Never say goodbye update Monday 21 March 2022

Never say goodbye update Monday 21 March 2022


Never say goodbye 21 March 2022: The Episode starts with Kailash saying the atmosphere is very happy today, everyone is working and did arrangements, and now Sujata and Atharv came. Vividha asks Atharv why is his mood bad. Atharv says something is wrong. Vividha says there is nothing like that, cheer up. Sujata apologizes to Kailash from Atharv’s side. Kailash says its all past now, forget it and move on. She says we have been waiting for this day since long. Kailash asks Atharv to have sweets and feeds him. They all smile. Atharv is still puzzled. Sujata says if you permit then….. The society men come shouting Kailash Kashyap……

Kailash asks them what is the matter, you all here….. Rajendra asks Kailash about the alliance talk happening grandly. Kailash asks whats the need to shout. The man says I think you agreed to your daughter and decided to make this milkman your son in law. Kailash says this is my personal matter, I don’t want anyone to say in this, you can remove me from society group and not give me sarpanch post, its fine, Vividha’s choice is my choice, and there is nothing more than Vividha’s happiness for me. Atharv looks on.

Kailash asks what did you think, Atharv is milkman, he has dairy farm, he will earn a lot and go to big height with his business, he will succeed, what is other problem, that Atharv does not have father, I don’t care for it, why should I care whether his mum got married or not, I don’t want to know his father, he is just Atharv, I don’t want to see anything, if my daughter is happy, its fine, Sujata has self esteem and her son does not put his father’s name along with him, he puts his mother’s name Atharv Sujata, Atharv’s father has run away, whats Atharv’s mistake, he does not need his father’s name. Everyone look on.

The man says this guy does not take father’s name as his father has left him, or his father’s list is long that he does not know who is his father, whose name will he put. Atharv gets angry and holds the man’s collar to beat him. Other men stop Atharv. The man asks Kailash to see Atharv’s behavior, know about his mother’s character before fixing relation. Atharv and Vividha ask the man to mind his language. The man throws Sujata and Ramakant’s pics at the hotel. Atharv sees that and gets shocked. Everyone check the pics. Sujata cries.Kailash asks Sujata whats this. Rajendra says I think Sujata got a new lover, she stays with sindoor and mangalsutra like suhaagan, we don’t know her husband’s name, look at her bad character, will you do alliance with such a woman’s son.

Atharv gets angry on the men. Rajendra says I m just saying whats in pics, why did your mum go to hotel with this man. Atharv asks why do you ask, what right do you have, why will my mum answer you. The man says we are society, animals live in jungle and humans stay in society, you have to answer us. Atharv says let your society go to hell, what did your society do for us, did you give us food or shelter, don’t ask us anything and we will not ask you. Vividha says don’t misbehave with Sujata. Uma says Sujata is not bad, she is a helpful and nice woman.

Dadi scolds the men and asks them do they know Sujata, when they don’t know her, who gave them right to say this nonsense, shame on you. She defends Sujata and tells them that she has raised her little son alone and got him educated, that’s why you all are jealous, she has done this and slapped on your faces, you can’t bear this, that’s why you are saying this, times changed now, we women don’t need any man’s name and identity, today women can live with head high and respect, we don’t need man’s fake ego, women are known by their own identity.

She says I will expose all truth of your families, your wives are beaten inside locked rooms, and you are saying here, you all torture your wives. She scolds them and says if anyone says a word against Sujata, I will cut your tongue and give in word. The man says I m saying Sujata’s has illegitimate relation with a man, and we will not bear this in our society. The other man says Sujata is openly doing shameless things, what will we answer our children if we don’t stop her, if our children see her, our values will end, we will not let this happen at any price.

Atharv says you limit your mother, wife, sister and daughter, who are you to ask my mother, she will do what she wants, she never does anything wrong. The man says this is not right in this age, its your duty to protect your mother and you are encouraging Sujata, then she will have bad character. Atharv asks them about man protecting a woman, you are born to a woman and raised by a woman, your wife who prays for your life is also a woman, you are saying you will protect woman. The man says this is not women freedom event that you are giving lecture, you have to stop Sujata. Dadi asks them to have shame and control their tongues.

Vividha takes Atharv aside and asks why don’t you tell them that Sujata meets her husband, no one else. Kailash says you all calm down, you can’t say this to Sujata, she is lonely, give her one chance to defend. Rajendra says Sujata is not ready to say who is that man, if she has to stay here, she has to answer us, what relation does Sujata has with this man in pic, why is she silent. Vividha asks Atharv to say truth, how can he see people insulting Sujata, tell them that man in pic is your father and shut their mouths, how can you be quiet, will you let Sujata get insulted for your ego, you are bearing this as you don’t want to regard Ramakant as your father. Atharv recalls Sujata and Ramakant. He sees Sujata crying and cries.

Vividha asks Atharv to say. Sujata asks the people to stop it. The people ask her what relation she has with that man……the people raising questions on Sujata’s character. Atharv finally speaks up and tells them that the man whom Sujata met in hotel in her husband, she has not done anything wrong, its her purity and not her bad character. The men laugh off and tell him that he has got his father in talk when its needed to save Sujata’s respect.They do not believe Atharv. Kailash tells them that when Atharv said that man is his father, then it would be true, and there is not a big problem as Sujata can call her husband here in evening and make the people talk to him.

The people call Atharv illegitimate child of Sujata and taunt him. Sujata cries and asks them to stop it, and not call Atharv by wrong words, she will call her husband and prove the truth, its first time that Atharv has called her husband as his father, and this time she will get Atharv’s father.Atharv says its not needed. Sujata says no, I will go. Kailash asks the men to have patience till evening, I m sure Sujata is saying true. The people agree and say we will come in evening. They leave. Kailash asks Sujata and Atharv to get her husband, let the people come in evening and see your husband, I know how to deal with this men. Sujata and Atharv cry and go out. Sujata calls Ramakant and he does not answer.


She worries. Atharv looks at her. She says why is he not answering. Atharv says why are you shocked, he does not answer ever. She says no, he always answers.Uma goes to Kailash and asks did you know all this, society people coming suddenly like this. Kailash acts innocent, and says I don’t know who clicked those pics. She says Sujata is not lying, Atharv said true, poor Sujata had to bear this. Kailash says just they are right and everyone else is wrong, how are you sure of this.

Uma says Sujata never lies and she was not lying even today. Vividha says Sujata is innocent, we know th is, the man in pic is Sujata’s husband and Atharv’s father, he is a very nice man and I think you should stop society people so that they don’t trouble Sujata again. He says when did I say you and Sujata are saying lie, but society will ask the truth, truth is not just to say, it needs proof, where is the problem, Sujata will call her husband and he will come, did you meet Sujata’s husband. Vividha says no. He asks did you see him. She says no, I have made Atharv and his father meet, I did not see him, but there will be some reason that his father is not coming out. He asks what will be the reason that he is not saving his wife’s respect, then people will doubt some truth is hidden and its wrong.


She says but are we servants of society, why should we care for society. He says we live in society and we take help from them, we can’t live without society, Sujata knows this, if this matter is not solved, the society will pose problem, your and Atharv’s marriage will face difficulty, they will not support this alliance, as Atharv has no father name and Sujata meeting that man in hotel. She asks whats the need to take permission of society. He says we have to get Guddi married in society, let Sujata pass the test, am I asking for anything else, why are we worried, Sujata is saying truth, then truth will come out. Vividha goes. Kailash looks at Uma and angrily asks her to bow her eyes down. Uma looks in his eyes.

Sujata keeps calling Ramakant. Vividha comes out and sees this. Atharv gets angry and throws the phone. Vividha asks what are you doing. Atharv asks Sujata when will you understand, that person can just leave you, as he left you 27 years ago. She says he maybe busy, he is not like this. He says you called him 15-20times, he did not answer, whats the use to answer society. She says we will answer them. He says we will leave city. She says no, the questions will follow you, I will answer them, the people will trouble you and Vividha. He says we don’t need his name, if you want to go, I will come with you. She says no, you stay here, I will go and get him. She leaves.

Kailash asks Uma not to open her mouth, I know what I m doing, no one will blame me as I m using the society, I can do anything, no one can harm me. Vividha worries for Atharv. He says I knew this man will do this always, he will never come back. He throws the utensils and things around. He says why does Sujata not understand this. Vividha says everything will get fine. He says no, it would have got fine 27 years ago, can he return everything to me, the insult which my mum bears, he cheated once again. Kailash and Uma look on. Atharv says he will not come back, he will cheat my mum again, she will cry again. He cries. Vividha cries and runs to him. She hugs him and consoles him. He says he will not come, same thing will happen again.

Next: never say goodbye Tuesday update



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