My Identity Update Sunday 11 July 2021

My Identity Update Sunday 11 July 2021


My Identity 11 July 2021: The Episode starts with Avni seeing Neil and turning away. He says excuse me… She goes off. Sunehri, Tara and Sitara come. Sunehri thanks him for coming on her one call. Mitali says KK’s shooting is going on, so police protection is given on its account, so don’t worry. They leave. Avni asks Sunehri why she got Neil here. Sunehri says yes, we need him, we want money and protection, you said we can’t take Neela’s money, we can’t fight with goons, I want to see you and kids fine, if you argue, I will tell the truth to Neil, its only a matter of few days, hide somewhere, go to some hotel.

Sunehri says its time for Avni to leave. KK thanks his female fans. Avni comes there. Sunehri signs her to go. Avni sees Neil outside and hides. He senses something. KK calls Neil. He says see this scene…. Goons come. KK says there is a tiger under the mountain, you have to jump down, we removed the tiger’s teeth for safety. Avni sees goons and thinks I can’t leave Saisha and kids alone, they are my responsibility. She goes back. Neil turns to see. A white board comes in between.

Sunehri sees Avni going back. Avni locks the door. Neil comes there. Mowgli pushes him. Neil says let me go in and see what broke. Mowgli says Nilanjana is inside. Neil says let me thank her for allowing shooting here. Mowgli says she is suffering from chickenpox, you can’t go in. Avni thanks Mowgli. Mowgli signs Neil and goes. Neil stands near the door. Avni stands at the other side. Neil says I just want to help you, shall I get a doctor for you, he can diagnose right, hello I m talking to you.

She hides behind the partition. He enters the room and sees her. He says sorry, I don’t want to make you feel comfortable, I just came to check you, Jaan didi, I mean Jaan, its weird, is your name Jaan didi, I mean its a beautiful name Jaan, why are you not answering, please say something. She coughs. He says I think you are really unwell, you have throat infection, come out, else I will come in. She pushes the partition and runs. Neil holds the partition and says I m fine, don’t worry. She locks the door.

He says you are running away to save me from injection, don’t worry I had chickenpox in childhood, so nothing will happen.Mowgli asks Neil why did he come in, no one is allowed here. Neil says forgive me, wait. He asks Avni can I make a tulsi kada for you, my Bebe says its best for infection, you will get fine, give me some signal so that I understand. Avni opens the door and signs thumbs up. Neil smiles and does the same. She shuts the door. Neil says she agreed for something, thank God.

Mowgli asks Neil to come. Avni cries. Bin tere…..plays….Avni says you didn’t change, you are still crazy, you make me laugh and then cry. Saisha says KK is shooting here, its best day ever, God thanks for granting my wishes. Sunehri says don’t dance after him, focus on studies. Saisha says don’t talk like Avni, where is she. Heroine asks why did we come here for outdoor shoot, we have to shoot between chickenpox patients.Mitali says it happens just once in life. Neil says I had it in childhood.

Sunehri says I never had it. KK comes. Sunehri signs DD. Neil asks did you had chickenpox. KK says maybe, I don’t know. Neil says whoever had it can stay here, Sunehri didn’t had it, so DD take her to the hotel. Sunehri slips. DD holds her. She says sorry and goes. KK says you guys are cute. Mitali gets Shweta’s call. Neil says you got busy for an hour now, mom’s call. Mitali answers. Mowgli catches Saisha and says I m Jaan didi’s bodyguard, you can’t go there.

Saisha comes in a nd asks what happened, shall I come in. Avni says no, I have chickenpox. Saisha says you had it before, don’t be crazy. Avni says I have cough and cold too, you can catch it, don’t come closer, your exams are close, take Mowgli along. Mowgli says I was outside, Saisha got me here, I didn’t let superman come in, he had saved us. Saisha says I feel I used to call someone superman in my childhood. Avni says you used to get bad nightmares in childhood, I used to tell you that superman will come and save you.

Saisha checks some clothes. She says one can boost confidence by being presentable, I will dress up and study better, will you sit all day like this. Avni says yes, illness is such. Saisha goes. Shweta asks is Neil is good mood or not.Mitali says he is in good mood. Neil orders medicines for Jaan. Shweta asks is he calling you Jaan, so fast, I knew it, I will tease him now. Neil shouts Jaan…. Mitali smiles. Neil gets Shweta’s call. He makes kada. She asks who is Jaan.

Neil says no one, I will call you later. Shweta says he got shy, I think he likes Mitali, he will smile and live like before. Mowgli says such a bad smell. Neil says its medicine for your Jaan didi, I didn’t see her. Mowgli says I will say how pretty she looks, she has long black hair, she is fair, she has round eyes, she wears glasses. Tara and Sitara come to him. Mowgli says her cheeks are round, she has a mole under her lips. Neil recalls Avni.

Mowgli saying Nilanjana gets scared of many things. Neil says she is brave, she takes care of you all and protect you from goons. Mowgli says she loves us and reminds us that we are perfect family. Neil thinks of Avni. He hears noise and goes out. Saisha offers help. Avni says no. Saisha says you don’t let us help when you are ill, this is not done. Director asks KK to show emotions, that passion when he sings the song. Mowgli asks did you see superman.

Saisha says call him uncle, Nilanjana said you shouldn’t call anyone superman. Neil recalls Mishti. He goes to them. Saisha says nothing and goes.KK sings Bulleya….Saisha smiles. Director says cut…. it wasn’t upto the mark. KK says fine and sings again. Director says you play the role of a singer, whose heart is shattered, bring that emotion. KK says alright. He sings again. Director says one more. KK plays music. Director says I need more feelings. KK says come on KK, yes, once again.


He sings again. Director interrupts again. KK says I need five min break. He goes. Neil comes.KK asks what shall I do, my ex-GF got married, I thought it will be good if I use that emotion. Neil says you didn’t lose your lover, I hope this doesn’t happen with you. KK says teach me that pain to lose someone. Neil thinks of Avni and says sorry, I can’t teach you this. KK says you can’t do this to me, I know you have experienced pain in your life, share it with me, its my 8th take, just help me, please.

Neil nods and says okay, just imagine, you have a fav place where you find peace, think you can’t visit that place now, increase that pain and still the pain of losing love will be higher. Director asks Neil to do it once and show. KK says he is right, just do it for my sake, I will copy it in my style.Neil goes. He plays guitar and sings Bulleya….. He recalls losing Avni in the fire. Mitali and Avni come there and see Neil. KK smiles. He gets surprised seeing Neil. Neil imagines Avni. He goes to her and hugs. They cry. Saisha sees KK.


Avni gets sad seeing Neil. Everyone claps for Neil. Neil wipes his tears. KK goes out. Fans surround him. Mitali says no one should trouble KK. Goons arrive there. Saisha takes a cake for KK. She says its your fav chocolate truffle cake. He says no thanks. She says I felt you did well. He reacts and says I was terrible, I know, Neil is not even an actor, he enacted the scene with much emotions, I m just feeling bad for myself, I m so bad. She asks do you think so about yourself, lets see what nation thinks about you.

She reads people’s messages for KK. KK smiles.KK says I have never fallen in true love, I couldn’t emote. She says I can help with acting rehearsals. He asks really, have you ever done acting. She says yes, I did diploma in acting, I won gold medal two years ago. He says then you must be very talented. She says my mom chooses best for me. Avni makes red marks on face. Neil gets kada for her. She thinks of Neil and cries. She opens the door and sees Mitali. Mitali gets shocked.Neil and Mowgli come.

Avni hides and signs no. Neil asks is everything alright. Mitali says yes, what’s this. Neil says its kada for their Jaan didi. Mitali says I will feed her, I have to interrogate her. He says I have ask many things, shall we…. She says no, this is police investigation and you…. He says I know I m not a police officer now. She says don’t feel bad. He says I understand, give this kada to her. Mowgli says none is allowed here without my permission. Neil says she is supercop, superwoman, she is going to take report about goons, tell her kada is bitter but good for health.

Mitali goes. Neil takes Mowgli on his shoulder and leaves.Mitali asks Avni what’s all this, since ten years, you are staying here as kids’ Jaan didi, you did this intentionally right. Avni says yes, I can’t make you understand. Mitali says you have been hiding since 10 years, why, answer me. Avni says please talk in low tone. Mitali says you took law in your hands, you broke Neil’s heart, how can you do this with Neil, what did he do. Avni says please don’t say this to anyone.

Mitali says give me one reason, why shall I not say this to Neil. Avni cries and says if I had stayed with Neil, Neil and his family would have not been safe, I had to keep him safe, I had to go far from all of my loves ones. Mitali says I want to know everything.

Next: My Identity Monday update



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