knows about loan. Sujata says I took loan, not Atharv, don’t get him in between, tell this to Dubey.

He says I thought you will have idea about paying loan, I agree you did not delay in paying interest, but even I gave you loan without thinking what people say about you. She says fine, I will repay loan, no need to tell Atharv about this loan. She gives milk container. He gives her extra money and asks her to keep change. She cries and leaves.Vividha sits seeing the moon and cries recalling Atharv finding the anklet. Atharv rests in his stable and misses his bike. Vividha tells Guddi that I did big mist ake while joking. Guddi asks why are you crying. Vividha hugs her and says I have to do anything and rectify my mistake. Guddi asks what can you do.


Its morning, Sujata asks Atharv is he worried for his bike, what happened. He says that Vividha…. She asks what did she do. He says that girl is mad, she said she made calf wear 25000rs anklet which got lost, I thought to give her anklet and did not get, so I sold bike so that she does not taunt me. She says you would have told me, I knew that anklet is cheap, I did not expect this from Vividha, she did a bad joke. He says leave it, I m going to garage shop to get my bike. He runs to the shop and sees its locked. The man comes. Atharv gives him 25000rs and says I m taking my bike.

The man says no, rate of bike got high, give me 40000

rs, I have a client. Atharv asks why are you joking, you are asking 15000rs more in one day. The man asks him to leave. Atharv asks him to take 250rs interest for one night. The man says give 40000rs, or go. Atharv says you are earning bad way, you are cheating me, this is not business, but theft. The man argues. Vividha hears them and hides. Atharv sees his bike. The man asks him to get away from bike. Atharv goes.

Vividha asks the man how can he use someone’s helplessness, and scolds him. She asks him to give bike to Atharv. He says its my bike, I want 40000rs for it. He gets client’s call and asks him to come and take bike. She thinks he will sell bike, I have to do something.Sujata worries thinking of Atharv. He comes home and says garage man is asking for 40000

rs, I have tried to convince him, leave him. She says I will talk to him. He says think we have 25000rs cash now, I m thinking to get a gold necklace for you.

She says you know gold rate, nothing will come in 25000rs. He says we will do kitchen tiles work, or stable repair. He asks her to get food, he is very hungry. He hides his sorrow and goes. She cries and says even if you hide, I know what you are going through.Vividha breaks her money box and counts money. She gets 3000rs and says I want 15000rs. Sujata tells uncle that she has kept some money. Uncle counts and says its very less. Vividha says I broke that money box for Papa’s birthday gift, what shall I do now. Vividha prays to Lord and says I did big mistake, I have to rectify this.

Dadi argues with a man and bargains. Vividha says Atharv has to sell his bike, show me some way to get his bike back, else this guilt will trouble me. Sujata finds more money, here and there hidden in her house. Uma calls Vividha and gives her debit card. She says I got this in old newspaper, your Papa opened this account, he always adds money in it, take some money from it for your use. Vividha thinks I can help Atharv with this money, but this money belongs to Papa, Atharv lost his bike because of me, what to do. She thanks Lord for showing way to her.

Sujata says its just 2000rs. Atharv needs 15000rs. Uncle says I can give 2500rs. She gets sad. Kailash tastes food and scolds the cooks for making ordinary food. Vividha calls Kailash and tells him about Atharv’s bike. He does not hear anything. She asks shall I withdraw money from account ATM card. He says yes, sure, did I stop you. She thanks him and goes. Atharv hugs Sujata and cries. Vividha runs to garage shop. The man sells bike to someone else. Vividha stops him and gives him money.

Next: never say goodbye Saturday update



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